
yǒu ɡuānɡ zhǐ
  • glazed paper
有光纸 [yǒu guāng zhǐ]
  • [cap paper;machine glanzed peper] 一面光滑,一面较粗的纸,质地脆而薄,一般用作单面印刷或书写

  1. 这本书从头至尾都是用有光纸印刷而成的。

    This whole book is printed with glazed paper .

  2. 有刷子式长尾巴的一种树栖啮齿动物。这本书从头至尾都是用有光纸印刷而成的。

    A kind of arboreal rodent having a long bushy tail . This whole book is printed with glazed paper .

  3. 新型AKD乳液在有光纸施胶中的应用研究

    Research on the application of AKD emulsion sizing agent in cap paper

  4. 你在用有光纸印刷的通俗杂志上看到的时装模特儿。

    The fashion models you see in glossy magazines .

  5. 机制有光纸:由杨克式造纸机制成的单面光滑纸张。

    Machine glazed ( MG ) paper : Paper with glossy finish at one side produced by the Yankee paper-making machine .