
It was its first time using repos to drain liquidity from the money market in eight months .
The central bank typically gauges demand from banks the day before conducting open-market operations , but on this occasion it issued the repos without advance warning , traders said .
Moreover , it used longer tenors for a portion as long as three months instead of the usual seven-day or 28-day duration to keep the money locked up for longer .
In proportion restriction calculation of the preceding item , the guaranty and cash held due to the securities lending transactions and positive repurchase transactions of the funds or portfolios shall not be counted into the total assets .
But , in an effort to limit the number of new shareholders , Facebook is exercising its right of first refusal to buy back its own shares , often assigning that right to an existing investor such as tiger global , the investment firm .
We acknowledge that Apple may have put a ' floor ' in its stock at $ 500 given recent buyback acceleration , but the stock may not outperform from the mid $ 500s simply due to buybacks . '