
  • 网络free flap;free skin flap
  1. 游离皮瓣成活率为75%。

    The survival rate of the free skin flap was 75 % .

  2. 前臂游离皮瓣修复全唇缺损

    Forearm free skin flap to repair the whole defect of the lip

  3. 游离皮瓣的平均面积大于带蒂皮瓣的平均面积(P0.05)。

    Free flaps ' average area were larger than pedicled fasciocutaneous flaps ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 通过同一后正中切口(18cm)游离皮瓣行两侧减压及工作通道向尾侧或颅侧倾斜行2~3个节段减压;

    Bilateral nerve root decompression through free skin flap , two and three levels decompression through moving the tubular retractor in cranial or caudal direction were performed with the same small skin incision ;

  5. 腹直肌游离皮瓣修复颜面部凹陷围术期护理

    Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous Flap Used for Facial Deformity and Nursing Care

  6. 游离皮瓣下预置人造毛细血管的实验研究

    Experimental study of putting artificial capillary in advance under free flap

  7. 利用组织工程的方法预制含双面表皮的游离皮瓣

    Prefabrication of free flap with both sides epithelia using tissue engineering

  8. 游离皮瓣、肌皮瓣修复四肢软组织缺损

    Free Flap or Musculocutaneous Flap Reconstruction for Soft-tissue Defects in Extremities

  9. 小腿内侧(胫骨滋养血管皮支)游离皮瓣

    Free medial leg flap with fasciocutaneous branch of tibial nutrient artery

  10. 口腔颌面部游离皮瓣危象的预防和处理

    Prevention and treatment of failing flaps in oral and maxillofacial surgery

  11. 吻合血管游离皮瓣移植后皮肤再扩张的实验研究

    Experimental study of skin expansion of the grafted free vascularized skin flap

  12. 癌性溃疡放疗后游离皮瓣修复病人的护理

    Nursing of free skin grafting after radiotherapy of cancerous ulcer

  13. 足背游离皮瓣移植6例报告

    Free dorsalis pedis skin flap transfer report of 6 cases

  14. 同种异体动脉移植在游离皮瓣移植中应用研究

    A study of the application on ARTERI-AL allograft in canine free flap

  15. 下肢严重软组织缺损的游离皮瓣修复

    Repair of severe soft tissue defects of lower extremities with free flap

  16. 回流静脉对跨越中线的腹壁游离皮瓣影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on influence of draining vein on free skin flap transfer

  17. 游离皮瓣血管危象的监测和处理

    Monitoring and Management of Vascular Crisis of Free Skin Flap

  18. 游离皮瓣血管危象处理的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Processing Microvascular Circulation Crisis of Free Skin Flap

  19. 游离皮瓣移植的早期血运监测

    Monitoring Blood Circulation of Free Skin Flags Grafting at the Early Stage

  20. 耳后游离皮瓣移植修复鼻部分缺损

    Reconstruction of partial nose defects with retroauricular free flap transplantation

  21. 肌间隔血管源游离皮瓣的解剖学

    An anatomical study of free skin flaps supplied by intermuscular septal vessels

  22. 足底内侧游离皮瓣、肌皮瓣移植修复足跟缺损

    Repair of heel defect with a free medial plantar flap

  23. 上臂内侧游离皮瓣在颌面整形外科中的应用

    The Application of Medial Arm Free Flap in the Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery

  24. 游离皮瓣移植修复肢体软组织缺损(附59例报告)

    Repairing soft tissue defect with free flap ( 59 cases report )

  25. 游离皮瓣缺血耐受实验研究

    Experimental study of ischemic tolerance in free skin flap

  26. 术后放疗对游离皮瓣影响的实验研究

    An experimental study on the effect of the postoperative radiation on free flaps

  27. 两个新游离皮瓣在口腔颌面外科的应用

    The oral and maxillofacial application of the two pieces of new free flap

  28. 游离皮瓣移植应用肝素的新规律

    New rules in using heparin during free flap transplantation

  29. 老年口腔癌患者的游离皮瓣修复重建

    Free flap transfer in elderly patients with oral cancer

  30. 游离皮瓣及肌皮瓣修复四肢皮肤缺损

    The skin defect of limbs repaired with free skin flap and muscle-skin flap