
  • 网络Game currency;ISK;Ely;MXB;rxb
  1. 机器已经被捣毁了,这些游戏币还有什么用呢?

    Machine has been destroyed , what currency these games use ?

  2. 在每一个新的等级上,用户都会得到额外的游戏币。

    The user gets a token at the start of a level .

  3. 会是一些游戏币,一些经验值

    it 's a little bit in-game currency , a little bit experience .

  4. 机器被捣毁之后,里面还有一些游戏币。

    After the machine is destroyed , there is also some of the game currency .

  5. 等把这些分数换成了游戏币就可以去兑钱了。

    And so these scores into the game currency you can go against the money .

  6. 游玩时,系统会陆续赠送虚拟的游戏币,最高赠送200枚。

    Play , the system will be gradually presented a virtual game currency , giving up200 .

  7. 你扔给我一个游戏币

    you throw me a token

  8. 每次玩过之后,她都要迅速踢一脚游戏币储存盒。

    After every game , Wendy managed to give the machine a swift kick in the coin box .

  9. 看到这种情况,执法人员不得不多做一些工作,把游戏币清理带走。

    Seeing this , law enforcement officers have to do more to clean up the game away money .

  10. 并将得到300美金游戏币玩艾伦投币游戏机谢谢谢谢谢谢

    And found you 300 dollars credit for play my Ellen slot machines.Thank you . Thank you . Thank you .

  11. 坎托公司的市场基于一个现有可预测的市场基础上,即使用游戏币的好莱坞股票交易所。

    Cantor 's market is based on an existing predictive market , the Hollywood Stock Exchange , which uses play money .

  12. 我们出售是官方正货筹码,无风险,不会因为购买游戏币,而导致你的游戏被锁。

    We sell genuine official chips , no risk , will not buy game currency , which led to your game account is disabled .

  13. 在积分上来看,他赢得了数百个游戏币,于是赶紧俯身取币,准备前往前台兑换。

    The points of view , he won hundreds of games currency , then quickly leaned over to take the money , ready to exchange the foreground .

  14. 听到“哐当”声,平头男子连忙俯下身去,将退出来的游戏币拾起来。

    Hear the " bang when " sound , flat head man quickly bent over , the game will be out to pick up the money to .

  15. 为了便于工作,民警在吧台购买了100个游戏币,开始在电玩城里面侦查起来。

    In order to facilitate the work of police in the bar to buy a100 game coins , began the investigation in the video game inside the city together .

  16. 有时,游戏者可以积累相当多的分数,然后按退币键再将分数转为游戏币,但更多的游戏者则是血本无归。

    Sometimes , the player can accumulate a lot of points , and then press the button and then points to coin money game , but more players are down the drain .

  17. 这时,一名小学六年级的孩子端着一个装满游戏币的盆来到了大型游戏“海魂”旁,然后开始投币玩游戏。

    At this time , a sixth-grade children , carrying a basin full of game currency to the big game " Sea Spirit " next , and then began to play the game coin .

  18. 因为身上带了一把电玩退币箱的钥匙,鸿港电玩城的工作人员怀疑苏某偷游戏币,而把他拉进房间暴打,后经医治无效死亡。

    Because the body with a handful of games coin box keys , Hong Kong City staff suspected of gaming Sumou steal game currency , to pull him into the room and beaten , died after after treatment .

  19. 记者转了一圈发现,不时有玩家俯下身去接游戏币,但并没有玩家拿着游戏币到电玩城前台兑换现金。

    Correspondent in a circle that , from time to time the player leaned over to pick up the game currency , but did not coin the player holding the game to the gaming city front redeemable for cash .

  20. 他首次掌管gamegoods,竟遭遇罕见失败,第二次统领网络游戏虚拟币平台gratispay,去年却卖给了其德国对手sponsorpay。

    Gamegoods , his first , was a rare flop . The second , gratispay , a virtual-currency platform for Internet games , was sold last year to sponsorpay , a German rival .

  21. 第二名:游戏储值币150枚,精美奖品一个,荣誉证书一份。

    Second : $ 150 stored-value game pieces , prizes a , a certificate of honor .

  22. 不过这些被分别命名为游戏账号、游戏币和游戏装备。

    However , these were respectively named the game account , game currency and game equipment .

  23. 虚拟世界的出现造就了各式各样的游戏装备和游戏币。

    The emergence of the virtual world created a wide variety of gaming equipment and gaming currency .

  24. 这些游戏账号、游戏币、游戏装备就是我们在下文将要讨论的网络游戏虚拟财产。

    Game account , game currency , game items that we will be discussed below , the online game virtual property .

  25. 而这些游戏装备、游戏币和游戏账号即是我们此下将讨论的网络虚拟财产。

    The accounts of these games , gaming equipment and games for this coin is that we will discuss the network under the virtual property .

  26. 台湾金管会称,比特币在台湾的使用量不大,只有一些网络游戏供应商接受比特币。

    Taiwan 's FSC said that usage of bitcoin on the island is ' minimal , ' with only a handful of online game providers accepting the currency .

  27. 游戏人物赚取的游戏币可以按一定汇率与真实世界的货币交换。

    Avatars earn an in-game currency called Linden Dollars-money that has an exchange rate and can be traded for hard cash in the real world .

  28. 目前,大多数网络游戏里的虚拟财产都可以于现实中交易,游戏币和人民币有换算公式,虚拟财产损失的计算可以根据市价而得以衡量。

    Currently , most online games in the virtual property can be trade in the real world , games currency and Renminbi can be exchanged freely , the calculation of the loss of virtual property , according to " market ", can be measured .

  29. PC和手机结合的网络游戏是现在流行的游戏运作方式。网络游戏的用户数据、游戏币等各种敏感数据在Internet上传输,系统不可避免地存在信息安全隐患。

    Internet game , combined with PC and mobile , a prevalent game application , its information including customer 's data , game currency is transformed throught internet .

  30. 户外太湿,孩子只好在户内游戏玩耍。在每一个新的等级上,用户都会得到额外的游戏币。

    It was too wet to go outside , so the children had to be contented with playing indoors . The user gets a token at the start of a level .