
  • 网络positive-definite matrix;positive definite matrix;positively definite matrix;Positive Definite Matrices
  1. 特征滤波器方法的是基于瑞利商原则,计算一个实对称正定矩阵P的最小特征值所对应的特征向量。

    The method is based on the computation of an eigenvector of an appropriate real , symmetric , and positive-definite matrix , which is called eigenfilter approach .

  2. 但在工程实际中,由于规则数一般较大,在建立Lyapunov函数时,公共正定矩阵P的寻找很麻烦。

    However , when it comes to engineering practice , it is difficult to find the public positive-definite matrix P in the establishment of Lyapunov function because of the large numbers of rules .

  3. 该方法无须寻找公共正定矩阵P,减小了设计的保守性。

    Public Relations The common positive P is not needed .

  4. H矩阵、正定矩阵、正稳定矩阵、P矩阵之关系

    The H , Positive Definite , Positive Stable , and P Matrices

  5. (块)H矩阵与亚正定矩阵

    ( Block ) H-matrices and Sub positive Definite Matrices

  6. n阶实对称正定矩阵在矩阵理论中,对它的不等式研究具有有十分重要的意义。

    In the matrix theory , n-order real symmetric positive definite matrix is important to the study of inequality .

  7. 若对所有n维复向量X都有Re(x~HAx)≥0,则称A为半正定矩阵;

    A is called a positive semidefinite matrix , if for all x ∈ Cn , Re ( XHAX )≥ 0 ;

  8. 一些半正定矩阵的迹不等式及相关的RichardBellman问题

    Some Trace Inequalities for Nonnegative Definite Matrices and Related Richard Bellman 's Problems

  9. 正定矩阵Hadamard积和M-矩阵Fan积的Oppenheim型不等式的改进

    Improvement on Oppenheim type Inequalities for Hadamard Product of Two Positive Definite

  10. Hermite正定矩阵迹的几个重要不等式

    Several important inequalities of Hermite positive definite matrix trace

  11. 半正定矩阵Hadamard积的不等式

    Inequalities for the Hadamard Product of Positive Semidefinite Matrices

  12. 非Hermite正定矩阵与正稳定矩阵

    Non-Hermite positive definite matrix and positively stable matrix

  13. 讨论矩阵在闭凸锥上的最佳逼近及其数值算法,在对称半正定矩阵集上,给出了最佳逼近数值算法的MATLAB程序和数值例子。

    In the case of the set of semi-definite symmetric matrices , a MATLAB program and a numerical example for the optimal approximation numerical algorithm are given .

  14. 正定矩阵Hadamard乘积的行列式估计

    On the Estimations of Bounds for Determinant of Hadamard Product of Positive Definite Matrices

  15. 复半正定矩阵的Hadamard乘积与Kronecker乘积

    Hadamard Product and Kronecker Product of Positive Semidefinite Complex Matrices

  16. 实正定矩阵与Minkowski不等式的再推广

    The further extensions of real positive definite matrices and minkowski 's inequality

  17. Minkowski行列式不等式在广义正定矩阵上的推广

    Some Generalizations of Minkowski Inequality of Determinant over Generalized Positive Definite Matrix

  18. 正定矩阵的Minkowski不等式的推广

    Extensions of the Minkowski 's Inequality for Positive Definite Matrices

  19. 正定矩阵的Minkowski不等式的改进

    The Improvement of Minkowski 's Inequality for Positive Definite Matrix

  20. 正定矩阵的Hadamard不等式

    Hadamard Inequality of Positive Definite Matrix

  21. 关于亚正定矩阵的Hadamard不等式的证明

    Double Asia Auxiliary Matrix Hadamard Inequality

  22. 复正定矩阵的Kronecker积的正定性

    The Positive Definiteness of Kronecker Product of Complex Positive Definite Matrices

  23. 逆M-矩阵与正定矩阵Hadamard乘积行列式的下界

    The Lower Bound of the Determinant for Hadamard Product of an Inverse M-matrix and a Positive Definite Matrix

  24. 正定矩阵Hadamard乘积的Schur补逆的偏序的等式条件

    The conditions of equalities of partial order of inverse of Schur complement on Hadamard products of positive definite matrices

  25. 利用特征根的Lagrange插值多项式,给出了半正定矩阵算术平方根的表示,即公式解,避免了求过渡矩阵的繁琐过程。

    Representations of square roots of semi-positive matrices by Lagrange 's interpolation polynomial , namely formula representations were given , which will avoid the computation of transfer matrix .

  26. 采用隶属函数最大法设计控制器,克服了并行分配补偿法求解公共正定矩阵P的困难,用Lyapunov稳定性理论设计出确保模糊动态模型全局渐近稳定的新型控制器。

    The controller is designed by using maximum membership which overcomes the difficulty in solving common matrix P. A new controller is designed by using Lyapunov theory to ensure the stability of fuzzy dynamic system is insured .

  27. 综述了国内外用于可吸入颗粒物源解析的受体模型的最新研究进展,详细介绍了粗集理论模型、BP网络权重分析、投影寻踪回归、正定矩阵分解和主成分分析等多种方法。

    The latest research progress of receptor models for source apportionment of inhalable particles is summarized . Rough Sets , BP network , projection pursuit regression , positive matrix factorization and principal component analysis are introduced in details .

  28. 算法首先利用版图几何特征,按最小割原理将电源/地网划分成子网,利用对称正定矩阵Cholesky分解压缩子网内点;

    It firstly utilizes the characteristic of layout geometric information to partition the global network into some sub networks .

  29. 利用非Hermite正定矩阵的概念及性质,获得了正稳定矩阵几个新的充要条件。

    Using the notion of the Non-Hermite positive definite matrix and its properties , some new sufficient and necessary conditions of positively stable matrix are obtained .

  30. 1997年Fiedler和Ptak定义和研究了正定矩阵间的谱几何平均F(A,B),并给出了相关性质。

    In 1997 , Fiedler and Pta'k introduced spectral geometric mean F ( A , B ) of positive definite matrixes , and discuss its properties .