
  • 网络Impurity Semiconductor;Extrinsic Semiconductor;doping semiconductor
  1. 掺施主杂质半导体中LO声子的反对称光电导响应的MonteCarlo模拟

    Monte Carlo Simulation for Photoconductivity Response of LO Phonon in Shallow Donor Doped Semiconductors

  2. 单一杂质半导体费米能级的普适公式

    A general formula of Fermi energy in one-doped semiconductor

  3. 利用电中性条件,导出了掺单一杂质半导体费米能级的普适公式,在具体应用时可作相应简。

    According to the condition of electroneutrality , a general formula of Fermi energy in one-doped semiconductor is deduced .

  4. 混合杂质半导体费米能级公式及数值计算混合制冷剂循环的级数对制冷性能的影响

    Formulae of Fermi Energy in Poly-doped Semiconductor and Algorithm Computation Effect of number of stages of mixed refrigerant cycle on refrigeration performance

  5. 含有这类杂质的半导体叫做P型半导体。

    Semiconductors containing such impurities are called p-type semiconductors .

  6. 深能级杂质对光导半导体开关非线性特性的影响

    The Effect of Deep Level Impurity on the Nonlinear Performances of Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches

  7. 利用1.06μm脉冲Nd∶YAG激光,以含Zn的固态杂质源在化合物半导体GaAs基片上进行诱导扩散,作出了P-N结。

    The P N junctions were produced by pulsed 1.06 μ m Nd ∶ YAG laser induced diffusion of Zn into substrate GaAs with solid state diffusion source .

  8. 杂质对金属-半导体界面电子态的影响

    Impurity Effect on Density of States of Metal Semiconductor Interface

  9. 其中被掺入的磁性原子称作磁性杂质,非磁半导体称作基质。

    The magnetic atoms doped are called magnetic impurities and the nonmagnetic semiconductor is called the based material .

  10. 研究了近年来有关含杂质、杂质对或多杂质缺陷半导体的状况。

    The researches , in the recent years , on the impurity , impurity pairs and impurity vacancy complexes in semiconductors are studied .

  11. 硼是半导体材料中最主要的杂质,而精确控制杂质浓度剖面是半导体工艺的关键问题之一。

    Boron is the primary impurity in semiconductor material , and accurately controling impurity density of section is one of the key questions in semiconductor-technics .

  12. 如果半导体的电学性质归因于其中的杂质原子,那么它将被称为杂质半导体。

    When the electrical characteristics are dictated by impurity atoms , the semiconductor is said to be extrinsic semiconductors .

  13. 计算结果与实验值符合得较好,这一基于电负性的杂质能级计算公式可以为寻找合适的杂质用于半导体掺杂提供理论上的指导。

    The calculated results agree well with the experimental data . The impurity level calculation formula which established based on electronegativity can be used to provide theoretical guidance in the search of proper impurity atoms for semiconductor doping .