
róu qíng
  • tenderness;tender feelings
柔情 [róu qíng]
  • [tender feelings] 温柔的感情

柔情[róu qíng]
  1. 无限宛转的柔情,是掠过手心的一道微弱光线。

    Infinite passes through many places the tender feelings , were pass over gently and swiftly control low light .

  2. 释清真词“以健笔写柔情”

    Elucidation of Qing zhen 's ci " tender feelings written in powerful style "

  3. 我的心里充满了柔情。

    My heart overflowed with tenderness .

  4. 他们之间的柔情已荡然无存,留下的只是那无止境的争吵的痛苦记忆。

    The affection between them has worn off , leaving only a sad memory of endless quarrels .

  5. 我无意的柔情万种

    In the involuntary charming tenderness of mine

  6. 晚上你回到家里,有一个女人会给你一眼爱情,一手温情,一怀柔情。你知道这意味着什么吗?

    Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who 'll give you a little love , a little affection , a little tenderness ?

  7. 《洛杉矶时报》的格伦·威普称,这部电影“在当下能给心灵带来抚慰,这个温和、真实而柔情的故事讲述的这个家庭里都是全心全意爱彼此的善良的人。”

    Glenn Whipp in the Los Angeles Times says that the film " feels like a balm right now , a gentle , truthful11 and tender story of family filled with kind people trying to love one another the best they can . "

  8. 而单向乐队的柔情小正太哈里则身披一件帅气的Burberry外套出席。

    While One Direction heartthrob Harry donned a smart Burberry suit for the night .

  9. 但是,这位来自香港的演员爸爸却是铁骨柔情的最佳典范,总是会给儿子Feynman鼓励和支持。

    But a tough man with a tender heart is the best way to describe this actor from Hong Kong , especially when we see him giving Feynman encouragement and support .

  10. 他的SALSA绅士优雅,他的笑容富含迷人的气质,来自法国的ANTON,将用含蓄而又流畅,浪漫而又激情的风格,来展现SALSA阳刚而又柔情的一面。

    His graceful style of SALSA , He smiles with charm , ANTON from France , He uses implicative , fluent , romantic and passionate style , To show strong and gentle side of SALSA .

  11. 这种经典造型曾一度被视为笨拙而丑陋,如今却以一种诱人的柔情卷土重来,库尔特·盖格的采购及创意总监瑞贝卡·法拉-赫克利(RebeccaFarrar-Hockley)如是说。

    Once considered clunky and unattractive , the classic form has been revived with an appealing softness , says Rebecca Farrar-Hockley , the buying and creative director at Kurt Geiger .

  12. 但是,这位来自香港的演员爸爸却是“铁骨柔情”的最佳典范,总是会给儿子Feynman鼓励和支持。

    But " a tough man with a tender heart " is the best way to describe this actor from Hong Kong , especially when we see him giving Feynman encouragement and support . Feynman doesn 't disappoint either .

  13. 颇为浪漫而又忧郁柔情的梁朝伟有打斗戏份,但其缺乏类似于查尔顿•赫斯顿(CharltonHeston)或三船敏郎(ToshirMifune)等武术英雄的体格或威严。

    More of a romantic , melancholy heartthrob , Leung has the acting chops but not the physique or the commanding presence of a martial hero that would be the equivalent of Charlton Heston or Toshio Mifune .

  14. 愿我今生今世唯一的幸福就是你对我的无限的柔情。

    Be my only happiness on earth your friendly will to me .

  15. 芭比和他们不一样-哦好一个柔情男子啊

    Barbie 's different . - Oh , Mr. Softy over here .

  16. 如果她只有柔情,她就会死掉。

    If she be all tenderness , she will die .

  17. 她在寻找一个会以柔情相报的心上人。

    She was looking for somebody to return her affection .

  18. 听了这话,她感到一股柔情流遍全身。

    She felt a wave of feeling sweep over her at this .

  19. 他们说渴望能滋长心中的柔情。

    They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder .

  20. 落在了我们身上,那叫做-女人般的柔情;

    Falls on us , to be call 'd effeminate ;

  21. 我对你有深切的柔情。

    I have a feeling of great tenderness for you .

  22. 他的爱以一种非尘世所有的柔情萦绕着她童稚的心灵。

    His love enfolded her childish heart with more than mortal tenderness .

  23. 作为女人,她也有情意缠绵,柔情似水的一面。

    As a woman , she is as sweet as honey too .

  24. 这时,所有的星星都在柔情地轻声笑着。

    And there is sweetness in the laughter of all the stars .

  25. 它们可以对人友好,充满柔情。

    They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans .

  26. 那位善良的牧师想用极大的柔情和体谅来打动我。

    The good priest worked on me with the finest tenderness and understanding .

  27. 一种柔情好像一场露水洒遍了格雷丝的全身。

    A tenderness spread over Grace like a dew .

  28. 他突然睁开眼一看,看出了她满脸的柔情。

    Looking up suddenly , he read the tender advertisement in her face .

  29. 拿破仑这位法国革命领袖残酷无情,然而对妻子约瑟芬却有柔情的一面。

    The ruthless French leader had a sweet side for his wife Josephine .

  30. 那对圆溜溜的,充满柔情的眼睛在一块红披巾下闪闪发光。

    Round soft eyes glistened under a red shawl .