
  1. 在权利界限范围内的权利行使也可能构成权利滥用。

    The exertion of right within the limit is also likely to be an abusing of rights .

  2. 论科技期刊编辑与作者权利的界限及其统一性

    Differences and unification of rights of editors and authors of sci-tech journals

  3. 是否尊重对方的权利和界限?

    Do they respect each other 's rights and boundaries ?

  4. 诺齐克提出,权利是界限性的道德约束,而不是直接追求的行为目的。

    Nozick puts forward that right is the limit of moral constraint , rather than direct pursuit behavior objective .

  5. 点警制是新生制度,目的为提高办案效率,却混淆了权力与权利的界限。

    The newly born " system of selecting policemen " aims at raising the efficiency of handling cases , but it confuses the bounds of power and rights .

  6. 摘要教师职业的公共性源于教育的公共性和学校的公共性,教师权利及其界限的确立应以教师职业的公共性为基本价值。

    The publicness of teacher profession comes from the publicness of education and school , so it should be the basic value of the rights and obligations of teachers .

  7. 认识排他性的意义在于区分不同的私权利的界限和公权力与私权利的界限,增强人们对公权利与私权利平等保护的法律意识。

    The significance of recognition of exclusive validity lies in the distinction of various private rights and the distinction between public and private rights , so as to strengthen people 's legal awareness towards equal protection of public and private rights .

  8. 第四部分针对我国高校学生违纪处分制度存在的问题提出了完善该制度的方法,包括明确高校行使违纪处分权利的界限,构建正当程序制度和听证制度,完善学生权利救济途径。

    The last part puts forward the methods of perfecting the system , such as identifying the boundary of college discipline system , constructing proper procedure system and the public hearing system , and improving the approaches of students ' rights relief .

  9. 权利之间的界限&透过德国基本法第五条所作的阐释

    The Demarcation Line between Rights & Illustrated by Article V. of German Fundamental Law

  10. 法律的任务就是通过一定程序划定权利间的界限,协调权利的关系解决冲突以实现权利。

    The obligation of law is , through certain procedures , defining the boundary between rights , harmonizing the relation among rights , solving conflicts and , by this means , realizing rights .

  11. 传统中国的一个重要历史特征为世俗权力与精神权利的模糊界限与紧张关系,具体表现为中国古代的公共崇拜与私人信仰的彼此渗透。

    Characteristics of the historical trait of traditional China , the relationship between the power of social conventions and the spiritual rights is ambiguous and intensive , embodying the infiltration into each other of public worship and personal faith .

  12. 提出为实现图书馆权利的目标与任务,应确定图书馆权利界限;

    In addition , through defining the library rights , it clarifies the goals and tasks of the library .

  13. 宪法义务具有独立的价值,不仅仅是权利的附庸,反对宪法义务是宪法权利界限的看法。

    The constitutional duties have their independent values and are not only the dependencies to the rights , and the opinion that the constitutional duties are the limits of constitutional rights is opposed .

  14. 在国内法中,语言权利的保障首先需要国家立法确认语言权利的内容和界限。

    Within a country , the protection of language rights entails state legislation establishing the contents and boundaries .

  15. 然而,法律的自由不是绝对的和毫无界限的,禁止权利滥用原则和不得违反社会公共利益原则是权利行使的界限。

    However , the law of freedom is not absolute and without limits , prohibition of abuse of rights principle and the principle of public interest shall not violate are the exercise of rights boundaries .

  16. 通过对编辑与作者在科技期刊编辑出版过程中各自权利的分析,指出编辑与作者对自身权利的认识的误区及其权利的界限。

    By analyzing the rights of editors and authors of sci-tech journals in the process of the publishing , some misunderstandings and differences of the rights are proposed .

  17. 权利本位范式坚持权力来源于权利,权力服务于权利,权力以权利为界限,权力必须以权利相制约。

    The right standard model insisted that the authority originates from the right , the authority serves the right , the authority take the right as the boundary , the authority must restrict by the right .

  18. 禁止权利滥用,要求行使权利不得背离权利应有的社会目的,也不得超越权利应有的界限。

    Forbidding the abuse of rights refers to the exercise of rights shall not deviate from the social objective of the right , nor may exceed the proper limits of rights .

  19. 原初公民与现代公民的区别在于权利与义务是否对等,原初公民权利与现代公民权利的不同在于权利与权力的界限是否分明;

    The author argued that the difference between original and modern citizen rested with whether rights fit obligations or not , and the difference between original and modern civil rights rested with whether rights and powers were clearly demarcated or not .

  20. 以财产犯罪手段行使权利的行为在实践中各式各样,对该行为进行类型化分析是解决行使权利与财产犯罪界限的方法之一。

    Property crime means to exercise the right behavior in practice every kind of the behavior , the type of analysis is to solve the exercise of rights and property crime boundary method .

  21. 面对权利上所出现的这些新情况,传统的公权、私权二元结构日显呆板与僵硬,需要重新对权利结构进行调整,以明确不同权利类型之间的界限与它们各自的功能。

    Faced with these new changes in rights , the traditional binary structure of " public rights and private rights " seems inflexible , which calls for a new adjustment to draw a clear distinction between different types of rights and their own functions .