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mò nián
  • last years of a dynasty or reign
末年 [mò nián]
  • [last years of a dynasty or reign] 历史上一个朝代或一个统治者统治的末期

末年[mò nián]
  1. 在分析皇帝、国别、年号等相关概念的基础上,利用OWL本体描述语言,建立了三国时期(含东汉末年到西晋初年这一历史跨度)的历史年代本体。

    After analyzing the relationship among the concepts of the emperors , the states and the titles of the regimes , a historical ontology about the period of three kingdoms has been made in OWL .

  2. 最近,因没钱缴大学末年的学费而错失大学安排的就业面试机会。CJ已为女儿前三年的学费负债累累,走投无路。

    When we met CJ , she already had a huge debt due to previous loans from her daughter 's first three years of school fees and had exhausted all avenues for further loans .

  3. 它由张明山创始于清代末年。

    It was initiated by Zhang Mingshan in late Qing Dynasty .

  4. 北宋末年江西诗风的新变

    The New Change Of the Poem Style in Jiangxi Schools

  5. 儒学思想发端于春秋末年的孔子,后经孟子继承和发展,形成了以孔孟思想为体系的一个学派。

    Confucius and Mencius was formed as a school system .

  6. 中国于清朝末年开始接受西方统计思想,民国时期引进了以英美国家倡导的数理统计学为主统计学理论。

    China begun to accept the western statistical thoughts from the Qing dynasty .

  7. 明朝末年西方早期画法几何知识之东来

    The coming of descriptive geometry from The West in the late Ming Dynasty

  8. 首先,文章讨论了朱舜水对明朝末年种种弊端的批判。

    First , it discusses to criticize the malpractices in late Ming dynasty .

  9. 事实上,它一直延续到宋朝末年。

    In fact it continued to the very end of the Sung Dynasty .

  10. 《太平经》成书于东汉末年,是道教经典作品。

    Taiping Jing finished in late Eastern Han is the classical work of Taoist .

  11. 孔子在春秋末年还曾见过。

    Confucius had seen it at the end of the spring and autumn period .

  12. 明朝末年,利玛窦等西方传教士来到中国。

    Matteo Ricci and other Western missionaries came to China in the late Ming dynasty .

  13. 李俊民是金代末年颇有成就的诗人。

    Li Junmin was a fairly accomplished poet towards the end of the Jin Dynasty .

  14. 论清朝末年法制变革模式

    On the Modes of the Transformation of the Legal System in the Late Qing Dynasty

  15. 东汉(25-220年)末年,天下大乱。

    Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty ( 25-220 ) China was war-stricken .

  16. 清朝末年,这一原则开始传入中国。我国现行宪法也确认了这一重要原则。

    In the last years of Qin Dynasty , the principle began to step into China .

  17. 晚清末年湖北农业改良述略

    Improvement of the Practice of Agriculture in Hubei in the Last Years of Late Qing Dynasty

  18. 西汉末年陕西人口数量研究

    A Study of Population Scale in Last Years of the Western Han Dynasty in Shaanxi Province

  19. 君士坦丁是罗马帝国末年有作为的皇帝,也是帝国后期屈指可数的保持帝国统一和稳定的皇帝。

    Constantine was a great emperor who kept the Empire unification and stability in Roman history .

  20. 他在前朝末年曾创立一个学派。

    He was at the head of a school towards the end of the last reign .

  21. 刘古愚是清朝末年在陕、甘较有影响的教育家。

    This article gives a commentary on Liu Guyu , an influential educationist of late Qing Dynasty .

  22. 19世纪末年,清政府内忧外患,面对日本等列强的侵略威胁,李鸿章根据以夷制夷采取了联俄制日。

    Towards the end of the nineteenth , the Qing government was being domestic trouble and foreign invasion .

  23. 唐朝末年,渤海政权的势力是否达到辽南地区,这在学术界是个有争议的问题。

    Whether the scope of Bohai political power reached southern Liaoning remains a controversial issue in the academic field .

  24. 大晟府成立于北宋末年,是朝廷正式的音乐管理机构。

    Jiao Fang took charge of entertainment music , while Da Sheng Fu served as an official administrative structure .

  25. 被称为匠师之祖的公输般鲁班,就生活于春秋末年。

    It was in the last years of this period that Luban , the founder of carpenter , lived .

  26. 浙江海防建筑始建于三国时期,明代达到顶峰;到洪武末年浙江就筑有11卫、30所,成为当时全国最重要的海防区域。

    Zhejiang coastal defense construction was built in the Three Kingdoms Period and reached its peak in Ming dynasty .

  27. 在14世纪高丽王朝末年中-朝国界确定前,鸭绿江不是一条政治边界。

    In the late14th century Koryo dynasty-identified in the borders before the Yalu River is not a political border .

  28. 直到清朝末年,城市广场这一概念才由西方殖民国家引入。

    Until the end of Qing Dynasty , the conception of the plaza has been brought by the Western colonizers .

  29. 追夷大约在西周末年随其宗子由西虢迁居今三门峡一带。

    Zhuiyi moved from Xiguo to today 's Sanmenxia area followed his chief during the late years in Xizhou dynasty .

  30. 这支军队是北魏末年,唯一一支纪律严明,训练有素,指挥有力的军队。

    The army was the only one that was well-disciplined , well-trained in the late years of North Wei Dynasty .