
xiāo fánɡ lónɡ tou
  • hydrant;fireplug
  1. 不要把车停放在消防龙头的前方。

    Don 't park the car in front of the hydrant .

  2. 你不可以将鳄鱼拴在消防龙头上。

    You cannot chain your alligator to a fire hydrant .

  3. 水从消防龙头中喷涌而出。

    Water gushing from a hydrant .

  4. 只有各央行的“消防龙头”才能灭火,但这最终会让货币贬值。

    Only central bank " hydrants " stop runs , but they ultimately debase the currency .

  5. 很久以前,城市里的夏季避暑方法就是故意破坏消防龙头,或者在安全出口打个盹。

    Once upon a time , relief from summer in the city meant a vandalized fire hydrant or a snooze on the fire escape .

  6. 消防队员把龙头对着这座楼浇水。

    The firemen played water on the building .