
  • 网络functions of law
  1. 皇家放射学会认为当X-线检查是阴性时,MRI,CT,还有闪烁扫描法的作用是等同的。

    The Royal College of Radiology promotes MRI , CT , and scintigraphy equally when x-ray is negative .

  2. 运动员的主观感觉都有明显的改善,离子导入法的作用与皮电组和中药组相比又有显著提高(P0.05);

    Subjective sensation of athletes was all improved obviously and the effect of iontophoresis was improved significantly compared with dermal electric group and Chinese herb group ( P 0.05 ) .

  3. 就目前中药内治法治疗UC研究的整体状况看,仍处在临床研究阶段,对中药内治疗法的作用机制等尚未有较为系统全面的研究。

    At present the research of curing the UC by taking Chinese medicinal herbs orally is still locate at the stage of clinical investigation . And there is not a systemic and comprehensive reach for the mechanism of action .

  4. 探讨了冻融法的作用机制。

    The mechanism of freezing and thawing method was also discussed .

  5. 旅游市场营销课程案例教学法的作用与启示

    Tourism Marketing Case Study of the role of curriculum and Enlightenment

  6. 大学英语读写能力发展中合作学习法的作用

    The Role of Cooperative Learning in College English Literacy Development

  7. 生产过程分析技术中所提倡使用的快速微生物检查法的作用

    The Role of Rapid Microbiological Methods within the Process Analytical Technology Initiative

  8. 重点就现行电力法的作用进行了客观分析。

    Especially , it is important to analysis the effect of the law .

  9. 本文详细阐述了移醅和原池发酵浸出法的作用与功能,并通过生产实践对比出其效果及经济效益。

    Elaborating the affect and function of moving and original-pool fermentation infusion method .

  10. 国企改革后应加强劳动法的作用

    To enhance the function of labor law after the reformation of state owned enterprise

  11. 游泳教学中采用互助式教学法的作用

    Effects on mutual aid Method in Swimming Teaching

  12. 社会变革与法的作用

    Social Transformation and the Function of Law

  13. 对换填法的作用机理以及其换填垫层的厚度进行了讨论。

    The mechanism of replacement method and the thickness of its replacement cushion is discussed .

  14. 行政法的作用主要在于限制政府权力,保障公民权利。

    The main function of administrative law is to confine goverment power , to guarantee civil rights .

  15. 通过模型实验,本文研究了填石排淤法的作用机理;

    The action mechanism of Toe - shooting method is analysed by model test in this paper .

  16. 介绍了行动研究法的作用以及运用行动研究法应用于课堂教学设计的可能性。

    The paper introduces the function of action research and feasibility of its application in classroom instructional design .

  17. 作为社会工作对于青少年问题介入的方法之一,结构家庭治疗法的作用不容忽视。

    As one of the ways in which social work gets involved in teenagers'problem structural-family-treatment should not be neglected .

  18. 而英国学派则偏重历史分析,指出了国际法的作用。

    On the contrary , the English School emphasizes the historical analysis and the function of the international law .

  19. 随着反恐斗争的开展,普通法系国家愈加重视制定法的作用。

    The statute will play a more important role in common law system to fight against terrorism in the future .

  20. 慢性支气管炎肺气虚证血瘀状态及补气祛瘀法的作用机理研究

    Research on Blood Stasis Condition of Chronic Bronchitis with Deficiency of Lung-energy and Functional Mechanism Research of Strengthening QI to Remove Blood Stasis Method

  21. 陪审团在困难案件的审理中具有维护、修改、补充和促进形式合理性的法的作用。

    As a rule , the juries in hard cases can uphold , revise , amend and promote the law that conforms to formal rationality .

  22. 反思中国法制现代化建设中国家法与民间法的作用十分必要。

    It is therefore imperative that we reflect on the functions of the state law and the popular law in the construction of legal modernization in China .

  23. 其中,列队竞争算法的主要作用是实现全局搜索,而梯度法的作用是实现局部寻优,这两种方法的结合,可以使全局搜索与局部搜索达到均衡和统一。

    The main role for the Line-Up Competition Algorithm LCA ) is in global research , while Speediest Descent Algorithm ( SDA ) is in local search .

  24. 在其纠纷的解决中虽然民间法的作用仍然功不可没,但是国家法日益发挥着主导性的作用。

    In the dispute resolution of local community , although the role of civil law contributed , however , the state laws are increasingly playing a leading role .

  25. 指出案例教学法的作用有:促进信息对称,提高学生综合能力,缩短教学情境与实际生活情境的差距。

    Using Case methods of teaching can help to make the information more Symmetrical , improve the comprehensive ability of students , make the theory teaching more practical .

  26. 提高国际气候协议的透明度,兼顾效率和公平,增强不遵约的惩罚力度和加强国际法的作用。

    To improve the transparency of the international climate agreement , to balance between efficiency and fairness , to enhance the penalties of non-compliance and strengthen the role of international law .

  27. 同时,亦可由此对经济法的作用、地位、与其他相关法律部门的关系等基本问题有进一步的认识。

    Furthermore , the further recognition to these essential problems , such as the effect and position of economic law , the relations with other corresponding legal departments , can be made .

  28. 同时,也试图通过分析贸易规则的制定与适用、标准格式合同的制定与适用论证行业仲裁对形成行业习惯法的作用。

    Meanwhile , the author tries to explain , through analyzing the formulation and application of trading rules and standard contracts , functions of the trade association arbitration on forming industrial practice laws .

  29. 茶马法的作用。同时,为了保证榷茶法的实施,宋代政府在茶叶的生产、运销、征税、缉私方面都制定了严密的法律措施。

    At the same time the Song government enacted many severe law measures about tea producing , transporting , taxing , forbidding and so on in order to make the Monopolizing tea law effective .

  30. 我国随着经济的发展,反垄断法的作用日益显现,有效实施反垄断法需要有完善的实体法规范,也需要合理正当的执行规范。

    With economic development in China , the role of anti-trust law becomes increasingly obvious , in order implemented the law effectively , we need sound norms of substantive law , also a reasonable and legitimate procedural norms .