
yóu qì kān tàn
  • Oil and gas exploration;oil-gas exploration
  1. AVO分析是提取多种岩性参数的新技术,它在油气勘探领域中具有不可替代的作用。

    AVO Analysis , a new technique in extraction of lithology parameters , plays an irreplaceable role in the area of oil-gas exploration .

  2. 伊朗KASHAN区块是中国石化海外油气勘探市场的一部分。

    KASHAN Block in Iran is one of the abroad oil-gas exploration task of SINOPEC .

  3. GIS在油气勘探数据管理中的应用研究

    Application Research of GIS in Petroleum Exploration Data Management

  4. GIS是处理空间信息的强大工具,GIS应用于油气勘探中,能够有效的分析潜在资源,发现新资源或扩展现有资源。

    Geographic Information System is powerful to handle the space information , applying GIS to petroleum and gas exploration , which can analyze latent resources effectively , and also can discover new resources and expand the current resources .

  5. 波温12M连续油管车在油气勘探开发中的应用

    Application of Bowen Modern 12 M Continuous Operation Tubing Aggregate to Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas

  6. 进而结合牙形刺CAI与镜质组反射率(Ro)的对应关系,对上述各系的有机质成熟度进行了评价,对本区海相中、古生界油气勘探具有十分重要的意义。

    The organic maturities of Cambrian through Triassic are evaluated according to the correlation of conodont CAI with vitrinite reflectance ( Ro ) . The significance of this study is that it will benefit oil and gas exploration from marine facies of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Units in this area .

  7. 该文以油气勘探开发领域内的信息资源为主要研究对象,在分析了它的多维度、多层次、结构化特点的基础上,设计了一种对已有数据库集成访问的网格构件IAC。

    In this paper , the information resource in the field of oil & gas exploration and development is regarded as main study object . Based on its multi-dimensional , multi-tiered and structured characteristic , a grid component is designed to integrate and access existing databases .

  8. 湘中坳陷海相油气勘探前景再认识

    Reconsideration on marine petroleum exploration prospects in the middle Hunan depression

  9. 研究认为该区深层具有很大的油气勘探潜力。

    This research indicates that deep exploration has great hydrocarbon potential .

  10. 提出了两个可供选择的油气勘探布署方案。

    Accordingly two alternative schemes of oil exploration have been proposed .

  11. 四川盆地碳酸盐岩油气勘探实践与认识

    Oil-gas Exploration Practice and Knowledge of Carbonate Rock in Sichuan Basin

  12. 塔里木中央隆起是油气勘探的重要地区。

    The Central Tarim uplift is an important oil-gas exploration area .

  13. 塔里木盆地塔北隆起油气勘探领域

    Analysis of Hydrocarbon Prospecting Domain in Tabei Uplift of Tarim Basin

  14. 深水盆地油气勘探新领域

    New exploration domain for oil and gas in deep water basins

  15. 油气勘探企业成本控制问题探讨

    Discussion on expense control of enterprises of oil and gas prospecting

  16. 遥感数字图象处理在川西南油气勘探中的应用

    Application of remote-sensing digital image processing to oil-gas exploration in south-western Sichuan

  17. 价值评估理论在油气勘探开发规划中的应用

    Application of Value Appraisal Theory in Planning for Petroleum Exploration and Development

  18. 新一代系统&计算机集成油气勘探系统

    A new generational system : computer integration hydrocarbon exploration system

  19. 油气勘探中磁异常ΔT解释问题

    Problems of interpretation of δ t in oil gas exploration

  20. 实物期权法在油气勘探开发决策中的应用

    Application of Real Option Approach in the Oil-Gas Exploration and Development Decision

  21. 地球化学急变带及对中国南方油气勘探的思考

    Thoughts about Sharp Geochemical Change Belt to Oil-Gas Exploration in South China

  22. 前第三系是中国东部油气勘探的新领域

    Pre-Tertiary : new field of oil and gas exploration in east China

  23. 周口残留盆地油气勘探前景分析

    Analyses on oil and gas exploration prospects in the Zhoukou residual basin

  24. 吐-哈盆地西部油气勘探前景分析

    Analysis on oil and gas exploring prospect in the Western Turpan-Hami Basin

  25. 中国海域残留盆地油气勘探潜力分析

    Potential analysis of petroleum explortation in residual basins of the China sea

  26. 中国南部地区油气勘探战略的思考

    Thinking of Oil and Gas Exploration Strategy in South China

  27. 河西走廊油气勘探的新领域

    New aspects of oil and gas exploration in Hexi Corridor

  28. 勘探成果证实该盆地具有良好的油气勘探前景。

    Exploration has proved that the basin has a great petroleum potential .

  29. LDVR方法在塔里木盆地油气勘探中的应用探讨

    Application of lateral differential velocity ratio method to Tarim basin hydrocarbon exploration

  30. 酒泉盆地白垩纪-新生代区域构造演化与油气勘探

    Cretaceous - Cenozoic regional tectonic evolution in Jiuquan basin and petroleum exploration