
  1. 柑橘类水果营养价值高,在全球被广泛种植。

    Citrus fruit is planted widely in the world , with high nutritional value .

  2. 从而验证水果营养成分配方的寒热性。

    From that , we can verify the nature of the composition of fruit nutrition .

  3. 结论:超高压处理是值得研究和探讨的存留蔬菜、水果营养素的一种方法。

    Conclusion : Ultra-high pressure processing is a method worth probing for reserving nutrients in vegetables and fruit .

  4. 水果富有营养。

    Fruit is very nourishing .

  5. 猕猴桃作为新兴水果,营养丰富,被誉为水果之王,以富含Vc和风味独特而深受人们喜爱。

    Kiwifruit is a new fruit with rich nourishment known as the " king of fruits " .

  6. DAD产品特点是膨松轻便,有效保留新鲜水果100%营养不流失。储存时间长。

    The Characteristics of the DAD product are swell and light in weight , 100 percent keeps the nutrition , it can store the fresh fruits for a long time .

  7. 结果表明,Pepino除含有一般水果的营养物质外,还富含Vc和Ca,其果汁没有显著地抑癌作用但可明显地补钙。

    The results indicate that fruit of pepino contains the most nutritions existing in ordinary fruits but it contains rich Vitamin C and Ca the fruit juice can not control animal cancer but can supply Ca to animal obviously .

  8. 至于婴儿,我们提供牛奶、水果和营养饼干。

    For infants , we provided milk , fruit and nutritious biscuits .

  9. 三叶木通果实为我国传统野生水果,营养丰富,果肉乳白多汁,香甜可口。

    Akebia trifoliate fruit is a traditional wild fruit in our country .

  10. 在家庭中能加入各种水果、营养、牛奶面膜中使用。

    This product can also be applied with various top sheet such as fruit and milk .

  11. 让学生认识更多有关水果的营养知识及均衡膳食对人体的重要性。

    Students can acquire more information about the food substances in fruits and their importance to our body health .

  12. 这一研究结果首次表明,加工过程对水果的营养成分有重大影响。

    The results for the first time that processing on the nutritional content of fruits have a significant impact .

  13. 尽管果汁和水果的营养成分近似,然而果汁从胃到肠子的时间更快。文章中提到。

    Fluids pass through the stomach to the intestine more rapidly than solids even if nutritional content is similar , says the paper .

  14. 在我自己的家里,我只有其中两种食品&南瓜籽,我经常烤熟放在沙拉上;冰冻蓝莓,我用来混合奶、酸奶和其他水果作为营养早餐。

    In my own house , I only have two of these items & pumpkin seeds , which I often roast and put on salads , and frozen blueberries , which I mix with milk , yogurt and other fruits for morning smoothies .

  15. 鳄梨是全世界公认的最健康的水果,它营养丰富,含有维他命K,食物纤维,钾,叶酸,维他命B6,维他命C和铜。

    Avocado is considered the world 's healthiest fruit , because of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K , dietary fiber , potassium , folic acid , vitamin B6 , vitamin C and copper .

  16. 山东名优特产水果氨基酸及其营养成分的研究

    A Research for Amino Acid and Nutritive Components of Famous Fruits in Shandong

  17. 梨是我国主栽水果之一,营养价值很高。

    Pear is one of the main fruits grown in China , which has high nutritional value .

  18. 众所周知,蔬菜和水果既有营养又有益健康,但我们不能天天吃,因为他们很贵。

    It 's known that eating vegetables and fruits is health and nutritional , but we can 't eat them every day as they are expensive .

  19. 柑橘是世界第一大水果,果实营养丰富,含有大量对人类健康有益的生物活性成份,如类胡萝卜素、柠檬苦素类似物和类黄酮类物质等。

    Citrus is the first fruit crop in the world . It contains large amount of biological active substances which are benefit for human health , such as carotenoids , limonoid , flavonoids and so on .

  20. 但是,饮食中有些蔬菜总是有益的,我们一天应该食用至少五份不同的蔬菜水果才能保证营养均衡。

    But it 's always a good idea to have some vegetables with your meal because we should be eating at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day as part of a healthy balanced diet .

  21. 富含花青素、类黄酮和矿物质的水果制作的果酱营养价值最好。

    Rich in anthocyanins , flavonoids and minerals , fruit jam making the best nutritional value .

  22. 一般来说,生的蔬菜和水果将包含大多数营养,因为烹饪可能破坏某些营养元素。

    Generally , raw vegetables and fruit will contain the most nutrients because cooking can remove some nutrients .

  23. 每种水果都有他的营养和不好的一方面,比如上火什么的。

    Each has his fruit nutrition and bad , on the one hand , such as what lit .

  24. 为了确保水果富含更多的营养,尝试用一点水蒸或煮。

    To ensure vegetables retain more of their nutrients , try steaming or cooking them in a little water .

  25. 植物营养素色谱带来多彩的生活,健康保险和精选的水果蔬菜的植物营养素有关。

    The phytonutrient spectrum brings to life the colors , health benefits and fruits and vegetables associated with select phytonutrient .

  26. 最近的研究发现,新鲜的、冷冻的和罐装水果和蔬菜的营养物质是大致相同的。

    A recent review of studies found that nutrients are generally similar in comparable fresh , frozen and canned fruits and vegetables .

  27. 这一习惯意味着学生没有摄取到水果和蔬菜的营养成分,这通常包含有大量维生素和矿物质。

    This pattern means that students are missing the vital nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables , which are typically rich in vitamins and minerals .

  28. 越来越多的市民保持锻炼,而且越来越多的年轻人选择多吃水果和蔬菜平衡营养预防糖尿病和心脏病。

    An increasing number of citizens exercise regularly , and more and more young adults choose to balance their diets with more fruit and vegetables to prevent diseases such as heart attack and diabetes .

  29. 据推测,即使这些水果和果汁的营养价值相似,同一食物的半固体状态和液体状态有一定区别也是有一定事实依据的。

    It speculates that , even if the nutritional values of whole fruit and fruit juice are similar , the difference lies with the fact that one food is a semi-solid and the other a liquid .

  30. 研究否定了加工过的水果蔬菜比新鲜水果蔬菜营养价值低的流行看法。

    The research dispels the popular notion that processed fruits and vegetables have lower nu-tritional value than fresh produce .