
  • 网络FBBW;memory bandwidth
  1. 在显卡工作过程中,Z缓冲器、帧缓冲器和纹理缓冲器都会大幅占用显存带宽资源。

    The course of their work in graphics , Z buffer , frame buffer and texture buffer memory bandwidth will be substantially occupied resources .

  2. 同时算法中优化了纹理存储方式,节约了显存带宽,更适合多次偏置扫描模式的重建,算法运行速度比CPU上的运行速度快了两个数量级。

    The numerical experiment results show that the speed is increased by more than 10 ~ 2 times . In addition , we optimize the storage of texture in the algorithm , which saves video memory bandwidth , and is more suitable for reconstruction of multi-scan mode .

  3. 对于移动设备而言,必须对法线纹理图进行压缩以节省宝贵显存空间和带宽资源。本文利用法线纹理图的特性,提出一种混合自适应纹理压缩算法。

    However , GPU may compress these normal map textures to save the valuable video memory and limited bandwidth just as the common texture compression technology does .