
  • 网络Gas consumption;Scfm
  1. 前者的比气耗与后者相比要低约6%,燃用LPG的比燃料消耗比燃用汽油时低约9%;

    For rated fuel consumption , the former ones are about 6 ? % less than the engine fueled with gasoline , the engine fueled with LPG are about 9 ?

  2. 主要阐述了5H-1小型玉米烘干机设计中干燥室的物质衡算,干燥过程热量衡算,气耗量、热耗量的计算,燃烧炉的结构及风机的选择。

    The paper study material balance calculation in drying room , heat balance calculation in drying procedure , combustion oven construction and fan selection of small size corn drying machinery .

  3. 降低喷气织机气耗的研讨

    Research and Discussion on Reducing Air Consumption of Air-Jet Loom

  4. 体积法测量气体燃料发动机气耗率和热耗率

    Measuring Gaseous Fuel Engine Gas Loss Rate and Heat Loss Rate by Using the Volume Method

  5. 近十年来,随着天然气耗用量增大,管线钢技术也有了很大的发展,天然气能够安全、经济地输送,管线至关重要。

    In recent ten years , pipeline steel technology also made great development through the augmentation of natural gas consumption .

  6. 在转速不变的情况下,随着负荷的增加,发动机气耗率下降,进气压力升高。

    At a constant engine speed , with increase of engine load , the gas consumption rate decreases and the inlet pressure increases .

  7. 最后,简单介绍了水煤浆的气化理论,特别计算了水煤浆气化时的气耗率(氧气、水煤浆质量流量比)。

    At last , the gasification theory for CWS is stated briefly . In special the oxygen-slurry ratio in gasification is calculated theoretically .

  8. 精确界定油井温度界限值,对回油温度进行自动控制是降低气耗、能耗的有效措施。

    Defining the limit value of oil temperature and automatically controlling the oil return temperature are effective measures for reducing gas and energy consumption .

  9. 介绍气体发动机气耗率和热耗率的基本概念,提出了体积法测量中应注意的问题。

    This article introduces the general concepts of gaseous fuel engine gas loss rate and heat loss rate , and puts forward some problems to be paid attention to in volume measurement .

  10. 结果表明在进气压力不变时,随转速升高发动机功率线性下降,气耗率升高,在高转速时气耗率恶化;

    The results showed that at a constant inlet pressure , the engine power decreases linearly with increase of engine speed and that the gas consumption rate decreases at higher engine speed ;

  11. 对煤泥粒度和雾化特性要求低、气耗率低,且集给料、送风和切换管路的功能为一体。

    The equipment processes the low requirement towards the granularity of the coal slurry and the atomization properties , and its energy consumption is low , and which integrates the function of feeding , blasting and pipeline switch .

  12. 由此表明,旋流蒸汽机械雾化喷油器可以极大地改善低工况雾化质量,具有较大的调节比,气耗量也优于常见的气动雾化喷油器。

    From the foregoing it can be shown that the swirling steam-based mechanical atomized-oil sprayer can maximally improve the atomization quality under a low-load operating condition and has a relatively large turndown ratio with a steam consumption rate lower than that of an often-used pneumatic atomized-oil sprayer .

  13. 本文提供了改进的空间Euler方程推进方法和稳定方法,可有效地计算再入机动飞行器的流场,然而,这种数值方法计算再入飞行器的气动特性耗机时多,经费昂贵。

    A method for solving improved space marching Euler equations and a method for solving time-dependent Euler equations are presented in this paper . They are efficient in calculating flow fields for maneuvering reentry vehicles ( MaRVs ) . However , the cost for the numerical computation is expensive .

  14. 根据表面活性剂对天然气水合物形成耗气量的影响,实验表明十二烷基硫酸钠和烷基多糖苷在水合物形成体系中的临界胶束浓度分别为300ppm和500ppm。

    In consideration of the effect of surfactant on the gas consumption in gas hydrate formation , and through experiments , it was shown that the critical micellar concentrations of SDS and APG are 300 ppm and 500 ppm respectively ;

  15. 传统的气动舵机耗气量测试是由实验人员手动完成,耗时长、精度低。

    Traditional manual measurement system for pneumatic rudder has low efficiency and low accuracy .

  16. 汽车发动机变气门技术的发展已有相当长的历史,但由于采用凸轮轴驱动气门启闭方式配气一直存在高能耗和高污染的问题。

    The development of Automobile Engine Variable Valve Technology has been a rather long history , but the traditional camshaft-driven valve system has resulted into great energy consumption and high pollution .

  17. 液化气消耗泛函混沌优化器应用结果表明,除了液化气耗量/t阳极铜降低了9.20%外,铜精炼炉燃烧状况也得到了较好的改善。

    The application results reveal that the consumption of liquefied petroleum gas per ton anode copper is reduced by 9.20 % and the burning conditions in copper refining rotary anode furnace are also improved .

  18. 其中,脉冲气刀栓流输送系统在运行时,输送固气比高、耗气量低,且成栓方式简单、有效,应成为密相气力输送设计时优先考虑的系统。

    In which the pulse gas-sword conveying system is of high solid-air ratio , low air consumption and simple and effective formation of plug flow during running and is the top-priority system in designing dense-phrase pneumatic conveying equipment .

  19. 针对大功率气体天然气发动机热负荷较高的问题,研究了不同负荷和过量空气系数下的排气温度及气耗率。

    The exhaust temperature and gas consumption rate were analyzed with different coefficient of excess air and spark advance angle .

  20. 稀薄燃烧天然气发动机的各个工况都存在最佳的过量空气系数值,在该值下,发动机的NOx、CO和HC排放及比气耗都较低,排气温度很低,发动机经济性和可靠性最佳。

    Each mode of lean combustion NPG engine has the optimum excessive air coefficient , when reaches the value , emissions of NOx , CO , HC and specific gas consumption , exhausting temperature are lower , the engine has the optimal fuel economy and reliability .