
  • 网络Concept translation;conceptual shift
  1. 质量标准和概念转换的使用对书写良好的代码的审阅非常有效。

    The use of quality standards and concept translation is highly effective for reviewing the code , which is well-written .

  2. 映射服务器通过映射规则提供概念转换功能,Q用于描述和统一多Agent查询系统中的Agent到Agent以及人到Agent的交互。

    The ontology-mapping server provides concept-switching function by mapping rules , and Q is used to unify agent-to-agent interaction and human-to-agent interaction .

  3. 由于该书是用于概念转换的,因此它没有深入地说明具体的Rails概念。

    Since the book is used for translating between concepts , specific Rails framework concepts are not explained in an in-depth manner .

  4. 为了使该思想迅速从概念转换为原型以展示其业务价值,我们将该思想实现为一个SA。

    To quickly take this idea from concept to a prototype to show its business value , we implemented this idea as an SA .

  5. 从原始隐喻到诗性隐喻概念转换法指导诗性隐喻的翻译

    From Primitive Metaphor to Poetic Metaphor Functional approach to poetic metaphor

  6. 建构理念下物理概念转换过程的教学策略

    Teaching Strategies of the Conceptual Conversion with Physics Under the Theory of Constructivism

  7. 经济冲动的法哲学结构及其道德形而上学的概念转换

    The legal philosophical structure of economic impulse and its conceptional transformation of moral metaphysics

  8. 概念转换在图形创意中的应用

    Application of Concept Conversion in Graphic Design

  9. 目的探讨不同证候划分中证候概念转换的逻辑关系。

    Objective To discuss the logical relation in concept transition of syndrome manifestations in different syndrome types .

  10. 最后的综合评价结果基于模糊集重心概念转换为明晰数。

    The fuzzy synthetical evaluation result is transformed into a crisp number based on the center of gravity for fuzzy set .

  11. 提出了概念转换的设计手法,并以某大楼门厅设计为实例,论述概念转换设计手法在室内设计中的具体运用。

    Through the design of entrance hall of a building , the author puts forward a kind of design concept : transforming and discusses how to apply this concept in interior design .

  12. 经验主义主张认识的一元论,认为价值源于实存的结构,而非人为的概念转换;理性主义主张认识的二元论,认为只有通过认识主体的理解才能建立起理性的价值体系。

    Empiricism claims monism which is a view that value root in reality rather than artificial concept , but rationalism insists on dualism which considers rational value system only can be set up by the understanding of people .

  13. 从图形创意的原理与机制、写实与抽象、概念转换几个角度对图形设计的思维模式与方法进行了初步探讨。

    This paper , from several aspects , such as the principle and mechanism of graphic creation , realism and abstract as well as concept conversion , initially discusses the mode of thinking and methods in graphic design .

  14. 也就是把概念结构转换为某个DBMS所支持的数据库模型的结构表示。

    That is mean converting the concept structure to the structure of certain database model supported by DBMS .

  15. BlastX是用于比较DNA序列和蛋白质序列数据库的概念性转换的。

    BlastX is used to compare the conceptual translations of a DNA sequence against a protein sequence database .

  16. 基于并行文献数据库的索引语言概念兼容转换

    Conceptual Integration of Indexing languages Based on Parallel Document Databases

  17. 英语视觉动词:概念的转换和彰显

    English Verbs of Vision : Conceptual Alteration and Windowing

  18. 采用压力线的概念进行转换设计探讨

    The line of pressure in the structural transfer design

  19. 流程定义将流程概念模型转换为特定工作流管理系统能够识别的流程定义语言;

    Process definition transforms the conceptual model into process definition language that a specific WFMS can identify .

  20. 隐喻的动态性特征是指概念的转换,从一个概念到另一个概念的抽象过程,或指转义过程。

    The dynamic feature of metaphor refers to the transformation of concepts , an Abstract process from one concept to another or a process of meaning changes .

  21. 考析林传甲、黄人的《中国文学史》,可以对清民之际“文学”概念的转换有更具体的认识。

    A survey of the two works of Chinese Literature History , written by Lin Chuangjia and by Huang Ren respectively , offers more concrete understandings of the shift of " literature " concept at that time .

  22. 代理理论,代理理论确立了一种有关企业所有权结构的理论,他们在交易成本中加入人的因素、特别是经济人的因素,交易成本的概念就转换为代理成本。

    The Acting Theory , Acting Theory establish a business ownership structure on the theory that they were included in the transaction cost factors , particularly the economic factors on the concept of transaction costs for the conversion agent costs .

  23. 讨论了GPS测量中坐标系统的概念及其相互转换、布网方案的优化设计、数据处理方法的改进、GPS水准高程等问题。

    The concept of coordinate system in GPS measurement and the relative conversion , the optimun design of net arrangement , the improvement of data processing method and GPS level elevation etc. were discussed in the paper .

  24. 因此,设计行为包括将概念数据模型转换为逻辑数据模型(LDM),在LDM中将生成XSD或Java模型。

    Therefore , the design activity includes transforming the conceptual data model to a logical data model ( LDM ) from which XSDs or Java models are generated .

  25. 概念域的转换不是随心所欲的,而是建立在一定的隐喻机制之上。

    The transference of concept field is not arbitrary but bases on certain metaphor mechanisms .

  26. 从概念分析到转换思维方式&试谈古代文学概念的阐释方法问题

    From Concept Analysis to Transformation of Ways of Thinking & On the Interpretation of Ancient Literature Concepts

  27. 翻译时按其词语内涵准确泽准译文词,才能保证信息与概念的对等转换。

    Only the correct translation of words based on their connotations can the equivalent shift in information and conception be guaranteed .

  28. 本文视语篇为翻译的基本单位,将衔接与连贯概念用于英汉转换研究中。

    This thesis is an application of the concepts of cohesion and coherence in the study of English / Chinese translation .

  29. 魏晋六朝时期,自然逐渐从哲学概念领域发展转换为文学理论范畴,并形成确立了以自然为核心的独特文学观。

    In the Wei and Jin dynasty , " zi ran " transformed from the philosophy field to the literary theory gradually , and founded a special literary theory taking " zi ran " as its soul concept .

  30. 本文在分析联邦数据库系统成员异构的特点后,论述了一种基于输入/输出模式和概念模式的转换方法,通过该转换处理可以有效地解决模式异构的问题。

    After analysing the features of heterogeneity for a federated database system , this paper presents a mapping approach based on inport / export schema and conceptual schema , through which schema incompatibility problems can be solved effectively .