
  • 网络Monster's Ball;Monsters Ball;Mter's Ball
  1. 《嘻哈帝国》由六获奥斯卡提名的制作人、导演兼演员李•丹尼斯亲自操刀编剧(《珍爱》《死囚之舞》也是他的作品),其娱乐性自是不言而喻。

    Created by six-time Oscar nominated producer , director and actor Lee Daniels ( Precious , Monster 's Ball ) , it 's no wonder Empire is so entertaining .

  2. 好莱坞影星哈里·贝瑞凭借在电影《死囚之舞》中的精彩表现,成为奥斯卡历史上首位捧得影后桂冠的非洲裔美国人。

    " Thank you so much , thank you . " Absorbing Halle Berry becomes the first African American woman to win Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Monster 's Ball .

  3. 他曾主演影片《圣战骑士》和《爱国者》,并在《死囚之舞》中饰演了主人公(比利•鲍勃•汤顿饰演)自杀身亡的儿子。

    He 's had starring roles in " A Knight 's Tale " and " The Patriot , " and played the suicidal son of Billy Bob Thornton in " Monster 's Ball . "