
  1. 残疾人就业法规的运行及其功能实现

    The Employment Statute Functioning Of The Disabled Persons And Its Functional Carrying out

  2. 青岛市城区残疾人就业状况调查

    Investigation on Employment Situation of Disabled Population in Urban Area in Qingdao City

  3. 中国残疾人就业保障研究

    The Employment Security Research of the Handicapped in China

  4. 论工会在促进和保障残疾人就业中的作用

    On Trade Union 's Role of Promoting and Protecting Employment of the Disabled

  5. 残疾人就业问题与就业保障政策思考

    The Employment Problem of the Disabled and Thinking on the Policy of Employment Security

  6. 社会转型期残疾人就业问题探析

    Probe into the Problem of Disabled People 's Employment in the Social Transformation Period

  7. 而残疾人就业政策的实施情况对于残疾人就业保障有着重要的影响。

    Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities have an important impact to Disabled employment security .

  8. 高学历残疾人就业与企业社会责任探析

    Analysis on the Corporation Social Responsibility on Employment of the Disabled with Highly Educated Background

  9. 社会转型时期苏州市残疾人就业促进政策研究

    The Policy Research of to Promote Employment of Disabilities of SuZhou in the Social Transition

  10. 第一个实行按比例安排残疾人就业城市;

    It is the first one to arrange disabled employment on the basis of population percentage .

  11. 这种形式下,如何发挥和挖掘促进残疾人就业的公共政策的作用,具有重要的研究意义。

    How to play and mining promoting the employment of public policy function is of great significance .

  12. 农村残疾人就业排斥及对策探讨&以广州市农村残疾人为例

    Employment Exclusion on the Rural Disability and Its Countermeasures - A Case Study of Rural Disability in Guangzhou

  13. 受益于上海市促进残疾人就业的政策,他获得了一份大学管理员的工作。

    Taking advantage of city policies to promote disabled employment , he gained a job as a college administrator .

  14. 残疾人就业意味着残疾人生活水平的提升和社会地位的提高。

    The employment of the disabled means the improvement of their living level and the raise of their social status .

  15. 第三章从简单的劳动力市场供求机制出发,分析我国残疾人就业面临的形势。

    Chapters Beginning with simple labor supply-demand Mechanism , it analyses the employment situation in the face of disabled people .

  16. 到1994年底,全国集中安排残疾人就业的福利企业总数已达6万个。

    By the end of 1994 the number of welfare enterprises mainly employing the disabled had reached 60,000 in China .

  17. 全国县以上城镇中,有劳动能力的残疾人就业率已经超过70%。

    Over 70 percent of disabled persons with labor abilities in cities and towns above the county level have been employed .

  18. 通过对从事残疾人就业服务工作的工作人员及部分残疾人个体进行访谈,获取翔实的第一手资料。

    Through the interviews to engage in employment service work for the disabled workers and disabled individuals , obtain detailed first-hand information .

  19. 投入了大量人力物力,残疾人就业、教育和社会保障等方面工作的成绩尤为突出。

    With the efforts of government , disabled worker and others , China had made brilliant achievements in working with the disabled .

  20. 残疾人就业问题是社会无法避免的现实问题,残疾人就业保障金制度是残疾人就业的重要制度安排。

    Disabled employment is an inevitable problem in reality and disabled employment security fund system is an important systematic arrangement for disabled employment .

  21. 在这样的大背景下,笔者决定尝试将专业社会上作介入到残疾人就业服务中去。

    In this background , the author decided to try the intervention of professional social work to the employment service for the disabled .

  22. 一个社会残疾人就业的状况是衡量该社会文明和发展程度的重要指标之一。

    A social status of the employment of disabled persons is an important indicator to measure the social civilization and level of development .

  23. 各级人民政府应当对残疾人就业统筹规划,为残疾人创造就业条件。

    People 's governments at all levels shall make overall plans for the employment of the disabled and create conditions for their employment .

  24. 职业评估是残疾人就业过程中的重要一环,对残疾人职业选择以及就业起着至关重要的作用。

    Vocational assessment is a very important part of disabilities employment , it plays a vital role in the career choices for the disabilities .

  25. 历经20多年的发展,我国按比例安排残疾人就业制度不断完善,对促进我国残疾人就业发挥了巨大作用。

    After 20 years of development , our Quota scheme system is constantly improving , and promoting the employment of the disabled in China .

  26. 适于残疾人就业培训的三维教材试论我国残疾人教育立法的完善与发展

    The Tridimensional Teaching Material Suitable For Vocational Training of the Handicapped On Improvement and Development of Legislation on Education for Disabled People in China

  27. 而按比例安排残疾人就业,是促进残疾人就业的有效方式,为世界多个国家所采用。

    Quota scheme is an important way to promote employment for the disabled persons , which is using by many countries of the world .

  28. 但当前我国残疾人就业形势依然不容乐观,大批残疾人无法实现就业,政府颁布的相关就业政策也没有得到应有的贯彻和落实。

    However , the employment of the disabled is still hardly optimistic . A large number of the disabled have difficulties to find jobs .

  29. 福利企业作为集中安置残疾人就业的特殊企业,聋人占据一定数量。

    Welfare enterprises are special enterprises for providing employment opportunities for disabled people in which the number of deaf people account for a certain percentage .

  30. 中国采取集中与分散相结合和鼓励自谋职业的方针促进残疾人就业。

    China adopts the principles of combining centralization and decentralization and encouraging seeking employment on one 's own initiative to help the disabled find work .