
fǎ lǜ shànɡ chénɡ rèn
  • de jure recognition
  1. 而在奥地利,这是不允许的,尽管也已经准备安排法律上承认同性恋的婚姻。

    Austria does not , although it has arrangements that provide for legally-recognized partnerships between those of the same-sex .

  2. 取得资格证书者即从法律上承认独立执业药剂师职位的水平和能力。

    The man who got the certification is recognized with the independent practice level and ability of the pharmacists post .

  3. 同时,要从法律上承认业主委员会的当事人能力,允许其以自己名义为全体业主谋利益。

    Meanwhile , the committee members have to be admitted by law and allowed to fight for the right of all house owners .

  4. 定义:著作权这个词用来表示在法律上承认作者有权支配其著作,或者有权从其著作中取得利益。

    Definition : Copyright is the term used to characterize the legal recognition of rights to control or benefit from works of authorship .

  5. 我认为,保险利益是被保险人对保险标的具有法律上承认的、确定的经济利益。这个定义中包含了保险利益的三个法律特征:合法性、确定性和经济性。

    We think , insurable interest is a definite economical interest between the insured and the subject matter insured , which is recognized by the law .

  6. 佛教在1983年在奥地利被法律上承认是宗教教派,并且被广泛接受,拥有信仰者2万人(2001年的普查中为10402人)。

    Buddhism , which was legally recognized as a religion in Austria in1983 , enjoys widespread acceptance and has a following of20,000 ( 10,402 at the2001 census ) .

  7. 该报告发布时,日本距离从法律上承认过劳死(即工作过度导致的死亡)现象已有近三十年。这份长280页的报告承认,这个问题形势严峻。

    The 280-page report - published almost three decades after Japan legally recognised death driven by overwork , known as karoshi - acknowledged that its contents made for bleak reading .

  8. 该组织主席、前美国国务卿奥尔布赖特说,在许多国家里,从法律上承认妇女的基本权利方面,已经取得了长足的进步,但仍然不够。她说:

    The chairperson of the alliance , former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright , says women in many countries have made strides towards legal recognition of basic rights , but that progress is not enough .

  9. 本文介绍了泰国1999年11月在法律上承认家庭学校制度以来的实施状况及社会对家庭学校这一改革实验的看法。

    The article mainly introduces the implemention state of family school system since it was approved in law of Thailand in November 1999 , and the views in society on the family school , which appeares as an experiment of the reform .

  10. 阿根廷和哥斯达黎加同样也在考虑对同性联盟予以法律上的承认。

    Argentina and Costa Rica too are considering giving legal recognition to same-sex unions .

  11. 法律上的承认需要基于以下七条原则:

    To be legally recognized , however , it must be based on one of the following 7 reasons :

  12. 在形成权被提出来之前,学者习惯于将法律上所承认的赋予各个权利主体的权利,划分为支配权、请求权和抗辩权。

    Before " right of formation " is put forward , scholars got used to classified the right acknowledged in law into right of control , right of claim and right of pleadings .

  13. 理论探讨与论证的目的是为指导实践,既然虚拟财产是一种新的财产,就应该在法律上予以承认、给予保护。

    All the theories have to be the guidance of practice . As it is a kind of newly-born and self-governed kind of possessions , virtual property need to be adapted and protected by local law .

  14. 虚拟角色的商品化已经成为全世界商业运作中一种非常普遍的现象,但这种现象所凸显的权利&虚拟角色商品化权,却并没有得到法律上明确的承认和肯定。

    It is a rather common phenomenon in global business that virtual character is commercialized , however , right of virtual character commoditization have not been definitely admitted by law .

  15. 在法律上,一方面承认其合法性,另一方面给予其相对于权利较薄弱之法律保护。

    In law , on the one hand admitted its legitimacy , on the other hand , given the weak relative to the right protection of the law .

  16. 过去一直被法律视而不见的同性恋关系现在获得了法律上的承认,这是立法上的一个重要进步。

    " This is an important piece of legislation that gives legal recognition to relationships that until now were invisible in the eyes of the law ," Miss Munn said .