
  • 网络hands-on management
  1. 通过深入现场调研,在初步掌握轧机振动的基本情况后,采用12通道数据采集系统,对F3轧机进行了大规模的现场测试。

    After investigating on the spot and getting some fundamental information about the rolling mill vibration , we have made a number of field tests on the F3 rolling mill by employing a 12-channel data acquisition system .

  2. 深入现场调研电力机车有触点控制系统的运行情况和存在的问题;

    Investigating movement circumstance and existing problem of the electric locomotive relay control system by the scene .

  3. 通过深入现场的调查、实验研究,对深圳老虎坑环境园的进场垃圾进行物理成分及理化特性分析。

    Through field investigation and experimental research , we analysis the physics composition and physicochemical property of the refuse entering the Shenzhen Laohukeng environmental garden .

  4. 在深入现场调查研究的基础上,概括并分析了一些企业现行的计算和评价方法;

    On the basis of investigation on industry practice some current calculation and estimation methods for technologic economics are summed up from several iron and steel enterprises .

  5. 面对海、陆、空交通运输高风险的行业特点,在每一次灾难性事件发生过后,我们有多少专家深入现场对黑匣子、事件始末进行过反复论证。

    For land , sea and air transport industry , the risk characteristics of each catastrophic event , we have many experts examine the scene of the black box analysis of the entire incident .

  6. 依据这一矛盾规律,在宽专业参观实习中,以拓宽学生的专业知识面为主,同时又逐步引导学生深入现场实习,应用基础知识分析和解决问题;

    In practice of wide profession visiting , widening the range of professional knowledge is put first , and then guiding students to practice deeply and apply rudimentary knowledge to study and solve problems at the same time .

  7. 地震后存在着极易发生二次倒塌建筑物的现场环境,施救人员在自身安全得不到保证的情况下很难深入现场进行侦察或施救。

    Because the collapsed buildings after disaster have great potential to break down again and again . In this case , it is very hard for the rescue personnel to enter into the scene to search and rescue with the guarantee of their safety .

  8. 概算编制的好与否,不仅要依赖技术方案的设计,而且在编制过程中要不断总结、掌握工程造价的动态变化,深入现场了解对其产生影响的因素,收集和了解有关的政策法规。

    Whether a budgetary estimation is good or not , not only relies on technical plan design , unceasingly summarizing , dynamically grasping project construction cost in establishment process , moreover , relies on the thorough fieldwork , collection and understanding of related laws and regulations .

  9. 通过深入的现场调查和室内模型试验,揭示了含碎石粘性土边坡中的地下水渗流管道系统。

    Through in situ survey and model tests , it 's found that there exists groundwater piper seepage system in pebbly clay slope .

  10. 贯彻实践教学规程,认真准备和指导是提高实践教学质量的保证,其中教师不断深入实践现场和实验室是保证实践教学质量的关键。

    Carrying out the regulation of practice teaching , preparing and guiding seriously are assurance to enhance the quality of practice teaching , etc.

  11. 从实践支持考虑,本次研究采用质的研究和量的研究相结合的研究方法,深入教学现场第一线,将该模式运用到实践中进行教学实践的检验。

    In the view of the supporting of practice , we adopted qualitative research combining with quantitative research , and applied the model to practice to examine .

  12. 在世界上第一条商业化磁悬浮轨道交通运营线上,对磁悬浮列车行驶噪声进行较为深入的现场测试,并进行较为全面的分析研究。

    In this paper quite thorough measurement in situ , as well as overall analysis of noise beside the first commercialized magnetically levitated systems ( maglev ) in the world is presented .

  13. 还介绍了国内外对海洋白冠研究的历史和现状,同时指出对海洋白冠深入进行现场观测、经验分析和理论分析的必要性。

    We also introduce the history of oceanic whitecap researchs at home and abroad , and point out that , it is necessary for us to do more on the field observations , empirical analyses and theoretical analyses .

  14. 本文通过碾压碎石回填土中进行的现场大型推剪试验,采用数值方法对试验过程进行数值模拟对比研究,深入揭示现场推剪试验过程的内部机理和土体受剪变化的关系。

    By means of large in-situ shear tests in gravel backfill soils , satisfaction results have been acquired , also parallel FE numerical simulations are used to analysis throughout the tests , the study deeply shows the inner mechanics and soil property changes of shear procedure during the test .

  15. 本文在深入研究了现场总线技术、机器人控制技术及分布式控制技术的基础上,设计了这个基于MODBUS现场总线的分布式机器人控制系统。

    After studied some techniques including advanced Field-Bus , Robots-control and Distributed control , this dissertation uses the robotic controlling technology available and advanced Field-Bus to develop a full-distributed robots-control system based on Modbus .

  16. 进一步深入研究了现场网络的实时通信调度算法。

    Secondly , we dive into the research of real-time scheduling algorithm .

  17. 使得工厂的管理可以深入到控制现场,不仅扩大现场总线的应用领域,而且基本解决过去管理上层与控制现场信息集成的瓶颈问题。

    This can make the management of the factory go deep into the control field .

  18. 在这档节目中我们走访英国伦敦许多有趣的地方,为大家做深入接触的现场专访。

    This is the programme where we visit some of the most interesting places to spend time in London .

  19. 本文深入探讨在现场和市场新趋势中应用的传感器类型。

    This article gives an insight in to the type of sensors that are applied in the field and the emerging trends in the market .

  20. 方法采用现象学研究法,与18位车祸致残者进行深入访谈,现场录音和笔录,将获得的资料进行分析、整理、提出主题。

    Methods : Applying Phenomenological research is basing on analyzing , organizing the taped and witten records of the in-depth interviews with 18 patients disabled from car accidents .

  21. 方法采用质性研究方法,即深入课堂教学进行现场观察,同时对护理专业教师及学生进行深入访谈。

    Methods The qualitative research included field observation of classroom teaching and interviewing teachers and students .

  22. 所谓“超前介入”,是指安排专人提前主动将服务窗口前移,深入企业走访,现场答疑解惑。

    The so-called " advance intervention " refers to the arrange window to forward proactively to service , in-depth company visits , on-site FAQ .