
  • 网络standard normal distribution;standardized normal distribution
  1. 对标准正态分布函数公式进行恒等变形,再用变步长法计算正态分布函数值,并用VB6.0完成该函数计算功能模块的程序设计。

    This paper firstly describes the equivalent transformation of standard normal distribution function , then calculates the function value by using the method of changing step length , and lastly gives out the flow chart and program written in Visual Basic .

  2. 标准正态分布函数的拟合方法

    The Fitting Method for Standard Normal Distribution

  3. 没有基变换时的指数分布和标准正态分布的k值均小于0.5,它们对随机参量的逻辑值呈偏小估计。

    And k is smaller than 0.5 for exponential distributions and normal distributions without radix conversion , which means the smaller logic values of random parameters .

  4. 用C/Cu复合材料与45钢在无润滑条件下进行磨损试验,统计分析试验数据.得出无润滑摩擦副材料磨损率服从标准正态分布。

    On the basis of the wear test of C / Cu composite material we know that the wear rate of an unlubricated pair of friction obeys normal distribution .

  5. 分析了基于标准正态分布(SND)的去季节性波动方法,提出了结合SND和GM(1,1)模型建立的SND-GM(1,1)混合模型的方法;

    Analysising the standard normal distribution ( SND ) based deseasonalization method , proposing the combined SND and GM ( 1,1 ) model ;

  6. 设X是一个服从标准正态分布的随机变量,即X~N(0,1),本文给出两类非线性函数f(x),使得f(X)仍然服从标准正态分布。

    Let X be a standard normal random variable . This paper gives two classes of nonlinear functions f ( x ) with the properties that f ( X ) is also a normally distributed random variable .

  7. 该方法使用Johnson变换把并行子任务的执行时间分布变换成标准正态分布,然后利用正态分布的性质预测并行执行时间。

    Johnson system is used for transforming random variable of execution time of parallel sub-tasks into standard normal variable . Then prediction time is derived by using features of the normal distribution .

  8. 一是对原始图像作整体DCT变换后在低频分量上嵌入水印,水印是一符合标准正态分布的随机序列;

    The first algorithm is that watermark is embedded in lower frequency part after an original image has been transformed based on DCT and the watermark is a random sequence according to standard normal distribution .

  9. 本文建议评定水泥混凝土设计强度时,应把公式右端的0.85R改为CR。左端应查t(n&1)分布表,而不按规范规定的查标准正态分布表。

    This paper suggests that the term 0 . 85R in the right of formula should be changed by CR in evaluating cement concrete strength , the left should be consulted t ( n-1 ) distribution chart in stead of normal distribution chart .

  10. 经过这些比较后,本文在第四章选择Box-Muller法来对均匀分布随机数进行标准正态分布变量的抽样。

    After these comparisons , in the fourth chapter , the Box-Muller method will be chosen to sample the standard normal variables of the uniformly distributed random numbers .

  11. 依据平稳随机过程&高斯过程的相关性质,利用其自协方差函数和TEC时间系列,构建了独立同标准正态分布的观测样本,并利用x~2假设检验的方法来探测电离层异常现象。

    Based on this fact , here we made use of the time series of TEC and the auto-covariance function of the stationary process to construct independent identical distribution Gauss sample so that the X ~ 2 test can be used to detect the abnormity hidden in the sequence .

  12. 关于t分布的极限分布为标准正态分布的证明

    Proof of Limited Distribution of t Distribution is Standardized Normal Distribution

  13. 堵塞恢复时间服从标准正态分布的旅行者问题策略研究

    Research on Strategy for Recoverable Blockage in Travel problem Under Stochastic Enviroment

  14. 结构体系可靠度分析中二维标准正态分布函数的近似计算

    An approximation to bi-normal probability distribution function in reliability analysis of structural system

  15. 用PC&1500机产生标准正态分布随机数及其检验

    Producing the Random Numbers of Standard Normal Distribution on PC-1500 Computer and Their Test

  16. 变步长法计算标准正态分布函数与函数模块设计

    Calculation and Program Design of Standard Normal Distribution Function Using Method of Changing Step Length

  17. 本文采用倒过来的标准正态分布曲线作为缩放比例,解决身高缩放模型中胸部失真的问题。

    In this paper , we use reversed standard normal distribution curve to solve the problems of chest distortion .

  18. 由服从标准正态分布的随机数组成的水印被嵌入到图像分解后的奇异值中。

    The watermark , consisting of random numbers according to the standard normal distribution , is embedded into images singular values .

  19. 在原假设下得到该检验统计量的极限分布服从于标准正态分布,并与季节周期d和误差项的周期异方差无关。

    Under null hypothesis , the limit distributions of statistics are standard normal regardless of the period of seasonality and periodical heteroscedasticity of shocks .

  20. 证明点误差落在误差椭球一侧内的概率为常数,该常数与切点坐标无关且可以由标准正态分布函数表示;

    The error drops into one side of the plane tangent to error ellipsoid with a constant probability , and this probability is independent of the coordinates of the tangent point .

  21. 利用高等数学中二重积分方法,证明了性质“标准正态分布概率密度规范性”,并通过例子说明此性质在概率统计学科中的广泛应用。

    By using double integral method , the standard of probability density of standard normal distribution was proved , and an example was given to display a widespread application of the nature .

  22. 以概率论和多元分析为工具,证明空间点误差落入椭球内的概率可以由标准正态分布的分布函数和密度函数表示;

    By employing the theory of the quadratic form and multivariate analysis , three properties concerning error ellipsoid are proved : ( 1 ) The errors of points can be expressed in independent variables ;

  23. 本文根据概率乘法定理,利用以条件数学期望和方差为参数的一维正态分布近似代替原来的条件分布,从而得出计算二维标准正态分布函数值的近似公式。

    Based on multiplication theorem of probability , an effective approximation is presented to the bi-normal distribution with substituting the original conditional distribution by the standard normal distribution of the same expectation and variance .

  24. 该方法是通过将子系统或部件试验数据进行有效的分析处理,使之近似地服从正态分布规律,从而由标准正态分布给出在不同置信度条件下的系统可靠性下限。

    The method can make the subsystems approximately obey the normal state distribution through the treatment of the test data of the subsystems , then give the reliability low limit of the system on the condition of different confidence levels .

  25. 标准对数正态分布的极大值分布和矩的渐近性质

    Asymptotic Property of Extremal Distribution and Moment of Standard Logarithmic Normal Distribution

  26. 本文考察了底分布为标准对数正态分布时,独立同分布随机变量序列的极大值的分布和矩的渐近性质。

    In this paper , the asymptotic properties of the distribution and moment of maximum of in - dependent random variables sequence with standard logarithmic normal distribution as base distribution are discussed .

  27. 股票市场的收益率从分布的角度看,并不服从标准的正态分布,而是呈现出一种“尖峰、厚尾”的特征。

    From the distribution point of view , the yield of stock market doesn 't follow the normal distribution , but appears the property as " the peak , thick end " .

  28. 文章以82家中小上市公司为实证样本,通过相关统计分析发现,我国中小上市公司标准化规模服从正态分布,且具有相对稳定性;

    Based on the data of 82 listed SMEs in China , this article finds that the probability distribution of the standardized sizes follows the Normal Distribution and that of the growth rates follows the Laplace Distribution .

  29. 本文提出评价估计量的贴近标准,并用该标准讨论了正态分布总体方差σ2及均匀分布参数θ的极大似然估计的一些性质。

    Abstract In this paper the pressing criterion of appreciation estimator was presented . and the property of maximum likelihood estimator of normal population variance σ 2 and uniformly distributed parameter θ was discussed .