
The private investments in our country are the enterprise corporation 's investment , organization corporation 's investment and natural personal investment , etc.
Stock equity is that the proportion of stockholder who have the corresponding rights and bear some responsibility power or investors to the civil partnership and because to enterprise legal person investment and rights .
Operation scope : Capital Investment Management ;
( e ) It shall not invest in more than one auto financing company .
However , their investment shall be regarded as investment of foreign legal persons according to relative foreign investment laws and regulations .
Along with the development of power system reform , the electric power company is an independent enterprise legal persons and main body of investment , and it is engaged in market activities to achieve the maximum profit .
Corporate entity system is tool of investors to reduce risk and pursue interest .
It is pointed in this article that reciprocal holding means the enterprises ' body make mutual investment and hold each other 's shares with analysis of concept , type and advantages and disadvantages .
Practising responsibility system of project entity and strengthening binding system of investment risk
Investors who have owned stocks or bonds through corporate intermediaries other than qualified investment companies have always been disadvantaged in comparison to those owning the same securities directly .
The changes of all kinds of location factors in different parts of China , such as the time to be open , the preferential policies , the economic developing standards , have made the Japanese investors invest in different areas .
Starting from the definition of the functions of institutions , this paper points out the necessity and possibility of establishing modern institutional systems , such as institutional corporate system , institutional investment system , institutional personnel system , social security system , institutional operating and regulating system etc.
In 1998 , Japan introduced the company-investment fund system called " stock investment legal person ", which has greatly quickened its financial innovation in terms of the variety of funds and , together with the existing contract-investment fund system , promoted the development of Japanese investment fund industry .
The public corporate shares mentioned in these Provisions shall refer to the shares formed with non-State-owned corporate assets being invested in listed companies .