
shuǐ zhì jiǎn yàn
  • Water quality inspection;examination of water
  1. 加强水质检验、监测。

    Emphasizing water quality monitoring and in - spection .

  2. 为使部队基层用的野战水质检验装置在加工、制造和生产过程中有据可依,以统一全军基层战时水质检验装置,保证监测质量,提高军队饮用水卫生监测水平。

    This standard provides the basis for manufacture and production of the hygienic examination kit of drinking water for the army in wartime to ensure the quality of hygienic monitoring and to improve the level of hygienic monitoring of drinking water for the army .

  3. 水质数据合理性检验方法与水环境管理系统研究

    Research on Water Quality Feasibility Test and Water Environment Management System

  4. 水质卫生细菌学检验箱的研究

    The study on the portable test kit for bacteria in water

  5. 大理学院生活饮用水水质理化检验四季变化情况分析

    An Analysis of Seasonal Physical and Chemical Changes of the Tested Drinking Water in Dali University

  6. 应用蚕豆根尖微核技术,水质理化检验及流行病学调查。

    MethodsVicia-micronucleus test , the hygienic quality of water samples , including physical , chemical and epidemiology investigations were used .

  7. 本论文以太湖流域为例,验证了水质数据合理性检验方法的可行性和水环境管理系统的实用性。

    Take the Taihu watershed for example , the paper has illustrated the feasibility of water-quality data rationality test and practicability of the water environment management system .

  8. 运用季节性肯达尔检验法和区域均一性检验法对左江、右江和邕江的水质趋势进行检验,并进行原因分析,提出水污染防治对策。

    Using seasonal Kendall 's test method and area homogeneity test method , the author tested the water_quality tendency of the Zuojiang_Youjiang_Yongjiang river , analyzed the cause and put forward water pollution prevention and harnessing countermeasures .

  9. 将固定化微生物投加到添加了25%活性污泥的SBR反应器中,在均匀进水水质的条件下检验其活性大小。

    Various techniques were employed to improve the structural stability of the immobilized solid gel . ( 3 ) Put immobilized microorganisms into the SBR reactors with 25 % activated sludge , and test them activity in the uniform influent sewage quality conditions .

  10. 疏浚前后水质配对样本t检验结果表明疏浚前后南湖总体的水质状况没有明显的变化(p<0.05)。

    The result of Paired Sample T test prior to and after dredging showed that the water quality had not been changed significantly .

  11. 本文将星座图聚类、欧几里得距离贴近度、中国近海水质评价及t检验方法结合起来,对广西北海近海水质监测点进行分类、择优布点及检验。

    By combining the constellation diagram clustering and Euclidean distance closeness measure with China offshore water quality assessment and t-test method , Guangxi Beihai offshore water quality monitoring points were classified , optimized and examined in this paper .

  12. 为深化农村改水工作,加强农村供水水质评价,保证农民安全饮水,提供适宜的水质检验技术与设备十分必要。

    It is essential of developing suitable water quality inspection technologies and equipment in order to deepening water reform in rural areas , water quality assessment and ensure safe drinking water .