
biāo dìng
  • calibration;calibrate;standardization;demarcate
标定 [biāo dìng]
  • (1) [demarcate]∶勘测以确定[边界线]

  • 标定边界线

  • (2) [calibrate]∶确定或测定容量、刻度或校准刻度

  • (3) [standardization]∶规定以某个数值或型号为标准或符合规定标准的

  • 标定型自行车

标定[biāo dìng]
  1. 笔者采用碳酸盐(特别是CO2)含量来标定磷矿石的风化强度。

    The authors use the carbonate content ( esp. the CO_2 content ) to demarcate the weathering intensity of phosphorus ores .

  2. 利用全球定位系统(GPS),结合地理信息数据进行实况调查,建立卫星影像分类解释依据,标定土地利用类型;

    And using global positioning system ( GPS ), with some geographic information data , we have had filed survey to demarcate the classification image .

  3. 这些螺丝是用毫米标定大小的。

    The screws are sized in millimetres .

  4. 抽烟时吸入的尼古丁和一氧化碳都已经被标定为致病因素。

    Both nicotine and carbon monoxide inhaled with cigarette smoking have been incriminated as causative factors .

  5. 现在对于距一标定过的地震仪任何距离处的任何一个地震,都可用一个震级确定之。

    Any earthquake at any distance from a calibrated seismograph is nowadays assigned a magnitude .

  6. 露点湿度计可提供湿度的绝对量测值,因此它基本上是自动标定的

    Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating .

  7. 寻北系统陀螺仪与g有关项漂移的场地标定

    Calibration of Gyro Drift Related to g Acceleration in the Field

  8. 工业过程pH值检测中的电极标定

    The Calibration of pH Electrode in the Industrial Process

  9. 用于计算机辅助肺穿的X射线机标定方法

    X-ray device calibration method for computer aided lung puncture

  10. A、B标定值对盲孔法测定焊接残余应力精度的影响

    The Influence of Calibration Value A , B on the Measuring Accuracy of Residual Stresses by Hole-drilling Technique

  11. 电控单体泵柴油机关键MAP的匹配与标定

    Matching and Calibration of the Key MAP for Diesel Engines with Electronic Control Unit Pump System

  12. 科学级光学CCD谱响应与面均匀性标定方法

    Calibration of spectrum phototonus and surface uniformity for optical CCD system

  13. 一种基于MATLAB的摄象机标定方法的实现

    A CCD camera calibration method based on MATLAB

  14. 窄束X射线半价层测量法标定电子直线加速器的能量

    Calibration of the Energy of an Electron Linac by Measuring the Narrow-beam X-ray Half-value Layer

  15. 基于MATLAB实现传感器静态标定

    Static Calibration of Sensor Based on Matlab

  16. 空间CCD相机辐射标定方法的应用研究

    Radiometric Calibration of the Space CCD Camera

  17. VS型垂直摆倾斜仪的安装调试与标定要点

    Keys of installing and Regulating Model vs tiltmeter

  18. PZT相移系统及其标定方法的研究与应用

    Research and Application of PZT Phase Shifting System and Calibration Method

  19. 对系统进行标定计算,指出标定参数等效焦距f,两摄像机光心的距离d,这些参数为系统内部参数,可以通过相对不同的世界坐标进行标定,即相对标定。

    These parameters is the internal parameters in the system , and can be calibrated through different world coordinates .

  20. 本文采用脉冲X射线源对光电管CeF3探测器的灵敏度进行了实验标定,得出了CeF3闪烁探测器对X射线的电荷灵敏度。

    This paper describes the calibration of the sensitivity of CeF_3 scintillation detector with phototube , using СГС - 67 X pulse-source .

  21. 介绍PSD工作原理、标定原理;

    PSD work principle and calibration methods are introduced .

  22. 应用于某原子力显微镜的标定软件中,使扫描图像的xy表面失真度从7.2%降至2.44%。

    The experiment of calibration of an atom force microscope ( AFM ) shows that x-y plane distortion degree decrease from 7.2 % to 2.44 % .

  23. 0.5mm金刚石X射线相位延迟板及偏振度的标定

    0.5 mm Diamond Crystal for X-Ray Phase Retarder and Determination Its Polarimetry

  24. 同一进气动压,标定转速下所生成的CO,HC要多于最大转矩转速情况;

    Increasing appropriately the inlet air pressure under the same rotation speed could decrease the emission quantities of CO , HC .

  25. Stewart平台机构标定的鸡尾酒法

    Cocktail method for Stewart platform calibration

  26. 基于CCP协议的电控发动机标定系统CAN通信模块的研发

    Research of CAN Communication Module Based on CCP for Calibration System of Electronically Controlled Engine

  27. 应用VB、VC、汇编等语言开发了数据采集软件系统,并设计出了静态标定系统。

    The data-collection system is developed via VB , VC and assembly language . The static calibration system is developed at one time .

  28. 结构模态迁移诊断方法客观地反映了井架整体结构状态,现场应用表明,该方法对车载井架、K形和塔形井架的安全承载能力标定可靠,效果良好。

    The field tests show that it is reliable and effective to determinate the safe load carrying ability of truck-mounted derrick , K-shaped and tower-shaped derricks using this method .

  29. 通过实际AMT控制单元开发应用,验证了标定系统的性能。

    The functions of the system are tested in the application of a AMT control unit development .

  30. 通过对标定RAM区的标定参数进行在线标定,修改后的标定参数将直接应用于下一循环的控制策略计算,实现了真正意义上的在线标定。

    Consequently , the calibration parameters in calibration RAM can be calibrated online and applied immediately by the next cycle of main program .