
  • 网络accounting management
  1. 护理部实施目标与成本核算管理的体会

    Experience on carrying out targets and cost accounting management in nursing department

  2. 城建集团内部财务核算管理探讨

    Discussion on Financial Accounting Management in City Construction Group Company

  3. 本文重点研究了WEB环境下ERP财务核算管理系统的设计和实现。

    This paper focuses on the design and realization of Web-Based ERP Financial sale accounting MIS .

  4. 最后,指出在医院成本核算管理中成功应用BSC所应注意的几个问题。

    Finally , this paper indicated several key points of the BSCs application in the cost accounting of hospitals .

  5. 最后结合上述的理论研究和技术分析,针对东北特钢集团财务核算管理的特点和现状,给出了基于web平台的erp财务核算管理系统的实际应用案例。

    Combining above-mentioned theories and technological analysis with account , based on the characteristics and the current situations of financial sale accounting system in northeastern special steel group , the applied case of Web-based ERP financial sale accounting MIS was provided .

  6. 本文采用管理信息系统开发模式中快速原型法的进化性原型法和采用Thin-C/S和B/S混合模式构建基于WEB平台的ERP财务核算管理系统,开发了东北特钢集团信息化项目&DTCIMS中的财务核算管理系统。

    By adopting evolution prototype of the fast prototype method to develop the Web-Based ERP financial sale accounting MIS and mixing Thin-C / S and B / S mode to structure the system , developed the financial sale accounting subsystem of DT_CIMS .

  7. 首先简要回顾了ERP的主要发展历程,讨论了ERP的发展阶段、管理思想及主要模块,论述了ERP系统中财务核算管理系统的发展、演变历程。

    The history of ERP 's development , ERP management thought and its main modules are discussed . The development course of the financial sale accounting subsystem is expounded , which is regarded as the key module and the key function of ERP system .

  8. 强化装备实物资产计价核算管理优化军队资源配置

    Enhancing the management of weaponry assets and optimizing troops resources allocation

  9. 护理部在医院成本核算管理中的作用

    The function of nursing department in hospital 's cost-accounting management

  10. 军队医院手术室推行全成本核算管理体会

    Experience of using all-cost assessment management on operating room in Army hospital

  11. 构建医院成本核算管理信息平台提升卫生经济管理水平

    Constructing hospital cost accounting management information platform to promote health economic management level

  12. 成本核算管理系统的通用性研究

    Study on currency feature of cost measure management system

  13. 高校财会核算管理研究

    A Study on the Management of Finance and Account of Colleges and Universities

  14. 负责零售店铺库存及销售的核算管理;

    Focus on retail shop inventory and sales control ;

  15. 论如何完善住房公积金财务核算管理

    Discussion on How to Improve the Financial Accounting of Housing Provident Fund Management

  16. 美国银行界资产较大的银行相继将作业成本法应用在银行成本核算管理中。

    American banking is continuously applying ABC in the bank cost check management .

  17. 医疗设备成本核算管理系统的开发应用

    Medical Equipment Costing the Development and Application Management System

  18. 计算机辅助企业固定资产核算管理

    The Computer-aided audit Management of Enterprise Fixed Estate

  19. 华西医院科室成本核算管理的改革与实践

    The reform and practice on working out department / section cost in Huaxi hospital

  20. 财务核算管理中的IC卡应用技术

    Development Technology Of the IC Card ' Application in the Management Of Financing Accounting

  21. 资金核算管理是大型引水工程资金管理不可缺的一个环节。

    Fund accounting management is an indispensable link in the large water diversion projects .

  22. 班组核算管理系统的设计与应用

    The Design of The Group Account Management System

  23. 深化核算管理一体化改革,创新柜面服务模式;

    Deepen the integrated reform of accounting management ; create new counter service models ;

  24. 军队疗养院全成本核算管理信息平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Management Information Platform for Overall-cost Accounting Used in A Military Sanatorium

  25. 浅谈信息化技术在消毒供应室核算管理中的应用

    Discussion the Application of the Information Technology about Accounting Management in the Sterile Supply Room

  26. 施工机械的经济核算管理

    Economic Accounting Management of Construction Machinery

  27. 《军队医院医疗成本核算管理办法》的做法与效果

    Practice and outcome in the implementation of Managerial Measures for Medical Cost Accounting in PLA Hospitals

  28. 方法实施企业管理:(1)科室收支成本核算管理控制。

    Methods Business management was implemented including : ( 1 ) cost accounting in the operation room ;

  29. 军队医院成本核算管理日益为总部职能部门所关注。目前,主要问题有成本核算方法不规范;

    The function department of headquarters pays more and more attentions to cost accounting of military hospital .

  30. 为适应新的经营管理体制,需要对现有的财会核算管理体制及流程重新再造。

    To adapt new business management system , the existing financial accounting management system and procedure need rebuilding .