
  • 网络mobile radar
  1. 基于FMECA的某型机动雷达可靠性增长

    Reliability Growth of Mobile Radar Based on FMECA

  2. 高机动雷达天线快速举升系统结构的总体设计

    General Structure Design of Rapid-Lifting System for High Mobile Radar Antenna

  3. 机动雷达系统中的电波折射修正方法

    The Method of Radio Wave Refraction Correction in Movable Radar System

  4. 地面高机动雷达集成化设计技术

    Integrated Design of Ground - based High - mobility Radar

  5. 一种机动雷达天线液压举升系统设计

    Design of Hydraulic System for the Lifting Mechanism of Mobile Rader Antenna

  6. 机动雷达天线车机械系统的动力优化与测试

    Dynamic Optimum and Test of Antenna Vehicle Mechanical System of Mobility Radar

  7. 陀螺经纬仪在高机动雷达快速定向中的应用

    Application of Gyro-theodolite in Fast Direction Measurement of Mobile Radar

  8. 机动雷达标定方法的研究

    A Study on Calibration Method for Mobile Ground-based Radar

  9. 地面高机动雷达结构虚拟装配应用研究

    Research on Virtual Assembly of Ground-Based High-Mobility Radar Structure

  10. 高机动雷达T型方舱和机柜滑架的设计考虑

    Some Design Considerations of T-Section Shelter and Sliding Framework of Cabinets for Highly Mobile Radar

  11. 基于任务成功性的机动雷达备件需求计算模型

    A Model of Demand Calculation of Radar Spare Parts Based on the Mission Success Probability

  12. 塔架式高机动雷达天线车的研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Highly Mobile Radar Antenna Vehicle with a Tower Car World

  13. 高机动雷达的系统设计

    System Design of Highly Mobile Radar

  14. 从而解决了对于机动雷达系统不能快速进行电波折射误差修正或精度较差的问题。这对于提高机动雷达的测量精度具有重要的意义。

    The problem of the non quick correction and low accuracy for movable radar system are resolved .

  15. 负载敏感变量泵驱动的液压调平系统和天线阵面液压倒竖系统是机动雷达的重要部分。

    Hydraulic leveling system and hydraulic lifting system of antenna front which are driven by load-sensing variable pump .

  16. 高机动雷达自动架撤系统具有设备复杂,技术含量高等特点。

    Auto-erecting system of radar with high mobility is a kind of system with complex equipment and high technology .

  17. 介绍为高机动雷达研制的T型方舱的结构设计特点,以及方舱内机柜滑架的应用情况。

    Some structure design considerations of T-section electronic equipment shelter and sliding framework of cabinets for a highly mobile radar are introduced in this paper .

  18. T型方舱是一种承载/自重比较高的小型、非标准大板方舱,是为适应高机动雷达总体结构的高度集成而研制的专用方舱;

    The T-section shelter is a kind of high load-deadweight ratio , small-scale , nonstandard panel-shelter which is specially designed for high integration of the highly mobile radar equipments .

  19. 为了满足野战机动雷达的现代化作战需求,提出采用一种新型液压升降机构。本文对该机械进行了理论研究与工程设计。

    In order to solve the modern fighting requirement for the field operations vehicle radar , a theory research and engineering design of a new type hydraulic elevator was shown .

  20. 简要论述了高机动雷达快速举升系统结构总体设计的原则、原理和主要性能指标。

    The general theory and principles of designing a rapid-lifting structure system for a radar antenna with high mobility are presented briefly in this paper , and the major performance parameters of the rapid-lifting system are given also .

  21. 705D全自动机动式雷达天线升降装置设计

    The Design of Model 705D Automotive Meteorological Radar Antenna Hoisting Device

  22. 高速机动目标雷达信号参数估计与成像处理

    Radar Signal Parameter Estimation and Image Processing of High-speed Maneuvering Target

  23. 某大型机动型雷达天线的快速装载设计

    The Design of Stowing the Antenna Rapidly for a Large and Mobile Radar

  24. 机动式雷达天线座系统设计探讨

    Design and Analysis of A Mobile Radar Pedestal

  25. 一种机动式雷达侦察干扰方法

    A Method of Moving Radar Reconnaissance and Jamming

  26. 机动式雷达自动架撤系统的结构设计

    Structure Design of Auto-Erecting System for Mobile Radar

  27. 机动组网雷达系统偏差估计

    Registration errors estimation on netted mobile radar

  28. 无论对机动型雷达或固定基地式雷达而言,其接地和防雷系统是不可缺少的部分。

    Thunder defence and grounding system is indispensable part to mobile radars or fixed radars .

  29. 概述了机动式雷达的一般机动性要求,提出了提高雷达机动性设计的措施和方法,具体分析了结构总体的设计要求。

    This paper presents general mobility request , poses measures and methods for improving the radar mobility design .

  30. 机动式雷达在工作时,雷达天线必须全部裸露在车厢外,周围不得有任何遮挡物。

    The radar antenna should be out of the cabin and there should not be any other obstruction around it .