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zhào liào
  • care;take care of;look after;mothering;tend;attend to;organize;see to;mind;watch over;ministrations
照料 [zhào liào]
  • [take care of] 照看料理;关心照顾

  • 照料家中的事

照料[zhào liào]
  1. 没有别人可以照料他们的孩子。

    There was no one else to take care of their children

  2. 她帮助照料他年迈的祖母。

    She helped take care of his aged grandmother .

  3. 我觉得照料四个孩子挺累的。

    I found it a strain looking after four children .

  4. 这些动物看上去都得到了精心的饲养和照料。

    The animals all looked well fed and cared for .

  5. 她照料着在水池附近玩的几个孩子。

    She supervised the children playing near the pool .

  6. 动物因缺乏照料而死亡的事司空见惯。

    All too often the animals die through neglect .

  7. 神志并非完全清醒的病人必须时刻有人照料。

    A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone .

  8. 他们有个男保姆照料孩子。

    They have a male nanny for their kids .

  9. 这个周末孩子们要到我们家来由我们照料。

    We 're having the kids for the weekend .

  10. 救护车上的救护人员在照料受伤者。

    Ambulance crews were tending to the injured .

  11. 她照料女儿恢复了健康。

    She nursed her daughter back to health .

  12. 有一位护士经常照料他的需要。

    A nurse attended to his needs constantly .

  13. 他们把孩子留给做换工的照料一周。

    They left the au pair in charge of the children for a week .

  14. 她小时候很虚弱,父母就把她当个病人照料。

    She had been a delicate child and her parents had treated her as an invalid .

  15. 在他们的照料下,彼得貌似恢复了健康。

    They had nursed Peter back to some semblance of health .

  16. 他生病的这些年来,我妈妈一直照料着他。

    All the years he was sick my mother had nursed him

  17. 这家托儿所能照料29个孩子。

    This nursery will be able to cater for 29 children

  18. 这本书提供了一些关于如何照料室内花草的有用信息。

    The book gives handy hints on looking after indoor plants

  19. 照料孩子的重担落在了女性身上。

    A vastly disproportionate burden falls on women for child care

  20. 那个需要长期照料的女人由亲戚们照看着。

    The woman , who needs constant attention , is cared for by relatives

  21. 多年来她一直受到病痛的折磨,都是他在照料。

    For years he tended her in her painful illness

  22. 她迫切地感到要细心照料他。

    She felt a great need to mother him

  23. 在我们的文化里,女孩从小就学着照料别人。

    In our culture , girls are brought up to tend to the needs of others

  24. 他们可以帮忙照料孩子,这样你就可以歇一歇了。

    They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break

  25. 在开罗不断扩张的都市版图内,这些被悉心照料的花园成了一片世外桃源。

    The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo 's urban sprawl .

  26. 身为电视记者的迈克同时尽力照料着一个11口之家。

    Mike juggled the demands of a family of 11 with a career as a TV reporter .

  27. 卡伦·史蒂文斯说在理想的生活中,她非常愿意呆在家里照料两岁半的儿子。

    In an ideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year old son

  28. 44年来,他一直致力于帮助那些穷人、病人、无人照料的人和失去生活依靠的人。

    For 44 years he had ministered to the poor , the sick , the neglected and the deprived .

  29. 乍一看,它就像个传统的村庄:带阳台的两层楼房坐落于精心照料的花园中。

    At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed , balconied houses , set among well-tended gardens .

  30. 他受伤后,迈尔斯夫人照料他恢复了健康。

    After his injury , Mrs Miles nursed him back to health .