
  • 网络extreme maximum temperature
  1. 日间极端最高温度和频数虽然在整个研究时段内变化较小,但在1955~1987a、1984~2004a两个时间段内有明显的差异。

    Slight change was detected in density and frequency of diurnal extreme maximum temperature annually in 1955 ~ 2004a . But there was apparent difference in two periods : 1955 ~ 1982a 、 1976 ~ 2004a .

  2. 极端最高温度在东部普遍下降,最低最高温度变化具有不对称性。

    So the change of minimum and maximal temperature are dissymmetrical .

  3. 由此可见两地温度的显著差异在于极端最高和最低温度的差异。

    It can be concluded that the apparent difference of the temperature between the two places lied in the maximum and minimum temperature .

  4. 筒身部分计算功能:软件可以对钢筋混凝土烟囱筒身进行极限承载能力计算、正常使用极限状态计算、裂缝控制计算,并给出:沿筒身高度,各层各点极端最高、最低温度工况;

    This software can calculate the limit state of normal use , the controlling of the cracks of the tube body , and gives out the result of extreme condition temperature of the different parts along the height of the tube body ;

  5. 首先从总体上,分析极端最高和极端最低温度变化趋势的空间分布:北方地区极端最低温度普遍上升,且幅度较大,是近年来暖冬盛行的一个数值化特征;

    At first , analysis of extreme temperature 's spatial distribution of variety trend shows that the minimum temperature in the North are going up while the maximal temperature in East China declining widely , which is a numerical characteristics of prevailing warmer-winter in recent years .

  6. 各月极端最高气温、极端最低气温均呈升温趋势,除4月、11月和12月外,其他月极端最低温度的升温趋势均大于极端最高温度。

    The monthly extreme low temperatures showed a tendency of increase , the increase of monthly extreme low temperatures exceeded that of extreme high except April , November and December .