
  • 网络the lofty spirit of a nation;national spirit
  1. 浪漫派钢琴音乐中的民族魂

    National Spirit in Piano Music of the Romantics

  2. 他堪称现代中国的民族魂,“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”是其文化人格的生动写照。

    He was worthy of the title of the noble national spirit of modern China . The lines " Fierce-browed , I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers . Head bowed , like a willing ox I serve the children " portrayed his cultural personality vividly .

  3. 约翰·麦凯恩(JohnMacain)表示,自己将以泰迪·罗斯福(TeddyRoosevelt)为榜样,因为后者“塑造了一个伟大国家的民族魂”。

    John McCain said he modelled himself on Teddy Roosevelt , a man who " nourished the soul of a great nation " .

  4. 中华民族魂之求索及现代城市之神圣使命

    Exploration of the Essence of Chinese Peoples and the Saint Missions of modern City

  5. 现代骨民族魂自然衣&惠州西湖南门景区设计小议

    Modern Structure , National Soul and Natural Scene & The South Gate Region Design of West Lake Resort in Huizhou

  6. 中国古代城市和建筑中一贯洋溢着人情、人情味以及和谐的民族魂。

    In antiquity , the humane , human touch and the harmony essence of peoples were always displayed fully in the Chinese cities and buildings .

  7. 未来城市大发展、大变化中,这种民族魂的传承形势严峻,道路曲折,前景光明。

    In the future of development and variation of city , the inheritance of Chinese essence will face to serious situations , complicated ways , but bright future .

  8. 人文精神是民族之魂、立身之本。

    Humanistic spirit is the soul of a nation and the base of a person .

  9. 文化是民族之魂。

    Culture is the soul of nations .

  10. 中华民族之魂

    The Spirit of the Chinese Nation

  11. 泰山不愧为“天下第一名山”、中国历史文化名山,“泰山魂”是中华民族之魂。

    It is known as the first of the Five Sacred Mountains and Chinese famous historic and cultural mountain , the spirit of Taishan Mountain is Chinese national spirit .

  12. 世界上绝大多数的民族对魂的存在是坚信不疑的,但各地各民族对魂的理解及其体现形式是不同的,即便处于同一国家其仪式也不尽相同。

    Most peoples in the world all believe that there is the " soul ", however , the understanding and forms of soul are different ; even in the same country , the ceremonies are also different .

  13. 中国青年运动史上具有第三个里程碑意义的一二.一爱国运动已经过去整整60周年,但它那作为民族之魂的精神却将永恒并发展。

    This year is the 60 ~ ( th ) anniversary of the December 1 ~ ( st ) Movement , the " third milestone " in the history of the Chinese youth movement and its spirit as a national soul has survived and developed .

  14. 长征锻造了中华民族精神之魂&长征精神。

    Long march cultivates spirit of long march which is viewed as soul of Chinas national spirit .

  15. 从借鉴与弘扬两方面出发,提出借鉴国际潮流之形,弘扬民族服饰之魂的观点,指出了中国服装企业发展的必经之路。

    This article points out the way that must be passed for the development of Chinese clothing enterprises .

  16. 第二章对送魂习俗的概念作了界定,大致勾画了它在西南地区的空间分布情况,并对一些民族的送魂路线进行了梳理;

    The second puts forward the concept of Soul-sending in advance , roughly delineates its regional distribution afterwards , and clear up several soul-sending roads in some ethnic group ;

  17. 崇高的民族气节是民族之魂,是民族尊严的体现,是民族生存和发展的根基。

    The lofty moral courage is always considered as the soul of a people and the base on which a people exists and develops .

  18. 民族精神是民族丰碑中华魂

    National Spirit is National Monument and the Chinese Spirit

  19. 传统文化凝聚了民族精神的精华,是中华民族之魂,它具有永恒的价值。

    The traditional culture condenses the essence of the national spirits and also is the soul of Chinese national spirits .

  20. 文化最基本的、最核心的价值应定位于建构民族心理、形成民族性格、锻铸民族之魂,即塑造与自己时代相适应的社会主体。

    The basic and intrinsic cultural value should be oriented toward constructing the national psychology , forming the national character and shaping the national spirit .

  21. 国防是民族生存之盾,国防意识则是民族生存之魂。

    National defense is the shield of national survival , national defense awareness is the soul of national survival .

  22. 在中华文化精神的陶冶下,中华民族形成了自己的民族精神,铸造了民族之魂。

    Under the nurture of the Chinese cultural spirit , the Chinese nationalities have formed her own national spirit and founded the soul of the nationalities .

  23. 中华民族传统思想文化是我们的文化之根、民族之魂。

    Chinese traditional culture is the root of our culture , the soul of a nation .

  24. 任何民族都有自己的文化,文化是一个民族的根与魂,是一个民族的资本与资源,是一个民族的生产力与竞争力。

    Any nation has its own culture , which is the root and soul of a nation , its capital resources , as well as its productivity and competitiveness .