
  • 网络statecraft
  1. 本文拟从墨子所处时代背景出发,通过伦理基础、治国方略、经济建设等方面勾勒出墨子在救治社会的基础上提出的理想社会的主要构成要素。

    This paper from the background of the times Mo through ethical basis , statecraft , economic development and other aspects of society in the treatment outlined Mo made on the basis of the main elements of an ideal society .

  2. 这一治国方略的提出表明了我国治国原则和方针的变化。

    The statecraft proposed that the governing principles and policy changes .

  3. 墨家的田鸠想向秦惠王阐述自己的治国方略,在秦国呆了三年,一直没有见到秦惠王的机会。

    Tian jiu , a Mohist , wanted to express his general plan for governing the country to King Hui of the state of Qin . He had stayed in state Qin for three years , but had not gotten an opportunity to meet the king .

  4. 随着依法治国方略的确立和中国加入WTO,法律基础课教学诸多方面的问题与不足逐渐显现,找出解决问题的办法与对策,是法律基础课教学实践与改革的需要。

    It 's necessary for the practice and reform of teaching of legal basic subjects to find out the solutions and countermeasures .

  5. 实现依法治国方略,建立和完善社会主义市场经济体系以及加入WTO后世界经济一体化的形势,都期待审判能真正体现公正、效率。

    To realize the strategy of rule of law , build the socialist economic system and adopt globalization of the international economy after the entry to WTO . Emphasize the expectation that the trial can actually embody the fairness , justice and efficiency .

  6. 构建社会主义和谐社会彰显新的治国方略

    On the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society with New Management Strategies

  7. 是新中国治国方略的完善和发展。

    It is perfection and development of new China 's state policy .

  8. 社会主义依法治国方略研究

    Research on the Strategy of Ruling Socialism Country by Law

  9. 治国方略的历史嬗变孙子治军之道与现代企业管理谋略

    Sun Tzu 's Methods of Directing Troops and Modern Business Administration Strategy

  10. 他资历尚浅,且迄今尚未公布治国方略,令所有人陷于猜测之中。

    His inexperience and his so far largely unarticulated intentions leave everyone guessing .

  11. 论依法治国方略中的党的领导

    On the Leadership of the Party in Governing the Country According to Law

  12. 加拿大传统治国方略中的中庸理念

    On Traditional Political Style of Canada : Middle-of-the-road Policy

  13. 社会主义政治文明与治国方略的历史共生和现实契合

    Combination of Historic Intergrowth and Reality of Socialist Political Civilization and National Administration

  14. 全球化与穆巴拉克的治国方略

    Globalization and Mubarak 's General Plan for Management

  15. 从政党政治特征和国家治理方式看依法治国方略

    Political Party and the Strategy of Ruling the Country in Accordance with the Law

  16. 税收是依法治国方略的构件;

    Taxation is a component part of the principle of ruling the country by law ;

  17. 要坚持依法治国方略,维护妇女合法权益;

    We stick to managing the nation by law , protect women 's lawful rights .

  18. 法治系统工程:实现依法治国方略的科学途径(续)

    LEGAL SYSTEM ENGINEERING : Scientific Approach of Realizing the Strategy of Governing Country by Law ;

  19. 德治与法治的关系,是回答实现依法治国方略的两种手段和方法之间的关系问题。

    Ruling by law and by benevolent policy is two ways to manage state affairs de jure .

  20. 但很多人都意识到,以现在的构架,自民党无法实现他们的治国方略。

    But many have already realised that the LDP as currently constituted cannot represent their policy ambitions .

  21. 依法治国方略背景下启动的西部大开发战略,必将对当前我国的法制建设产生多方面的巨大影响;

    West development strategy in our country will surely promote the development of the legal construction in China .

  22. 以德治国:新世纪治国方略的必然选择

    Rule by morality : the necessary choice of the style of managing state affairs in the new century

  23. 依法治国方略的确立,法制的日趋完善,使得行政&政策一统天下的格局被打破。

    With the legal construction and the rule of law , the situation of administration has been broken .

  24. 借鉴德主刑辅思想,完善我国治国方略

    Using the Experience of Morality-Guiding and Punishment-Supplementing , and Perfecting the Strategy of Managing State Affairs in Our Country

  25. 实施依法治国方略,构建社会主义和谐社会,是我国面临的时代主题。

    Governing a country according to law and building a harmonious society are the main themes of our times .

  26. 农村问题是中国的革命和建设中最基本的问题,没有中国农村的法治化就没有整个中国的法治化,农村的法治化建设是实现依法治国方略的主要环节。

    The countryside issue is the most basic problem in Chinese revolution and construction all the time . So ?

  27. 最后,我们必须加强法制建设,实施依法治国方略。

    Lastly , we must strengthen the building of the legal system , the implementation of the rule of law .

  28. 《颐》卦反映了周人以农德自重的传统和以农兴国的治国方略。

    The hexagram reflected the tradition of respecting agriculture in the Zhou Dynasty and strategies of prospering the state by agriculture .

  29. 从三代领导核心的法制思想看党的治国方略的发展变化

    The Development of Our Party 's Strategy in Governing Our Country on the Basis of the Three-generation-centred Leaders 's Legal Thoughts

  30. 民生不仅可以指需要具体解决的民生问题,还可以理解为国家治国方略。

    It can not only refer to the specific issues of people 's livelihood , but a strategic planning of a country .