
fǎ lǜ shǒu xù
  • legal formalities;legal procedure;legal process;formalities of law
  1. 房子的买方和卖方办妥法律手续即可交换契约。

    When the legal formalities have been settled , the buyer and seller of a house can exchange contracts .

  2. 血液检查、结婚证、各类表格和繁杂法律手续—-这只不过是冰山一角罢了。

    Blood tests , marriage license , all sorts of other forms and miscellaneous legal formalities - it 's only the tip of the iceberg , friend .

  3. 我们必须履行法律手续。

    We must follow legal procedures .

  4. 扣押扣押财产,尤指通过法律手续。

    To confiscate property , especially in accordance with a legal judgment .

  5. 冗长繁琐且百般挑剔的法律手续。

    A legal process which is long , laborious , and nitpicking .

  6. 直到收养的法律手续正是办完以前。

    Until the adoption is legally finalized .

  7. 对于想在墨西哥买房的美国人来讲,他们关心的另一个问题就是,买房的法律手续以及他们在外国投资的安全性。

    Another concern for many home buyers from the United States is the legal process and the security of their investment in a foreign country .

  8. 托收指示对发生拒绝付款或拒绝承兑时的有关拒绝证书应有具体的指示(或代之以其他法律手续)。

    The collection instruction should give specific instructions regarding protest ( or other legal process in lieu thereof ), in the event of non-payment or non-acceptance .

  9. 对人犯的逮捕只需长官的指令,而不履行法律手续。

    " Do not be too hasty , M. Morrel ," replied Villefort . Arresting of the accused only needs the instruction of senior officer , instead of performing the law procedures .

  10. 有些夫妻拖延离婚是因为他们想在开始昂贵的法律手续之前确认自己决心已定,并且抱有经济复苏会让房子和储蓄升值的希望。

    Some couples are thought to delay to make sure they are certain before they begin an expensive legal process , and in the hope that an economic recovery may raise the value of their homes and savings .

  11. 关于法律诉讼手续和程序的法律

    Law which refer to legal practice and procedures

  12. 代表处的外籍工作人员入境后应当按照有关法律规定办理居留手续。

    The foreign staff members of a representative office shall handle the formalities for residence under the pertinent laws upon entry .

  13. 第七条除非在法律所规定的情况下并按照法律所指示的手续,不得控告、逮捕或拘留任何人。

    No person shall be accused , arrested , or imprisoned except in the cases and according to the forms prescribed by law .

  14. 制造商已按照应适用的法律的要求完成了所有签订本协议所需的法律手续;

    The manufacturer has taken all legal steps required under applicable law to enter into this agreement ;