
nuǎn kōng qì
  • warm air
暖空气[nuǎn kōng qì]
  1. 其触发机制是冷空气从近地层楔入暖空气中,在高、低空急流、层结不稳定等诸多有利条件下,由几个小尺度对流云团合并发展成1个中尺度对流复合体(MCC)。

    And its trigger condition is cold air near ground join warm air , then develop a MCC by several small scale convective cloud under condition of upper and low level jet 、 stratification instability 、 etc.

  2. 上升的暖空气中的水蒸气冷凝成液体的水。

    Water vapor in the rising warm air condenses to liquid water .

  3. Chen说,暖空气会往上走,冷空气会向下走,由此形成对流、空气运动和湍流。

    ' The warm layer of air wants to go up , and the cold air wants to go down , and there basically becomes circulation , movement and turbulence , ' Mr. Chen says .

  4. 冷空气通过管道输送进来而暖空气则被输送出去。

    Cool air is piped in and warm air is piped out .

  5. 我一进屋暖空气把我的眼镜蒙上了一层水汽。

    The warm air steamed up my glass as I entered the room .

  6. 冷空气快速地潜入到暖空气下面。

    Cold air is actively burrowing under warm air .

  7. 当满含水汽的暖空气团上升时,就会下雨。

    Rain occurs when a mass of warm air laden with water vapor rises .

  8. 上面的暖空气层覆罩着它们,作用就像一个盖子。

    This is covered by an upper layer of warm air that acts like a lid .

  9. 在这个案例中,轻而温暖的暖空气逐步的爬升到冷空气上方。

    In this case , the lighter , warmer air lifts gradually over the cold air .

  10. 爬升的暖空气慢慢冷却,所含的水汽也慢慢凝结,形成广阔的云系和稳定的降雨。

    The rising air cools and condenses into a wide area of clouds and steady rain .

  11. 暖空气因对流作用而上升。

    Warm air rises by convection .

  12. 在冬天,屋顶处的抽气机可被关闭,使大量暖空气在室内循环。

    In winter , the roof ventilator is closed and the majority of the warmed air is reused ;

  13. 从模型模拟图像和实际卫星图像上都能清晰的看到被抬升的暖空气所形成的独特的砧状云。

    The rising , warm air forms distinctive anvil-shaped clouds , visible in both the satellite and model image .

  14. 渡船在河中快速地顺流而下。冷空气快速地潜入到暖空气下面。

    The ferry came down the river at a great lick . Cold air is actively burrowing under warm air .

  15. 而暖空气便会离开,上升到冷空气之上。

    And the warmer air will move away , rising above the cooler air . Okay ? Uh ... yes .

  16. 经过雨水冷却的下降气流与地表附近的暖空气碰撞,单体下面的低空就会产生旋转的云。

    When rain cooled downdrafts hit warm air near the ground , a low hanging revolving cloud forms beneath the cell .

  17. 一个具体区域的空气受热时,暖空气就会集中在一个低压区域。

    When air in a particular area is heated , you get a concentration of warm air in an area of low pressure .

  18. 暖湿的空气上升的很快,当它上升时,更多的暖空气不断地补充进去。

    Well , a mass of warm humid air rises very rapidly , as it arises , more warm air rushed into replace it .

  19. 没有这些大量的冰冷的海冰,带到北极的暖空气可以以前所未有的程度都深入内陆。

    Without those masses of cooling sea ice , warm air brought to the Arctic can penetrate further inland than it ever did before .

  20. 因为跑步产生的热量稳步增加,而你的暖空气保护层以较低的速度迅速消失,

    Because the heat generated by running has a steady increase , while your protective layer of warm air goes away quickly at low speeds ,

  21. 雨滴可能先穿过暖空气层往下落,然后又接触到一团冷空气,于是每个雨滴都冻结成冰珠。

    The rain drops may start downward through a layer of warm air and then strike a mass of cold air , where each raindrop freezes .

  22. 伦敦烟雾是伴着大范围冷空气席卷整座城市,并将暖空气隔断在上层的。

    London 's Great Smog rolled into city 's streets on a mass of cold air , and remained , trapped by a layer of warmer air above .

  23. 为了节省时间,可采用在低温下供应大量暖空气的承包商适用的烧嘴(通常是丙烷烧嘴)。

    To save time a contractor 's fit for purpose burner ( usually a propane burner ) supplying large amounts of warm air at low temperature can be used .

  24. 横槽切变线,高层冷空气,低层暖空气,地面剧烈增温,都有利于促进对流不稳定;

    Transversal trough , shear line , high-altitude cold air , low-altitude warm air , and severe warming on the ground surface were conducive to the promotion of convective instability .

  25. 电台播音员:明天暖空气将流出,冷空气流入,带来多风气候,可能会出现暴雨。

    Radio Announcer : Tomorrow , this warm front will move out and a cold front will move in , bringing with it windy conditions with a chance of thunderstorms .

  26. 被韩国称做「东海」的日本海,温度上升了摄氏一点六度,大部份是欧亚大陆的暖空气所造成。

    A rise of1.6 degrees Celsius was posted in the Sea of Japan , which Koreans call the East Sea , due largely to warming air over the Eurasian continent .

  27. 那时候,南极洲连着南美洲,也就是说,从北方来的暖空气可以一直流向南方,加热南极洲水域。

    Um ... at that time , Antarctica was connected to South America , which means that warm air from the north could flow southward and heat up the Antarctica waters .

  28. 这里春天和夏天的时候,暖空气会从墨西哥湾上升,然后与来自加拿大的冷空气相撞。交汇处会产生强烈的雷暴,也称超级单体。

    Here , warm air flows up from the Gulf of Mexico in the spring and summer and crashes into cold air pushing down from Canada . The meeting produces violent thunderstorms called supercells .

  29. 正如一位流浪者在沙漠中可以体验海市蜃楼,当光从遥远的物体,执意由暖空气徘徊以上的沙子,我们还可以看到海市蜃楼在宇宙中。

    Just as a wanderer in the desert can experience mirages , when light from remote objects is bent by the warm air hovering just above the sand , we may also see mirages in the Universe .

  30. 经研究发现,10hPa爆发性增温过程是暖空气由亚非中低纬向高纬和北极区内水平输送的结果。10hPa双极环流下特定辐散流场是引起暖平流输送加强、气温突升的热力学过程。

    The study shows that the sudden warming at 10 hPa is a result of the horizontal transfer of the warm air from the lower latitude in Asia and Africa to the higher latitude and northern polar region .