
ɡōnɡ yì ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • Public service announcement;public-interest ad
  1. “公益广告”可译为publicserviceadvertisement,publicwelfaread。如:广告可以分为商业广告和公益广告。

    Advertisements can be divided into commercial advertisements and public service advertisements .

  2. 在发现的概念隐喻中,FireMetaphors,BookMetaphors只能在汉语公益广告中找到,而英语公益广告中没有。

    Fire Metaphors , Book Metaphors can only be found in the Chinese PSAs .

  3. 作为一名提倡关爱动物的名人,成龙先生曾联同WorldSocietyfortheProtectionofAnimals(世界动物保护会)做公益广告,想引起各界对亚洲黑熊养殖的关注,提出此种养殖对动物之残忍,需要各界提高保护意识。

    A passionate advocate for animals , Jackie Chan has once again teamed up with the World Society for the Protection of Animals ( WSPA ) to create awareness of a little-known example of appalling cruelty to animals - bear farming in Asia .

  4. 笔者运用SWOT法对公益广告供给主体多元化发展存在的优势、劣势,面临的机会和威胁进行了清晰的界定。

    The author using the SWOT method to the government , enterprises and the third sector as the main body of the supply of public service ads strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats , has carried on the comprehensive analysis .

  5. 当前我国电视公益广告状况分析&以中央电视台综合频道(CCTV-1)为例

    An analysis of the current public advertisements in China with the Comprehensive Channel of CCTV as a case study

  6. 一方面,将多模态话语分析的理论应用到平面公益广告的解读中,验证了克瑞斯和勒文(Kress&vanLeeuwen)1996年提出的视觉语法在解读中国的平面公益广告互动意义的适用性和可行性。

    On the one hand , the present study extends multimodal discourse analysis ( MDA ) into the interpretation of print PSA and testifies the applicability of Visual Grammar ( VG ) proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen in 1996 to Chinese PSA .

  7. 公益广告功能语篇个案分析

    Functional Discourse Analysis on Public Service Advertising : A Case Study

  8. 中国公益广告:宣传社会价值新工具

    Chinese Public Service Advertising : New Method for Promoting Social Values

  9. 中国平面公益广告语言学与符号学分析

    A Linguistic & Semiotic Analysis of Chinese Print Public Service Announcements

  10. 有效利用公益广告提升企业形象的策略研究

    Strategic research of improving corporate image by utilizing public service advertising

  11. 英语公益广告语篇中语气系统的人际意义

    Interpersonal Meaning of Mood System in English Public Service Advertising Texts

  12. 多模态环保公益广告语篇的社会符号学分析

    A Social Semiotic Approach to the Multimodal Discourse of Environmental Advertisements

  13. 《中国日报》中公益广告的批判话语分析

    A Critical Discourse Analysis of Public Service Advertising in China Daily

  14. 公益广告的攻心策略

    The Strategy of Public Service Advertisement to Touch the Audience 's Heart

  15. 社区公益广告的内容不但丰富,形式也多样。

    A Community PSA has abundant contents and various forms .

  16. 电视台需要「人道开动」公益广告之广播品质用的连续镜头。

    Television stations require broadcast-quality footage to air Humanity in Motion PSAs .

  17. 无论是商业广告还是公益广告都含有大量的隐喻。

    Both commercial ads or public service ones are rich in metaphor .

  18. 电视公益广告的价值取向与编辑风格

    The Value Orientation & Editing Style of TV Non-commercial Advertisement

  19. 公益广告语言的感情策略探析

    Analysis and Inquisition of Emotional Strategy of Public Advertisement Language

  20. 注重社区服务的福利性质;创意是公益广告的灵魂

    Welfare - like services ; Creativity - the Soul of Welfare Advertising

  21. 目前政策、资金、管理方面还存在一些问题,成为公益广告发展的瓶颈。

    Policy , fund and management issues become bottleneck of its growing .

  22. 魔术师约翰逊和姚明特拍的公益广告;

    Public service announcements featuring Magic Johnson and Yao Ming ;

  23. 对于电视公益广告来说,消费社会的到来到底是好事还是坏事?

    For TV public service advertisement , how should consumer society be treated ?

  24. 同时,作者希望本研究也可以充实对公益广告及劝说理论的研究。

    It is hoped that the research would enrich the study of persuasiveness .

  25. 公益广告中民族心理特性的应用

    Application of National Psychological Characteristics to Public Welfare Advertisements

  26. 公益广告语言的艺术化表现

    Artistic of Expression of Advertising Language in Public Welfare

  27. 如果这些作者能够合理有效地使用模糊语言,他们就能制作出更好的公益广告。

    The proper use of vague language can give rise to better PSAs .

  28. 此次公益广告明确指出,持续的咳嗽应该引起注意。

    But the ads make clear persistent coughs should also raise alarm bells .

  29. 第三,会话加强是公益广告中最常见的图文关系。

    Thirdly , reinforcement of address is the most common visual-verbal relation in PSAs .

  30. 公益广告语篇特征分析

    A Tentative Analysis of Public Service Advertising Discourse