
  • 网络streamline body
  1. 船体是一个具有双重曲度的流线体,其表面形状通常是一个复杂的光顺曲面,这就使船体曲面的表达和船型设计增加了不少难度。

    The hull is streamline body with double curvature ; usually the shape of its surface is a complex smooth curved surface , which makes the expression of the hull surface during ship design lot of difficulties .

  2. 非流线体分离流动态载荷的数值模拟方法研究

    The Numerical Method of Unsteady Airload for Separated Flow Around Any Bodies

  3. 不良流线体对颗粒滞止浓缩与弥散过程的影响

    Influence of Bluff-Body on Concentration Enrichment Process through Deceleration and Diffusion Process

  4. 流线体外形曲线的参函数表示法

    A parametric function representation for the OUTLINE-CURVES of streamlined bodies

  5. 在任何训练,扔掉出板和进入流线体。

    During any training session , drop the board and get into streamline .

  6. 在定义范围内,任意一个给定的参函数就对应一条流线体外形曲线。

    Within the defined range , a parametric function given arbitrarily corresponds to an outline-curve of streamlined bodies .

  7. 结果表明对薄平板这一类近乎流线体的断面,自激力与振动参数之间能较好地满足线性关系。

    And the result shows that the self-excited loads and the flutter derivatives satisfying the linear relationship as to the streamline section-like thin plate .

  8. 其中参函数由流线体的边界条件决定,反映流线体的边界信息和内部几何特征。

    The parametric function is decided by the boundary conditions of the streamlined bodies and it reflects the boundary information and internal geometrical characteristics of the streamlined bodies .

  9. 本文旨在研究非流线体火焰稳焰器周围的流场以及同向射流产生中心回流区的条件。

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the flowfields around bluff-body flame stabilizer and the conditions under which the parallel a jets in the same direction generate centerline recirculation .