
  • 网络service advertisement;Service Advertising
  1. 基于流言模型的电子商务服务广告转发机制

    Rumor-Spreading Model of Service Advertisement Forwarding in Distributed E-Commerce

  2. 该公司似乎一度非常成功——进入了YCombinator,获得了130万美元的风险投资,Craigslist网站带来大量流量——公司在Craigslist上发布服务广告。

    For a time , it seemed as if it had the golden touch - entry into Y Combinator , $ 1.3 million in venture capital and traffic pouring in from Craigslist , where it posted its services .

  3. 他将自己的服务广告贴在了告示板上。

    He advertises his services on the company noticeboard .

  4. 媒体在医疗服务广告中的社会责任

    Social Responsibility of Media on Medical Advertisement

  5. 这些服务广告当仁不让,他们真正提供的财政帮助,以减少你的信用压力。

    These services gallantly advertise their genuine offer of financial help to reduce your credit strain .

  6. 语法匹配能跟据概念之间的语义相似度,挑选出距离请求者输入概念最近的服务广告记录,免除了请求者文海捞针、文不对题的麻烦。

    The semantic matching select the closest service records based on semantic similarity so as to release requesters from heavy workload .

  7. 这些印刷精美的高档杂志现在也刊登起几年前扔在废纸篓里的产品和服务广告来了。

    The slicks are all carrying ads for products and services that were kept in the Balaam baskets a few years ago .

  8. Google不会售卖不利于这些服务的广告,但总有一天会利用他们来向人们显示更具针对性的广告。

    Google does not sell advertising against these services yet , but could in time use them to display more targeted ads to people .

  9. 播放IBM产品或服务的广告短片之后,主持人回来,总结裁判员做出的裁决和采用的规则。

    After a brief ad for IBM products or services , the narrator would come back and summarize the decision the referee made and what guidelines he used .

  10. 随着电信行业重组方案敲定,三家电信运营商均获得了全业务运营资质,包含了固定电信业务、移动电信业务、固定和移动互联网业务、ICT业务、媒体服务及广告业务等多种业务。

    As the telecommunications industry to finalize the restructuring plan , the three telecom operators have received a full-service qualifications , including the fixed telecommunication services , mobile telecommunication services , fixed and mobile Internet services , ICT services , media services and advertising business .

  11. 您将通过公开某些特征在公共注册中心对服务进行广告。

    You advertise services in public registries by exposing certain characteristics .

  12. 广告中的技术与艺术都服务于广告美的实现。

    Technology and art on advertisement give service to beauty of advertisement .

  13. 这次宣传运动目的在于为旅游部门的服务做广告。

    The campaign is intended to publicize the service of the tourist board .

  14. 是一家创立于美国俄勒冈的波特兰、提供全方位创意服务的广告代理公司。

    We are a full-service , creatively driven advertising agency based in Portland , Oregon .

  15. 但是,谷歌通过自身的搜索引擎和其他服务的广告赚取了数十亿欧元的利润。

    But the company earns billions of euros from advertising on its search engine and other services .

  16. 在体育活动方面的市场营销正逐渐成为公司商品和服务进行广告宣传和普及的一种途径。

    Increasingly , sports marketing is becoming a popular way to advertise a company 's goods and services .

  17. 比较广告是指在广告中直接或间接提及竞争对手或竞争对手的产品或服务的广告。

    Comparative advertising is defined as advertising , direct or indirect reference to competitors or their products or services .

  18. 脸书还收购了位置分享服务、广告软件以及其他社交媒体订阅,包括ConnectU。

    Facebook has also purchased location sharing services , advertising software , and other social media feeds including ConnectU .

  19. 公益广告是非盈利性的、为社会公众服务的广告。

    Public Service Advertisement ( PSA ) is a kind of advertisement which is non-profit and serves for the public .

  20. 因此政府一纸禁令重拳打击新浪短信占卜服务的广告并使其股票价格跌落时,盛大及时跟进。

    So when a government ban on the advertising of sina 's fortune-telling phone-message service hammered its share price , Shanda swooped .

  21. 十几家其它互联网公司分销谷歌的搜索服务和广告,但其中数家一直在收缩。

    Around a dozen other Internet companies distribute its search results and advertising , but some of these have been pulling back .

  22. 会员服务、广告服务、电子商务、网站建设、中文域名、域名注册,中介诚信贸易,买卖双方沟通等。

    Member services , advertise services , e-business , web design , Chinese domain , domain registration , trade of credit agency , trading communication , etc.

  23. 在广告中的这些动词的频繁使用,是基于这样的考虑,激发消费者的兴趣的产品或服务的广告。

    The frequent use of these verbs in advertisements is based on such a consideration ? to inspire consumers'interest in the product or the service advertised .

  24. 该战略从市场定位、产品线、价格体系、分销网点、销售队伍、服务、广告、促销八个方面阐述营销方案。

    Strategy this from market orientation , product line , pricing system , distribute site , sell team , service , advertisement , promote eight respect explain marketing scheme .

  25. 免费服务含广告,且每月可以播放音乐的时间,以及同一首歌可以收听的次数都受到限制。

    The free tier is ad-supported and places caps on the number of hours that music can be streamed and the number of times a song can be listened to each month .

  26. 消费者声称:一般说来,为某项专门服务做广告的律师收费低于那些不做广告的律师(至少在这个州,这种情况是真实的)。

    Consumer advocate : It is generally ture , at least in this state , that lawyers who advertise a specific service charge less for that service than lawyer who do not advertise .

  27. 因为,苹果凭借硬件挣钱,而谷歌是一家服务和广告公司,希望其产品能够在像苹果产品这样的受欢迎平台上被广泛使用。

    Because , while Apple makes its money from hardware , Google is a services and advertising company , and wants its products to be heavily used on a popular platform like Apple 's .

  28. 现代竞争并不在于企业在其工厂中生产什么,而在于它们能为产品增加些什么内容,诸如包装、产品品牌、服务、广告、客户咨询、融资、送货、仓储、以及顾客所重视的其他价值。

    It 's not what the enterprise produces in the factory but the contents it attaches to the product such as pack , brand , service , advertisement , consultation , financing , delivery , storage and other values the customer lays importance on that modern competition does consist in .

  29. 即使有网络信号,3g服务也不像广告上说的那么好。

    Even when there was a network signal , 3G services did not work as advertised .

  30. 这项服务将有广告支持,而spiralfrog将与唱片公司分享收益。

    The service will be supported by advertising and spiral frog will split the proceeds with the record company .