
  1. 第三、提出开征水污染税的建议。

    Thirdly , the proposed levy of water tax .

  2. 我国水污染税构想

    A Conception of Tax on Water Pollution

  3. 征收水污染税的设想

    Conceptions of Levying Water Pollution Tax

  4. 开征新的环境税税种应该包括:水污染税、大气污染税、垃圾税、噪音税等。

    The introduction of new environmental taxes should include : tax water pollution , air pollution tax , garbage tax , noise tax .

  5. 征收水污染税可以有效保护农村水环境,保障农民的饮水安全,维护广大农民的切身利益。

    Water pollution tax can be levied effectively protect water environment , drinking water security safeguard farmers and safeguard the vital interests of farmers .

  6. 我国制定水污染税应遵循污染者付费、专税专用的原则。

    We should abide by the principles such as " paid by polluter ", " special tax for special use " when formulating the tax on water pollution .

  7. 现阶段建议调整税法中与环境保护的税种,开征如大气污染税、水污染税、固体废弃物税、噪音税等环境税的新税种:确定税收优惠政策等方面来完善我国环境税立法。

    At present proposal to adjust tax system and environmental protection of imposing taxes , such as air pollution tax , water pollution tax , solid wastes , the tax a tax for environmental assessment of the new taxes , to determine the policies to improve our environment tax legislation .

  8. 水资源污染税的征税对象是在我国境内排放污水的单位和个人,采用行业差别的比例税率,在排放阶段进行征收。

    The tax collection targets were the units and individuals who used water resources and polluted in our country .

  9. 新《水污染防治法》对我国治理农村水污染起了良好的保障作用,但是该法并未涉及水污染税制度。

    New " Water Pollution Control Act ," Water Pollution in China in the rural areas played a good deal of protection , but the law does not address water pollution tax .