
  • 网络impress
  1. 她的头发浓密亮泽,发质好得没话说。

    Her hair was thick , glossy and in tip-top condition .

  2. 没话说,我们是给正大光明地打败的。

    There are no excuses . We were beaten fair and square .

  3. 如果你问她擅长什么,两分钟后她就没话说了。

    If you ask her what she 's good at she will dry up after two minutes .

  4. 这是第一次我看到你没话说。

    This is the first time I ever saw you speechless .

  5. 没话说了?因为我说得有理。

    Nothing to say ? It 's because I 'm reasonable .

  6. 有时候呵呵并不是可笑,只是没话说罢了。

    Sometimes is not funny , just ha didn 't say it .

  7. 你太令人惊讶了,我没话说了。

    You 're so full ofsurprises , I 'm speechless .

  8. 奥莉维亚:我跟你没话说!

    Olivia : I have nothing to say to you !

  9. 他们在一起相处的很好,好的没话说。

    They were so good together , I can 't even tell you .

  10. 这一次继母没话说了。

    For once the stepmother had nothing to say .

  11. 我实在没话说,这家伙配得上这个冠军。

    I don 't wanna have the last word and this guy deserves it .

  12. 所以我只能把自己说得更有钱,好叫她没话说。

    So I just made myself richer than her , and she shut up .

  13. 他帮你简直没话说。

    He would help you in no word .

  14. 我跟你没话说!

    I have nothing to say to you !

  15. 是的,就下载来说,我们网站是好得没话说的。是时候结束节目了。拜!

    Finn : Yes , it 's download-tastic ! Time to go , now . Bye !

  16. 如果你和我能共同合作,就没话说了。

    If you and I can work on our routines together . there 's no teIIing what .

  17. 他们的街道、空气和自来水都干净得没话说,而且人人都酷爱巧克力。

    Their streets , air and tap water are squeaky clean and chocolate is a national obsession .

  18. 因为他不仅歌声完美,就连外表也一样好的没话说。

    Because he is not only the perfect singer , and even appeared to be as good as appearance .

  19. 期待你的新专辑,李焯雄老师的词真是没话说!

    I look forward to your new album , Teacher Li Chaoxiong 's lyrics are too good for words !

  20. 不用说,如今的物质生活是没话说了,但是为什么我总是刻意地让自己保持幼稚和孩子气呢?

    Without saying the material life today is very nice , but why I always wanna keep myself naive and childish ?

  21. 当一个人有星体落入第三宫时,他永远不会没话说,也会像其他双子一样多话。

    A person with planets in the3rd house is never at a loss for words and can talk as much as any gemini .

  22. 客人觉得没话说,便东拉西扯的问一些厂子过去的事,聊得也还算热络。

    Not knowing what to say , the visitor asked random questions about the factory 's past , and the conversation went on fairly well .

  23. 那当然!所有的饮料全是威廉买的单,他这人可真是好得没话说。

    Rob : Of course ! And it was good of William to buy all that food and drink – he 's a good egg !

  24. 他们精心选歌,唱了《明天会更好》,《真心英雄》和《朋友》,这些都没话说,困难之中需要鼓励。

    They carefully selected songs , singing " A Better Tomorrow "," A Hero Never Dies " and " friends ", which are none , the difficulties of the need to encourage .

  25. 让每个人都满意是不可能的,因此,说些让台湾人民可接受、让白宫找不到反对理由、让北京也没话说就足以。

    Satisfying everyone was impossible , so it was enough to say something that was acceptable to the Taiwan people , found no objection within the White House and left no room for Beijing to say anything .

  26. 等她婶婶房间里的灯熄灭后,玛琳就会点一支烟,如果那会儿外面冷,或者收音机不响,或者我们互相没话说,这些都不要紧;

    When the light in her aunt 's room goes out , Marin lights a cigarette and it doesn 't matter if it 's cold out or if the radio doesn 't work or if we 've got nothing to say to each other .

  27. 可能我刚没把话说清楚…

    Perhaps I 'm not making myself clear …

  28. 我还没把话说明白么?

    Or haven 't I made that perfectly clear ?

  29. 要主动交谈,就算他没什么话说,她也得先分享。

    To initiate a conversation she needs to be the first to begin sharing , even if her partner has little to say .

  30. 我还没来得及把话说完他说“停Dean

    and hardly had I got the sentence out and he said , " Stop , Dean .