
liú nián
  • fleeting time;prediction of a person's luck in a given year;(in fortune-telling) prediction of a person's luck in a given year
流年 [liú nián]
  • (1) [fleeting time]∶流逝的岁月;年华

  • 似水流年

  • (2) [(in fortune-telling) prediction of a person's luck in a given year]∶相命者指人在一年中的运气

  • 看流年大运

流年[liú nián]
  1. 虽是壹个人的空场,惊艳了流年。

    Although is a person 's vacant place , startled colorful fleeting time .

  2. 逃卜出流言的流年。

    Cannot escape the rumor fleeting time .

  3. 南印度洋SST与南亚季风环流年代际变化的研究

    Research on interdecadal variability of South Indian Ocean SST and South-Asia monsoon circulation

  4. 利用美国NCEP全球大气再分析资料和JONES全球海表面温度异常(SSTa)资料,分析了南印度洋SSTa和南亚季风环流年代际变化的特征。

    The NCEP NCAR monthly mean reanalysis data and Jones & Parker 's dataset which is a combination of land air temperature anomalies and sea surface temperature anomalies are used to study the interdecadal variability in South Indion Ocean SST and the South Asia monsoon circulation .

  5. 如花流年,我欠你一场相遇。

    Like to spend time , I owe you a chance .

  6. 那句我爱你,遗失在流年里。

    The words I love you , lost in the unease .

  7. 新疆河流年最大洪峰流量系列初步研究

    Research on the Annual Peek Flood Series of the Rivers in Xinjiang

  8. 长江源区径流年内分配时程变化规律分析

    Change of Annual Runoff Distribution in the Headwaters of the Yangtze River

  9. 那些看上去爱过的片段不过是流年里的一场意外。

    Those look loved fragment is but an unexpected life .

  10. 生活是变化的进程,是无情的逝水流年。

    It is a becoming , a relentless flowing on .

  11. 河槽调蓄对嫩江下游径流年内分配的影响

    Influence of channel storage on runoff annual distribution in Nenjiang River downstream

  12. 安生于流年,屈命于现实。

    Ann was born in astrology , Qu life reality .

  13. 你,飞逝的流年中唯一的欢乐!

    From thee , the pleasure of the fleeting year !

  14. 印度洋季风环流年代际变化及其与大气环流的关系

    Interdecadal Variability of Indian Ocean Monsoon Circulation and Its Relation to Atmosphere Circulation

  15. 河川径流年内分配不均匀性的量化研究

    Quantification of nonuniformity in annual distribution of stream flows

  16. 每一个遗憾倒给我们的都是凝重的思索,每一个遗憾留给我们的总是流年的感动。

    Every pity leaves us severe thinking and the affection of flowing years .

  17. 你是随秋而逝的流年。

    You are the falling year that autumn brings ;

  18. 迳流年调节若干问题的研究

    Study of the Problems of the Annual Flow Regulation

  19. 汾河水库上游流域径流年内分配时程变化规律研究

    Study on the annual runoff distribution in upstream watershed of the Fenhe Reservoir

  20. 爱,最初的模样,便是需要经得起平淡的流年。

    Love , the initial appearance , is need to withstand simple fleeting time .

  21. 塔里木盆地出山口径流年内分配特征及影响因素分析

    Characteristics and influencing factors of annual distribution of mountain pass runoff in Tarim Basin

  22. 径流年际间变化较大。

    The runoff varies greatly for each year .

  23. 流年诉说不尽我们的悲伤,我们的故事,终成遗憾。

    When not tell our sadness , our story , will find a regret .

  24. 中国东部夏季降水与同期东亚副热带急流年代际异常的关系

    Relationship between the East Asia Subtropical Westerly Jet Anomaly and Summer Precipitation over Eastern China

  25. 摘要作为阎连科的一部重要作品,《日光流年》具有一种标本的价值。

    As an important work of Yan lian-ke , Riguang LiuNian has a representative value .

  26. 每一里路啊每一年,光阴失水流年,我却不能解释这一切。

    Every mile and every year , time and distance disappear I cannot explain this .

  27. 卑尔根气候模式中大西洋热盐环流年代际与年际变率的气候影响近50年中国风速变化多气候模式模拟检验

    Climate Impacts of the Decadal and Interannual Variability of the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation in Bergen Climate Model

  28. 试论《日光流年》索源体结构的意义

    Attempted Comment on Significance of Structure of Original Resources of Novel " Flying Years in Sunlight "

  29. 梧州市、贺州地区各河流年侵蚀模数特性浅析

    Simple analysis of the annual erosion modulus characteristics of the various rivers in Wuzhou city and Hezhou prefecture

  30. 水文统计分析模块通过对年月径流量进行频率计算和统计特性分析,可使用户方便快捷的得到径流年内年际的统计特性及趋势和周期特性。

    Hydrological statistics and analysis module can analyze the frequency and statistics characteristic of yearly and monthly runoff .