
  1. 浅谈高强度汽车板应用技术

    Brief introduction to applied technology of high strength automobile sheets

  2. CNG汽车应用较早,技术成熟,已在世界范围普遍应用。

    CNG automobile is earlier putted into business action for maturity of technology , and has been widely used around the world .

  3. 一种在汽车上应用太阳能技术的设计方案

    A project of solar technology application on automobile

  4. 汽车驾驶自动化应用技术研究

    A study of applied technique on automobilism automatization

  5. 汽车轮胎应用新技术

    New Techniques for Auto Tires

  6. 基于ASP平台的汽车产业链应用集成技术研究

    Research on the Application Integration of Automobile Industry Chain Based on ASP Platform

  7. 汽车工业中应用RFID技术的现状与进展

    Advances in Applications of RFID Technology in Automotive Industrial

  8. 工业机器人在我国汽车生产中应用的技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Application of Robots in the Automotive Industry in China

  9. 汽车胶粘剂密封胶及其应用技术的发展

    Adhesives for Automobiles and its Development of Application Technology

  10. 弧焊机器人在三万辆汽车组焊线上应用技术研究

    Application Technology Investigation of Group Welding Lines Using Arc Welding Robots for 30000 Automobiles

  11. 高压气动减压理论及其在气动汽车上应用的关键技术研究

    Research on Theory and Application about Pressure Reduction of High Pressure Pneumatic Power and Compressed Air Powered Vehicle

  12. 通过讨论展示了我国目前镁合金在汽车部件上的应用技术现状。

    By such discussions , current technology situation of magnesium alloys for automobile components applications in China was appeared .

  13. 本文主要对现代汽车电子控制技术应用技术状况及未来发展等方面进行介绍分析。

    This thesis mainly introduced and analyzed the application condition of electronic control technology and the development in future .

  14. 主要介绍诸如加工成形、焊接和表面处理等高强度汽车板的各种应用技术;

    The present paper mainly introduces the applied technologies of the high strength automobile sheets such as press forming , welding and surface treatment etc.

  15. 本文介绍了汽车电子设备现状并分析了汽车应用电子技术的发展趋势。

    This paper introduces mainly the current status of automobile used electronic devices and analyzes the future trends of electronic techniques in automobile applications .

  16. 国产汽车产品缺乏国际市场的竞争力无疑与国产汽车应用可靠性技术的现状有直接的关系。

    Undoubtedly , the lack of competitive ability of domestic automobile products in the international market is directly related to the present situation of the application of reliability technique in domestic automobile industry .

  17. 天然气汽车发动机由于采用缸外预混合的燃料供给方式,导致动力性能下降,这是天然气汽车推广应用中的技术难题。

    NGV engine adopts the fuel supply method of premixing natural gas and air in the premixing chamber out of cylinder , which results in the engine dynamic performances decline .