
  • The Game of Life;NO GAME NO LIFE
  1. 有人说:“游戏人生”我倒是游戏了一回课题研究。

    I 've heard it said ," To play the game of life * " This time , I played my way through a project .

  2. 感觉时间过得真快,没有来得及做些什么,就这么结束了曾经的纯真,就这么终结了游戏人生的年轻时代。

    Sense of time really flies , does not have time to do something , it 's that once the end of innocence , the end of the game of life on such a young age .

  3. 没有批评就不能前进,文学低俗化是中国文学大潮中的泡沫,游戏人生不可取,消遣人生必须有节制,文学必须给人以美感。

    The literature should bring the feeling of beauty to people .

  4. 其实在某种程度上,他仍然在游戏人生。

    In some way , he is still playing at life .

  5. 你必须在这场游戏人生中积极主动。

    It takes being an active participant in your life .

  6. 超级棒。我正处于游戏人生的最巅峰!

    I am having the game of my life !

  7. 游戏人生也好,参军打仗也罢

    You can join the game , fight the wars

  8. 游戏人生,只能被人生游戏。

    If life 's like a film , I should have played it better .

  9. 朱小林的“游戏人生”描绘着市井生活里的无聊感。

    Zhu Xiaolin 's Life of Games depicts a feeling of senselessness in life .

  10. 他们喜欢游戏人生,并且把好几个候选对象放在后院里。

    They like to play games and keep a number of candidates in the backyard .

  11. 对未知的事物有着一股像孩子般永不冷却的热望,以及游戏人生的喜悦之情。

    The unfailing childlike appetite for what-next and the joy of the game of living .

  12. 沙漏中的沙流得如此之快,你却还在游戏人生。

    Hourglass in the sand flow out so fast , You are still in the game of life .

  13. 向一个游戏人生的人提问这么严肃的问题,我真是自讨苦吃。

    It served me right for putting a serious question to someone who has joked his way through life .

  14. 我们得遵纪和耐心,因为这一切也不总是游戏人生和无所事事。

    We had to be observant and patient . It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around .

  15. 谁要游戏人生,谁就一事无成;谁不能主宰自己,谁永远是一个奴隶。&歌德

    Anyone who plays with life will achieve nothing ; anyone who cannot control himself will be a slave forever . - Goethe

  16. 我爱它,因为它让我在生活中牢牢抓住让我活下去的理由,虽然有时候也会不那么理性,虽然偶尔也会游戏人生

    I love it because each day I decide , sometimes gamely , and sometimes against the moment 's reason , to cleave to the reasons for living .

  17. 你必须在这场游戏人生中积极主动,而且你正在驾驭这场游戏,并决定着自己明天前进的方向。

    It takes being an active participant in your life . But you are in the driver 's seat , and you can determine the direction you want tomorrow to go in .

  18. 因此,本文基于TA视角下的游戏、人生定位、自我状态等概念,探索这些因素与人际交往和心理幸福感的关系。

    Therefore , this article will explore the relationship among ― game ‖, life position and ego state which are the basic concept in Transactional Analysis with the interpersonal relationship and psychological well being .

  19. 魔兽不仅仅是一个游戏游戏人生

    Not Only A Game

  20. 露西布拉德肖是Maxis公司的高级副总裁,负责电子艺界公司(ElectronicArts)旗下两款热门游戏《模拟人生》(TheSims)《模拟城市》(SimCity)的运营事务。

    As senior vice president of Maxis , Lucy Bradshaw oversees The Sims and SimCity at Electronic Arts ( EA ) .

  21. 在一项拟在流行的虚拟游戏世界第二人生(SecondLife)中进行的研究中,受试者将观看自己的数字化身打网球,并因为体力消耗而逐渐变得苗条起来。

    In a study using avatars , scheduled to take place at the popular gaming facility Second Life , subjects will watch a digital version of themselves playing tennis and gradually getting thinner from the exertion .

  22. 游戏简介:模拟人生保龄球是一款完美的手机游戏,手机专用的版本!

    The Sims : Bowling is a perfect mobile phone games , mobile-specific version !

  23. 从文化意蕴来看,它消解了传统价值体系和道德观念,以游戏语言写游戏人生,具有鲜明的后现代主义特征。

    On the side of cultural connotation , it dissolves the traditional value system and virtue views . It uses the language of game to write the life which is like game , having the obvious characteristic of post-modernism .

  24. 与其他大多数视频游戏不同,虚拟人生3还有婴儿,这带来了随后所有稀奇古怪的滑稽问题。比如,“模拟人生3”允许用户创建自定义内容,并分享给其他人。

    Unlike most video games , The Sims 3 has babies , a fact that enables all sorts of weird and embarrassing glitches.For example , The Sims 3 allows users to create custom content and share it with others .

  25. 我喜欢游戏文字,但从不游戏人生!

    I like to play with characters , but never with my life .