
  • 网络Depth;Bench depth;Bench Strength
  1. 正是有戈登在MVP詹姆斯哈登和全明星克里斯保罗之后提供了足够的板凳深度,火箭队上赛季拥有了联盟排名第二的进攻火力,并且在三分球投射方面领先联盟一大步。

    With Gordon providing quality depth behind NBA MVP James Harden and All-Star Chris Paul , the Rockets had the No. 2 offense , per NBA.com , and led the league in three-pointers by a wide margin .

  2. 前场的板凳深度是一个问题,活塞队的颠峰时间已经不多了。

    Frontcourt depth is an issue ; this team can 't have starters logging too many minutes again .

  3. ac米兰队的板凳深度强于桑普多利亚队。

    The AC Milan has a deeper bench than the Sampdoria .

  4. 但让雄鹿与上个赛季不同的是他们的板凳深度。

    What set the team apart last season was its deep bench .

  5. 而最重要的是,他们能安心是因为他们去年已经走过这条路,而且他们的板凳深度依然很深。

    Most importantly , they can feel safe in knowing that they have been here and are deep as ever on the bench .

  6. 我认为密集的赛程将会拖慢切尔西的脚步,因为他们虽然有一些号球员,但是板凳深度不够。

    I think that the intensive Christmas schedule will take its toll on them because they have some great players but not so much strength in depth .

  7. 这种风格的打法对于有多个快速、敏捷的球员和板凳深度的球队来说是比较理想的,允许大量的轮换。

    This style of play is ideal for a team with lots of quick , athletic players and a deep bench , allowing for lots of substituting .

  8. 板凳深度不够的球队也会更好,因为关键球员可以在慢节奏的比赛中多打几分钟。

    Teams with very little " bench depth " will be better off too since key players will be able to play more minutes in a slower paced game .

  9. 巴萨正在扩充他们的板凳深度,捷克国脚格里格拉被他们视为在在右后卫上阿尔维斯的一个很好的替补。

    The Blaugrana are looking to strengthen the depth of their defence and view the Czech international as an idea replacement on the right in the event Dani Alves is absent .

  10. 直至今年一月,朴智星才顺利归队并增强球队在中场的板凳深度。在夺得欧洲冠军杯的晋级过程中,韩国国脚一度还成为弗格森在中场的首选。

    Park returned to first-team action in January and added a further dimension to Sir Alex Ferguson 's side , being favoured by the manager in the club 's Champions League run in particular .

  11. 总教练史蒂夫-科尔力求三分球,快速进攻,球的转移,封锁性防守,充分利用他们板凳席的深度。

    Head coach Steve Kerr wants - 3-pointers , up-tempo offense , ball movement , lockdown defense , utilizing their deep bench .