
  1. 梦蝶:好,我的潜意识告诉我很多很好的含义。

    Alice : good , my subconscious told me lots of good meaning .

  2. 从三籁和梦蝶看庄子美学思想的特点

    Discussions of the Characteristics of Zhuangzi ′ s Aesthetic Thought from His Ideas of Three Sounds and His Dreaming of Being a Butterfly

  3. 一般人都把庄子梦蝶看作一个美丽而空灵的寓言故事,但梦蝶故事却包含了庄子欲解脱人生苦难而不能的生存困境。

    The ordinary people more or less view Zhuangzi 's dream of changing into a butterfly as a fable , a beautiful , free and natural story .

  4. 《我想牵着你的手》一起去寻找《梦蝶》,然后我们坐在《花满楼》上看《烟花笑》。

    " I want to hold your hand " to search for " Butterfly ", then we sat on the " flowers " look " laugh " fireworks .