
  • 网络legal obligation
  1. 父母有法律上的义务确保其子女受到适合其年龄的有效教育。

    Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are catered with efficient pedagogy suitable to their old .

  2. 优秀运动员的社会责任既可以是法律上的义务,也可以是伦理或道德范畴的义务或者角色定位。

    The social responsibility of elite athletes may be either a legal obligation , authority , or an ethical or moral scope of duties or role .

  3. 作为一名ICF职业教练,我承认并且同意履行我对我所教练的客户以及发起人、同事、以及其他普通大众在道德及法律上的义务。

    As an ICF Professional Coach , I acknowledge and agree to honor my ethical and legal obligations to my coaching clients and sponsors , colleagues , and to the public at large .

  4. 此外,环保局同时出台如此众多的管制措施,部分原因是由于其法律上的义务。

    Moreover , the EPA is producing so many regulations at once in part because it is legally bound to .

  5. 即便撇开对这个前英国属地民众的深远道义责任,《中英联合声明》也让英国政府负有法律上的义务。

    Even if one puts aside the profound moral obligation to the citizens of the formerly British territory , the Joint Declaration imposes a legal duty on the British government .

  6. 由于缺乏相应的动机,也没有法律上的义务,参与高端房产销售的一系列人员——律师、会计、经纪商、代管代理、房地产中介、公管公寓董事会和建筑工人——通常对自己职责之外的情况一无所知。

    Lacking incentive or legal obligation to identify the sources of money , an entire chain of people involved in high-end real estate sales - lawyers , accountants , title brokers , escrow agents , real estate agents , condo boards and building workers - often operate with blinders on .

  7. 现代法律上的权利义务观念,其最早形成于奴隶制时代。

    This article considers , as the modern right - obligation notion firstly formed in slavery age .

  8. 他表示,如果我们不能指望他们履行法律上的引渡义务,那就有问题了。

    If we cannot count on them to honour their legal extradition obligations , then there is a problem .

  9. 行政机关在作出行政行为过程中,有法律上的告知义务,应当告知利害关系人行政执法人员的身份、行政行为的内容、当事人的权利等。

    During the course of administrative acts , administrative organ has the legal informing obligation . Administrative organ should inform interested parties of identity of administrative law enforcement personnel , contents of administrative act , rights of parties , etc.

  10. 然而起先作为伦理期待的告知义务进一步成为法律上的具体义务时,由于没有界定一个清楚的界限,或者说规范一个可合理期待的标准,使得实务上产生很多困境。

    Firstly , however , as the ethical obligation of informing further into specific legal obligations , the absence of a clear definition of the limits , or specification of a standard can reasonably be expected to make a lot of practical difficulties arise .

  11. 对于职权立法,地方政府要按照宪法和组织法所赋予的管理职权对当地的具体的情况进行立法,在有关法律上的权利义务方面还是要遵循上位法的规定,不得违反。

    In the authority administrative legislation , the local government should enact to the local specific situation in accordance with the authority endowed by the Constitution , but the legal rights and obligations in the matters still should be according to the high-level law .

  12. 对任何医生,我们都没有任何法律或道义上的义务。

    We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician .

  13. 负载着法律或者财政上的义务。

    Burdened with legal or financial obligations .

  14. 医患关系是指医疗机构与患者之间在法律上的权利和义务关系。

    The relationship between medical units and patients is the relationship of legal rights and legal obligations between medical units and patients .

  15. 除本协议内有关存续期、终止及保密条款的规定外,本协议对于任何一方或其附属机构均不得赋予法律上具有约束力的义务。

    This agreement shall not create any legally binding obligations upon any Party or any of its affiliates except for the provisions set forth herein regarding duration , termination and confidentiality .

  16. 法律意义上的权利和义务就是这种一般意义上的权利和义务在法律领域里的特殊化和具体化。

    The rights and duties in the legal sense are the specialty and specification of the ordinary rights and duties in the legal field .

  17. 任何译文都应忠实于原意,准确表达原文的思想和形式,遵守这种忠实的原则是翻译工作者法律上与道德上的义务。

    Every translation shall be faithful and render exactly the idea and form of the original . this fidelity constituting both a moral and legal obligation for the translator .

  18. 在中国古代,受儒家理思想和宗族制度的影响,法律意义上的权利和义务不是以个人而是以国家和社会为基本对象进行设计的。

    In the traditional China , the right and duty in the legal sense is mainly arranged in the framework between state and society under the influence of Confucianism and patriarchal clan system .