
  • 网络Car travel;Automotive
  1. 其他人试图改用火车、公交、轮船或汽车出行。

    Others tried to make their way by train , bus , boat or car .

  2. 对许多人来说,乘坐自动驾驶的汽车出行就算不吓人,也似乎是不现实的事情。

    For many , the thought of traveling in a car that drives itself may seem improbable , if not horrifying .

  3. 在工资和美国一样高的欧洲,每个国家的汽车出行率都不到美国的一半。

    In Europe , where wages are as high as in the US , automobiles are involved in less than half of the trips in every country .

  4. 丰田公司认为,汽车出行模式在不断发生着变化,两家公司的合作不应局限于提供交通工具,还应在车载应用领域有所建树。

    Toyota said that as patterns of car usage continued to change , it wanted the collaboration to be about more than simply providing vehicles but to also collaborate on technology such as in-car apps .

  5. 高企不下的进口石油价格可能会迫使政府更进一步限制公众自驾汽车出行;但至今政府以电动汽车代替汽油机汽车的宏伟计划尚未奏效(见另文)。

    The rising cost of imported oil may force the government to do more to discourage road use ; though so far its grand plans to switch from petrol to electric propulsion have gone nowhere ( see article ) .

  6. 《财富》指出,去年,滴滴的打车服务在去年每天减少了国内汽车出行100万次,节约了5亿升汽油,减少了1350万吨的碳排放。

    Last year , car-pooling services from Didi helped reduce total car trips in China by 1 million a day , which saved 500 million liters of gas and cut 13.5 million tons of carbon emissions per day , it said .

  7. 汽车是人们出行的主要交通工具之一。

    The vehicle is one of the important means of transportation .

  8. 汽车提供了出行方便的同时也带来了尾气排放大气污染等问题。

    The vehicle provides a convenient travel but also brings couple some problems of airpollution because of the emissions .

  9. 汽车给人们出行带来便利的同时,也造成了交通的拥堵、事故的频发。

    Cars to bring convenience people trip at the same time , also caused the traffic congestion , accidents frequently .

  10. 同时,乘坐汽车或卡车出行的人们必须花更多的钱来购买汽油,现在的价格已经上升到每升75美分。

    Meanwhile , those traveling by car or truck are paying more for gas , 75 cents a liter ( $ 3 a gallon ) .

  11. 他有一次组织10万名汽车俱乐部会员出行,到邻近上海的杭州吃螃蟹。就连美国婴儿潮时期人士也会惊叹这样的壮举。

    He once organised an outing for 100,000 car club members to eat crab in nearby Hangzhou – a feat that even US baby boomers would marvel at .

  12. 面对日益严重的城市交通问题,国内外各大城市正在积极构建以轨道交通为骨干客运网络,协调配合常规汽车公交等出行模式的一体化公共交通系统。

    To solve increasingly serious urban traffic problems , many large cities at home and abroad are actively building integrated public transport system , in which urban rail transit serves as backbone passenger transport network , coordinating with bus transport etc. travel modes .

  13. 不过,飞行汽车始终是个人出行自由的终极象征。

    However , the flying car has always remained the ultimate symbol of personal transport freedom .

  14. 美国人改换更小,更省油的汽车,而且驾车出行减少。

    Americans are driving smaller , more fuel efficient cars . And they are driving less .

  15. 随着科技的高速发展,汽车已经成为人们出行、工作等活动不可或缺的交通工具。

    With the rapid development of science and technology , the car has become an essential transport for people to travel , work and other activities .

  16. 汽车租赁是滴滴出行的新业务,公司将在明年逐步将汽车租赁服务扩展到更多城市。

    Car rental is a new business for Didi Chuxing , and the company will gradually expand its car rental service to more cities next year .

  17. 然而,汽车在给人们出行、货物运输带来便利的同时,也带来了能源供应紧张和环境污染等问题,并且随着汽车数量的增加,上述问题将变得更为突出。

    However , automobile also bring forth many problems such as the energy emergency and environment pollution whereas it gets many convenient for people travel and goods transport .

  18. 现在汽车已经成为人们出行的重要代步工具,车辆的增加给人们带来方便。同时交通堵塞现象严重,严重阻碍了我国的经济增长和社会发展。

    Nowadays , motor vehicle has become an indispensable means of transport . The increase of vehicle brings people convenience , and at the same time , traffic jam phenomenon is also serious , which has hindered the economic development and social progress in our country .