
  1. 其发展历程经历了从一个车间的集体所有制到1994年又转为国有企业,2001年又退出国有变为民有民营的企业。

    At the beginning , it was a collectivity possession , it turn to the national enterprise in 1994 . It establishes a new stock company in 2001 . The fixed assets grew up quickly from several ten thousands to hundreds of millions now .

  2. 目前在公用事业公有民营与民有民营、民营化与市场效率改善、价格管制的信息悖论、改革中的利益协调问题等方面缺乏研究,存在理论盲点。

    At the present , we are less of study on the some domains of this reform , including state-owned-private-managing and private-owned-private-managing , privation and the market efficiency improving , the " information paradox " in the price regulation , how to harmonize the benefits of reform , etc.

  3. 这与民办、民有、民营、民享的温州模式形成鲜明的对照。

    This mode is in sharp contrast with Wenzhou mode where industry is started , owned , managed by the people and for the people .

  4. 民营经济是相对公营经济(包括国营经济和集体经济)而言的,是表明以民作为经营主体的经济学范畴,包括公有民营和民有民营两部分。

    Relative to public economy , private economy ( state-owned economy and collective economy ) is characterized by private as its main body in economic realm .