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gē yáo
  • ballad;folk song;nursery rhyme;rustic song
歌谣 [gē yáo]
  • [folk song;ballad;nursery rhyme] 随口唱出的没有音乐伴奏的韵语,如民歌、民谣、儿歌、童谣等

歌谣[gē yáo]
  1. 这本书读起来像歌谣。

    The book reads like a ballad

  2. 帕蒂·史密斯(PattiSmith)凄美动人的新书《M列车》(MTrain)如同一曲千变万化的歌谣,吟唱随时间、际遇与环境所失去的一切。

    Patti Smith 's achingly beautiful new book , " M Train , " is a kaleidoscopic ballad about the losses dealt out by time and chance and circumstance .

  3. 乐施会访问了一位村民,他说自己并不懂得任何ODu歌谣,而族里亦只有六、七位长者能操流利的ODu语。

    One villager interviewed by Oxfam Hong Kong said he knows no traditional song and that only six or seven elderly men can speak the O Du mother tongue fluently .

  4. 由于没有文字纪录,好些ODu的文化和历史,都是以故事和歌谣的形式口耳相传。然而,这些故事和歌曲亦正渐渐消逝。

    With no written records , some of the O Du culture and history are remembered and passed along through story and song , but these are heard less and less .

  5. 作为中国当代流行乐坛知名度最高的歌手,王菲受到苏格兰双生鸟乐团(CocteauTwins)的影响,并将其另类风格与中国传统的抒情歌谣相结合。

    As the most famous singer on China ` s contemporary pop scene , Wong combines alternative styles , influenced by the Scottish group Cocteau Twins , with more traditional Chinese lyrical ballads .

  6. 她仍然行云削减趋向于柔弱,却有一个额外的力量的歌谣,使他们Alannah重量有明显的改善,从她的上一张专辑。

    Her uptempo cuts still tend to be rather weak , yet the power ballads have an extra weight to them , making Alannah an improvement from her last album .

  7. 羌族歌谣的分类及其社会文化功能

    Classification and Social Cultural Functions of the Qiang People 's Ballads

  8. 张清水的民间歌谣搜集实践与研究

    Discussion on Collecting and Researching of Folk Songs by Zhang Qingshui

  9. 他已经大到可以听懂简单的歌谣了。

    He 's old enough to enjoy listening to simple songs .

  10. 微笑着,去唱生活的歌谣。

    Be smiling , be going to sing the ballad living .

  11. 刍议中国民间歌谣中的文论思想

    The Theory of Literature and Art in Chinese Folk Songs

  12. 羌族歌谣中的爱与恨初探

    Spy on Love and Hatred in Ballads of Qiang people

  13. 徽州民间歌谣的押韵特征

    Characteristics of the rhyme in the ballads in Huizhou district

  14. 不过,我情愿来首歌谣!开始吧。

    I 'd rather have a ballad , though : begin . '

  15. 叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵。

    The recitation of a ballad , an ode , etc.

  16. 快乐的英语歌曲歌谣欢庆会又到了,我们真开心啊!

    We are very excited that the song celebration is coming again .

  17. 我学着舞蹈笨拙的小歌谣我在舞蹈,不行吗?

    I 'm learning to dance dum-ditty-dance I 'm dancing , ok ?

  18. 你认为我知道那首歌谣会很奇怪吗?

    Do you think it 's weird that I knew that ballad ?

  19. 每天跳100下,背诵一些童年的歌谣。

    Do 100 skips and try to remember childhood rhymes .

  20. 听本课的歌谣并学习歌谣。

    Listen to a rhyme and learn to say it .

  21. 徐先生研究的民间文化学领域,主要表现在民间歌谣、神话与鬼话、民俗学三个方面。

    His main research aspects include folk ballads , myth and folklore .

  22. 苗寨:珍藏记忆深处的古老歌谣

    The Miao Stockaded Village : Precious Memory of Ancient Ballads

  23. 《歌谣周刊》与北大歌谣运动

    Popular Ballads Weekly and the movement of popularizing folk songs

  24. 我曾听过一首歌谣。讲的是一个出身低微的男孩。

    I heard a song once about a boy of modest means .

  25. 还有每一个诗人们的歌谣也已成为过去与永恒。

    And the songs of every poet past and forever .

  26. 你有没有听过那首古老的歌谣。

    You have not heard that the first ancient songs .

  27. 劳动歌是由体力劳动直接激发起来的最古老的歌谣。

    The labor song is the oldest ballad directly originating from physical labor .

  28. 传统书写文化视野下的壮族歌谣习俗

    Zhuang Ballads in the Perspective of Traditional Textual Culture

  29. 试论中国古代歌谣的性质及其与社会风俗的关系

    The Relation Between Fork Songs and Ballads and Social Customs in Ancient China

  30. 第一章思辨新学术建设中的歌谣研究。

    Chapter one is about the folk study in " new academia " .