
  • 网络richard li;Richard Lee
  1. 这是李泽楷(richardli)打造的大厦。

    This is the house that Richard built .

  2. 李泽楷(RichardLi)在一个拥挤的房间拉开手榴弹的引信,然后走出去,关上了门。

    Richard Li has pulled the pin out of a hand grenade in a crowded room and walked out and closed the door .

  3. 收购计划中,李泽楷的合作伙伴为电讯盈科第二大股东、国有的中国联通(ChinaUnicom)。

    His partner in the proposed takeover was the second-largest shareholder , state-owned China Unicom .

  4. 李泽楷曾管理一家香港保险公司盈科保险(pacificcenturyinsurance),该公司设有资产投资部门。

    Mr Li used to run a Hong Kong insurance company , Pacific Century Insurance , which had an assets investment arm .

  5. 李泽楷和电讯盈科第二大股东中国联通(ChinaUnicom)去年提出以每股4.5港元的价格将该公司私有化。

    Mr Li and China Unicom , PCCW 's second-largest shareholder , last year proposed to take the telecoms company private at HK $ 4.50 a share .

  6. 默多克为李嘉诚提供了一个有益的榜样。1993年,默多克从李嘉诚和他的次子李泽楷(RichardLi)手中买入了星空传媒(StarTV)。

    He has the salutary example of Mr Murdoch , who bought Star TV from Mr Li and Richard , his younger son , in 1993 .

  7. 李泽楷全资所有的投资公司盈科拓展集团(PacificCenturyGroup)周一表示:(美国国际集团的业务)符合我们的投资哲学,即对高质量业务进行长期投资。

    Pacific Century Group , the investment vehicle wholly-owned by Mr Li , on Monday said : [ The AIG operation ] suits our investment philosophy of making long-term investments in quality businesses .

  8. 此次李泽楷计划出售电讯盈科新成立子公司HKTGroupHoldings的45%股权。

    This time round Mr Li is selling a 45 per cent stake in HKT Group Holdings , a newly created PCCW subsidiary .

  9. 经过两年多3次失败的尝试,李泽楷(richardli)可能终于找到了其香港电信公司的买家他自己。

    After more than two years and three failed attempts , Richard Li may have finally found someone to sell his Hong Kong telecoms company to himself .

  10. 电讯盈科(PCCW)最大的两位股东李泽楷和中国联通(ChinaUnicom)已提出将该电信和付费电视公司私有化,交易金额20亿美元。

    Richard Li and China Unicom , PCCW 's two largest shareholders , have offered to take the telecoms and pay television company private in a $ 2bn deal .

  11. 李泽楷连同他在新加坡上市的控股公司&盈科拓展(PacificCenturyRegionalDevelopments)持有电讯盈科28%的股份,而中国联通是电讯盈科第二大股东,持有19.9%股份。

    Mr Li and his Singapore-listed holding company , Pacific Century Regional Developments , control 28 per cent of PCCW , while China Unicom is the company 's second-largest shareholder with a 19.9 per cent stake .

  12. 梁伯韬已同意从电讯盈科主席、李嘉诚之子李泽楷(richardli)控股的一家新加坡控股公司那里收购23%的股份。

    Mr Leung has agreed to purchase the 23 per cent stake from a Singapore holding company which is controlled by Richard Li , PCCW chairman and son of Li Ka-shing .

  13. 香港大亨李泽楷(RichardLi)已同意以5亿美元左右的价格,收购美国国际集团(AIG)旗下的资产管理业务,标志着他从传媒和电信等主营业务有所转向。

    Richard Li , the Hong Kong tycoon , has agreed to buy AIG 's asset management operation for about $ 500m in a departure from his media-to-telecoms businesses .

  14. 一位接近李泽楷的顾问表示,李泽楷的商业兴趣主要有三块,那就是电信、房地产和金融服务ing上述保险业务属于这个范围。

    Richard Li has three main business interests telecoms , property and financial services according to one close adviser , so the ing insurance arm would fit with that .

  15. 其中名气最大的要数香港主要电信公司董事长李泽楷(RichardLi),他是亚洲富豪之一李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)的小儿子。

    None is bigger than Richard Li , who is chairman of the city 's dominant telecoms company and the younger son of Li Ka-shing , one of Asia 's richest men .

  16. 李泽楷盈科拓展还将向AIG支付2亿美元与该部门未来业绩相关联的附带收益和其他款项。

    Pacific Century Group expects to pay an additional US $ 200 million to AIG in carried interest and other payments linked to future performance of the business .

  17. 电讯盈科(pccw)主席李泽楷(richardli)及其中国国有合作伙伴提高了将这家香港电信公司私有化的出价,希望在最后一刻赢得不满的少数股东的支持。

    Richard Li , chairman of PCCW , and his Chinese state-controlled partner have raised their offer to take the Hong Kong telecoms company private in an 11th-hour bid to win over disgruntled minority shareholders .

