
  1. 烟光暗淡,弥漫着浪漫情调。

    The lights were low and romance was in the fair .

  2. 烟光箔片的红外-紫外辐射特性研究

    Study on the Infrared-ultraviolet Radiation Characteristics of the Smoking - lighting Chaff

  3. 一种烟光箔片的实验研究

    Experiment Study on a Optics-Smoke Chaff

  4. 烟颗粒光散射Muller矩阵测量与尺寸、形状参数的研究

    Measurements of Muller Matrices of Light Scattering and Study on the Size , Shape Parameters of Smoke Particles

  5. 目前烟颗粒光散射特征的研究多针对单个凝团,实际上烟雾是具有近似分形结构、基本颗粒数N近似服从对数正态分布、空间随机取向的烟颗粒群。

    Presently , most study on light scattering from smoke particles are focused on single aggregate . In fact , the smoke has a similar fractal structure . The number of primary particles approximately obeys log-normal distribution , and aggregates are in random orientation .

  6. 火灾烟颗粒光散射模型的研究

    Study on the Model of Light Scattering by Smoke Particles

  7. 湖南省生态条件丰富多样,各烟区光、温、水、热和地形、成土母质、土壤类型差异明显。

    The ecological condition of Hunan Province is diverse . There is significant difference in the light , temperature , water , heat and topography , soil parent material and agrotype of each tobacco-growing area .

  8. 火灾烟气中CO和烟颗粒的光声复合探测方法

    Photoacoustic Combined Sensing for CO and Smoke in Fire Products

  9. 遮荫对雪茄外包皮烟生长和光合特性的影响

    Effects of Shading on Growth and Photosynthetic Capabilities of Tobacco Leaves of Cigar - wrapper Use

  10. 因此,烟颗粒群光散射的计算必须对烟颗粒凝团的粒径及空间取向进行统计平均。

    Calculation of light scattering from particles must be averaged statistically in aggregate sizes and spatial orientations .

  11. 研究了不同氮肥种类对香料烟生长、光合速率、产量、产值及香气物质含量的影响。

    Studies were conducted on the effect of nitrogen fertilizer kinds on growth , photosynthetic rate , yield , value and content of aromatic matter of oriental tobacco .

  12. QN-1型全流消光式烟度计有效光路的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Effective Optical Path of QN-1 Total Flow Extinction Type Smoke Meter

  13. 对近期所研制的QN-1型全流消光式烟度计有效光路的测定进行了较为详细的叙述。

    Measure of the effective optical path of QN-1 total flow extinction type smoke meter developed recently is described in detail .

  14. 采用全光照(Lck)与遮荫处理&透光率为71%(L1)、63%(L2)和22%(L3),对雪茄外包皮烟生长发育及其光合特性进行了研究。

    The study examined the growth and photosynthetic capabilities of tobacco leaves of cigar-wrapper use under full natural light ( control ) and shadings at the transmittances of 71 % ( L1 ), 63 % ( L2 ) and 22 % ( L3 ) .

  15. 统一表征发烟剂对可见光和红外的遮蔽能力

    Obscuring Power of Smoking Composition Used for Visible Light and Infrared Wave

  16. 一种解决线型光束感烟火灾探测器环境光干扰问题的方法

    Method of Improving Line-type Infra-red Beam Smoke Fire Detector Ability in Resisting Environment Beam

  17. 基于人工神经网络烟度计有效光路的算法

    Algorithm for the Effective Optical Path of Smoke Meter Based on Artificial Neural Network

  18. 烤烟缓释肥料对烟株根系和光合特性的影响

    Effect of slow-release fertilizer on the root system and photosynthesis of flue cured tobacco

  19. 巧克力很快就会被吃掉,烟会被吸光,甚至珠宝首饰也会弄丢或摔坏,唯有感激的话语是永恒不变的。

    Chocolate is quickly eaten , cigarettes smoked , even jewelry is easily lost or broken , but words are everlasting .

  20. 烟田翻压光叶紫花苕子做绿肥时,应在烟苗移栽前翻压,并适当减少化肥用量。

    When we turned under Vicia villosa Roth var. as green manure in tobacco fields , they should be turned under before tobacco transplanted , and reduced the amount of fertilizer properly .

  21. 烟雾是火灾早期最重要的特征参量之一,火灾探测领域应用最广泛的光电感烟探测技术正是基于烟颗粒的光散射原理进行火灾探测。

    Smoke is one of the most important characteristics of early fires . Photoelectric smoke detection technology , based on the principle of light scattering of particles , has been widely used in the field of fire detection .

  22. 本文从烟颗粒凝团的微观形貌入手,建立各种形貌模型,并基于Maxwell电磁传播理论,围绕Stokes散射矩阵,采用T矩阵法全面地分析了烟颗粒的光散射特征。

    In this work , two kinds of shape models are developed for the smoke particles based on their microcosmic morphologies . The Stokes scattering matrices of smoke particles are analyzed by solving the Maxwell equations through the T-matrix method .