
qiú zhī
  • seek knowledge
求知 [qiú zhī]
  • [seek knowledge] 探求知识;检查或研究以便获得更多的知识

求知[qiú zhī]
  1. 谈职院大学生求知欲培养

    A Talk on the Seek Knowledge Development of Students in Taining College

  2. 《可兰经》说“求知当去中国”。

    Quote from Al-Quran ," To seek knowledge , go to China " .

  3. 他这个孩子求知欲很强,总是爱提问。

    He is such a curious boy , always asking questions .

  4. 我们应该满足儿童的求知欲望。

    We should gratify a child 's thirst for knowledge .

  5. 她有强烈的求知欲。

    She has a strong hunger for knowledge .

  6. 他把时间都花在求知上。

    He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge .

  7. 他有很强的求知欲。

    He has a strong thirst for knowledge .

  8. 多数孩子都有强烈的求知欲望。

    Most children have an appetite for learning .

  9. 他引用了《全球目录》最终版的封底上的文字“求知若饥,虚心若愚”对这些建议进行了强调。

    His advice was emphasized by the words on the back of the final edition of The Whole Earth Catalog , which he quoted Stay hungry . Stay foolish .

  10. 我会和求知欲不如我的人恋爱吗?

    Would I date someone with less intellectual than me ?

  11. 教育引导学生珍惜学习时光,心无旁骛求知问学。

    The students should be encouraged to treasure their time in school and concentrate on seeking knowledge in an undistracted manner .

  12. Seminar不仅能有效地激发研究生的求知欲,帮助学生充分理解和吸收知识,而且还能激发研究生的创造动机和创造性思维,实现从知识再现型向知识创造型的飞跃。

    Seminar can not only be conducive to understanding of knowledge , but also to inspiring creative motivation and thinking .

  13. 是这种求知与辨识其它,与我们共享这种语言者的能力,从这个角度,必须包含政治,in,which,logos,entails,politics。,但理法与,必须包含的远超过这项能力。

    It is the capacity to know and to recognize others who share this language with us that is the first sense Logos Logos But reason entails or logos entails more than this capacity .

  14. 这就是说,Rhino可能是本系列文章中介绍的所有脚本语言中最流行的一种,因此吸引了众多求知欲旺盛而又见多识广的开发人员的注意力。

    That said , Rhino is perhaps the most popular of all the scripting languages discussed in this series , and so merits the attention of any curious and well-informed developer .

  15. 亚里士多德不是称人类为理性的动物吗,具有,Logos,的生物,并暗示所有的人类,都有求知欲,且想要陶冶他的身心,并过自由的生活。

    Doesn 't Aristotle call man the rational animal , the being with logos , suggesting that all human beings have a desire for knowledge and the desire to cultivate their minds and live as free persons .

  16. 这帮助引起了他的求知欲。

    This helped fo awaken in him a longing for knowledge .

  17. 我以急于求知的精神来弥补经验的缺乏。

    What I lack in experience I made up in curiosity .

  18. 求知者,天使也会为你折下翅膀。

    Angels bend down their wings to a seeker of knowledge .

  19. 还没有火花点燃他身上的求知欲。

    No spark had yet kindled in him an intellectual passion .

  20. 培养兴趣是激发学生求知欲望的关键&动植物实验教学改革之一

    Fostering interest is the key to stimulating students desire for knowledge

  21. 第一,他必须尽力获得知识(求知)。

    First , he must do his best to obtain knowledge .

  22. 可以培养学生分析和解决实际问题的能力,激发学生科学探索的好奇心和求知欲;

    Develop the students ' ability to analyze and solve practical problems ;

  23. 重庆市大学生求知行为调查研究

    A Study on Chongqing University Students ' Behavior of Studying

  24. 美育与求知:音乐教育价值的双效追求

    The Aesthetic Education and Seeking Knowledge : the Value of Musical Education

  25. 作为男人他曾说过求知若饥,虚心若愚。

    As the man himself said , stay hungry , stay foolish .

  26. 独立求知教学的探讨

    Explorative Teaching on the Basis of ′ Seeking Knowledge Independently

  27. 他对求知的强烈渴望驱使他上图书馆。

    His hunger for knowledge drove him to the library .

  28. 他们有求知欲,却不喜欢学习。

    They like knowledge , but they do not like to study .

  29. 求知若饥,虚心若愚&史蒂夫·保罗·乔布斯

    Stay Hungry . Stay Foolish . - Steve Paul Jobs

  30. 任何一个有求知欲的人都知道,人类的知识是没有一样可卑的。

    Whoever strives to know learns that no human lore is despicable .