  18. 总部设在首尔的私人股本公司安博凯(mbkpartners)已加入其他潜在买家的行列,表示有意竞购香港商业大亨李泽楷(richardli)控股的旗舰电讯资产的相当大股权。

    MBK partners , the Seoul-based private equity firm , has joined the ranks of those interested in acquiring a significant stake in the flagship telecommunications assets controlled by Richard Li , the Hong Kong tycoon .

  19. 香港法庭昨日驳回了香港最著名商业大亨之一李泽楷(RichardLi)的上诉,认为在通过以20亿美元将其电信公司电讯盈科(PCCW)私有化计划的股东投票中存在明显操纵股东投票的情况。

    Richard Li , one of Hong Kong 's best-known business tycoons , was yesterday rebuked by a judge for a clearly manipulated shareholder vote that approved the attempted $ 2bn buy-out of his telecoms company PCCW .

  20. 如今,李泽楷旗下控股公司的少数股东又投票否决相关计划,拒绝将电讯盈科23%控股权出售给李泽楷之父、亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)参与的一个财团。

    Now minority shareholders at Mr Li 's holding company have voted down a proposal to sell the controlling 23 per cent stake in PCCW to a consortium that included his father , billionaire Li Ka-shing .

  21. 香港市场监管机构昨日赢得为阻止李泽楷(RichardLi)以20亿美元收购其电信公司电讯盈科(PCCW)而提出的上诉,为当地上演时间最长的一幕企业肥皂剧增添了又一情节转折。

    Hong Kong 's market regulator yesterday won court approval to block Richard Li 's $ 2bn buy-out of PCCW , his telecoms company , adding yet another twist to one of the territory 's longest-running corporate soap operas .

  22. 李泽楷(RichardLi)和他的中国国有合作伙伴拟出价20亿美元收购电讯盈科(PCCW),但有迹象显示,中小股东将因出价太低而予以拒绝。要敲定这笔交易,还面临一场战役。

    Richard Li and his Chinese state-owned partner face a battle to clinch the proposed $ 2bn takeover of PCCW , the Hong Kong telecommunications company , amid signs that minority shareholders will reject the offer price as too low .

  23. 业界巨头李泽楷(richardli)旗下的香港固话电信集团电讯盈科(pccw)昨日表示,计划将一些核心资产重组至一个独立的控股集团,并将新公司45%的股权出售给投资者。

    PCCW , the Hong Kong fixed-line telecoms group chaired by tycoon Richard Li , said yesterday it planned to fold some of its core assets into a separate holding group and sell up to 45 per cent of the new company to investors .

  24. 例证:李泽楷计划从香港固话通信公司电讯盈科(pccw)分拆出一家新的房地产公司,成为一家雄心勃勃、项目遍布亚太地区的豪华住宅开发商。

    Example : Richard Li is planning to turn a new property venture being spun off by his Hong Kong fixed-line telecommunications company , PCCW , into an ambitious luxury residential developer with projects throughout Asia - Pacific .

  25. 作为香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)的儿子,李泽楷是香港最大固话运营商电讯盈科(PCCW)的主要股东兼董事长。由于李泽楷试图对电讯盈科进行私有化,该公司陷入了一场旷日持久的官司。

    Mr Li , son of Li Ka-shing , Hong Kong 's richest man , is a major shareholder and chairman of PCCW , the city 's biggest fixed-line operator which is involved in a long-running court case over his attempt to take the company private .

  26. 然而,接近李泽楷和中国联通的人士反驳称,和被放弃的hkt交易不同,此次将电讯盈科私有化的出价给中小股东提供了在动荡市场中完全退出的机会。

    However , people close to Mr Li and China Unicom counter that , unlike the abandoned HKT transaction , the offer to take PCCW private offers minority investors a complete exit in turbulent markets .

  27. 7月份,梁伯韬和盈科(亚洲)拓展有限公司(PCRD)达成协议,收购后者所持电讯盈科23%的股权。盈科拓展是一家新加坡上市公司,李泽楷持有其75%的股权。

    Mr Leung agreed in July to buy the 23 per cent stake in PCCW owned by Pacific Century Regional Developments ( PCRD ), a Singapore-listed company 75 per cent owned by Richard Li .

  28. 李泽楷是香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)的儿子,他与其新加坡上市控股公司盈科拓展(PCRD)控制着电讯盈科28%的股权,而中国联通是该公司第二大股东,持有19.9%的股权。

    Mr Li , son of Li Ka-shing , Hong Kong 's richest man , and Pacific Century Regional Developments , his Singapore-listed holding company , control 28 per cent of PCCW , while China Unicom is the company 's second-largest shareholder with a 19.9 per cent stake .

  29. 通过其新加坡控股公司盈科拓展(PCRD),李泽楷和中国国有合作伙伴将出价每股4.2港元,收购二者尚不拥有的52%股份。

    Mr Li , through his Singapore-listed holding Pacific Century Regional Developments , and his Chinese state-owned partner are offering HK $ 4.20 a share for the 52 per cent of PCCW they do not own .

  30. 李泽楷及李嘉诚昨日均拒绝置评。

    Both Mr Li and his father declined to comment yesterday .