
  • 网络fire
  1. 屋里有火,快进来暖暖身子吧!

    There is a fire in here ; come in and warm yourself up .

  2. 这屋里有火。

    There 's a fire in the room .

  3. 你有火儿吗?

    Have you got a light ?

  4. 你有火儿吗?

    Do you have a light ?

  5. 你们谁有火吗?

    Have you got a light anybody ?

  6. 屋里有火,快进来暖和暖和吧!

    There is a fire here ; come in and warm yourself .

  7. 电影导演休•赫德森(作品有火战车(ChariotsofFire),泰山王子(Greystoke),革命(Revolution))的短袖也是限于特定背景。

    Film director Hugh Hudson ,( Chariots of Fire , Greystoke , Revolution ) also restricts his short sleeves to a specific context .

  8. 跟机有火牛、锂电、网络线、USB延长线、说明书及安装程式光碟及一个黑色便携袋。

    Included with the router is a power adapter , Lithium-ion battery , LAN cable , USB extension cable , a CD-ROM that contains the user manual and drivers , and a black carrying bag .

  9. 我需要一个有火的温暖舒适的小屋。

    I need a warm comfortable small house having the fire .

  10. 但愿她的祖先知道有火这个东西。

    If only her ancestors had mastered the secret of fire .

  11. 从远古开始,人们就有火祭的仪式。

    People have had fire rituals since the beginning of time .

  12. 在没有星的时候,我们有火。

    At have no astral of time , we have fire .

  13. 伙计们,有火吗?你的伙计呢?

    One of you mugs got a light ? Where 's your boy ?

  14. 这种脉象通常意味着体内阳气过盛,或者有火。

    This usually means an excess of fire or Yang energies in the body .

  15. 我们这儿有火了。这就是火,看见了吗?

    We got a fire over here . there 's the fire , see ?

  16. 收短信有火不发,三八节快乐!

    Receive SMS fire , 38 section happiness !

  17. 你们谁有火吗

    Any of you kids have a light ?

  18. 我们看到烟,从而推断有火。

    We see smoke and infer fire .

  19. 有火必有热。

    The fire is never without heat .

  20. 有火吗哥们?:在一个间谍弹烟的时候点燃他。

    Got A Light ?: Ignite an enemy Spy while he 's flicking a cigarette .

  21. 于是有火从天上降下来,烧灭五十夫长和他那五十人。

    And there came down fire from heaven , and consumed him and his fifty .

  22. 巴比伦的住处有火着起,门闩都折断了。

    Her dwellings are set on fire ; the bars of her gates are broken .

  23. 遇到门时,要检查门是否是热的,如果是,说明门的另一边有火。

    When you come to a door , check it to see if it is warm .

  24. 这个锅下面有火,是用来在桌上水保持沸腾。

    This pot with a flame under it is used for keeping water boiling at the table .

  25. 波兰也好,匈牙利也好,既然有火,总是要燃烧的。

    Since there is fire in Poland and Hungary , it will blaze up sooner or later .

  26. 依撒格说:「看,这里有火有柴,但是那里有作全燔祭的羔羊?

    Behold , saith he , fire and wood : where is the victim for the holocaust ?

  27. 又有火从耶和华那里出来,烧灭了那献香的二百五十个人。

    And fire came out from the Lord and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense .

  28. 我问你最后一个问题,是不是有火族的人潜伏在刃雪城中?

    I asked that your last question , has the fire race 's person ambushes in edge Syracuse ?

  29. 有火在他们的党中发起,有火焰烧毁了恶人。

    And a fire was lighted among their tents ; the sinners were burned up by the flames .

  30. 就有火从耶和华面前出来,把他们烧灭,他们就死在耶和华面前。

    So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them , and they died before the Lord .